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Refactored AddressFieldLookupInterface to merge the setLookupTerm, lookup and getLookupResult functions. Now one function, taking the search term and returns results.

Refactored addressfield_lookup_get_addresses to work with the new interface.

Refactored the postcode anywhere integration to work with the new interface

Removed the hook_addressfield_lookup_get_service_object hook. Replaced with new 'object factory' key required by hook_addressfield_lookup_service_info.

Updated addressfield_lookup_get_default_service, addressfield_lookup_get_addresses and addressfield_lookup_get_address_details functions to work with the new 'object factory'.

Updated addressfield_lookup_services_test_default_service to accommodate for the possibility that addressfield_lookup_get_default_service returns FALSE.

Updated addressfield_lookup_postcodeanywhere sub-module to work with the new API changes.

Tweaked documentation on addressfield_lookup_example_create factory function.

Added new helper function for getting an instantiated service object.

Removed directory factory function calls from addressfield_lookup_get_addresses and addressfield_lookup_get_address_details.

Fixed potential issue where an invalid service would attempt to be used for format updates

Refactored error logging to only log errors when absolutely necessary.

Removed $show_errors parameter from addressfield_lookup_get_addresses() and addressfield_lookup_get_address_details().

Added hook_requirements to indicate if the default service is not available or not working.

Refactored the postcode anywhere service. Reduced indentation by returning early on failures etc

Refactored core module functions with early returns for failure and cache hits