- Jan 09, 2025
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3128453 by mpp, alfattal, maacl, fernly: 'create url aliases' permission should not be required
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3424908 by grimreaper, himanshu_jhaloya, arunkumark, dark05, bmarcotte, ludo.r, darren.fisher: Impossible to add a yoast_seo field
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3045386 by ruslan piskarov, manojithape: Module Description: add dot to the end of the sentence
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3404287 by idebr, c_archer, victonator: Exclude analytics_core from JS preprocessing to reduce PHP memory footprint when using JavaScript aggregation
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3394487 by arunkumark, mikkmiggur, lendude, dharmendraqed42, steven buteneers, eduardo morales alberti, johan den hollander, tim-diels, fernly, grimreaper, watergate: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'remove' on 'DOMTokenList'
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3418620 by bramdriesen, drumanuel, carma03: Metatags depending on URL cause errors for unsaved entities after updating to Drupal 10.1.4
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3459444 by sourojeetpaul, kristen pol, thejimbirch: Project Browser: Create a logo for Real-time SEO for Drupal
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3008802 by anybody, knyshuk.vova, lrwebks, the_turk, flefle, nixou, kingdutch, redeight, willibautista, socialnicheguru, lorisbel, grevil, damienmckenna, omar_emailat: The page freezes while the Real-Time SEO module runs script
Alexander Varwijk authored
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3008802 by anybody, knyshuk.vova, lrwebks, the_turk, flefle, nixou, kingdutch, redeight, willibautista, socialnicheguru, lorisbel, grevil, damienmckenna, omar_emailat: Move SettingsController into SettingsForm
Alexander Varwijk authored
Alexander Varwijk authored
Fixes !24
Alexander Varwijk authored
- Aug 26, 2024
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3435792 by Project Update Bot, flyke, melnychukmy, orkut murat yılmaz, thejimbirch: Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for yoast_seo
- Sep 22, 2023
Issue #3075756 by stefan.korn, EnnoKirchhoff, BramDriesen, Kingdutch: Overall score indicator does not show color
- Jun 23, 2023
Luke Holmes authored
- Jun 16, 2023
Alexander Varwijk authored
This commit falls back to the default front-end theme by default, even if content is edited within the context of the admin theme. It also provides a per-form configuration to change this. While we're doing the plumbing for the theme we do a similar plumbing for the view mode which was an open todo. The default view mode is changed from `full` to `default` since that's the Drupal default view mode and `full` is not always available.
Alexander Varwijk authored
We can check our types and detect bugs this way. We fix some things from lower levels but put everything above level 6 in the baseline. This allows us to avoid changing large amounts of code but ensures new code is checkt at the highest level.
Alexander Varwijk authored
This uses an up-to-date install of drupal/coder to fix coding standards that were added. We also add a phpcs.xml configuration to make our lives easier.
Alexander Varwijk authored
It's very useful to be able to inspect the state of a failing scenario after the test has stopped. We already have tooling in our SetupContext that will perform a fresh set-up for every scenario so there's no reason for us to do post-test cleanup.
Alexander Varwijk authored
- Jun 03, 2023
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3204291 by MarcKwee, StryKaizer, batigolix, medwassim, BramDriesen: Call to undefined method Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term::getTitle() This replaces the getTitle call which is specific to nodes with `label`. Under the hood that is equivalent to calling `getTitle` for nodes but for Term's the entity system ensures it's equivalent to callling `getName`. By calling the `label` method we make use of the `EntityInterface` which we already know we have so we don't need to guess at methods using `method_exists`.
Alexander Varwijk authored
This reveals a bug which was file in #3204291 that Term's don't have a `getTitle` method but generate the page title in some other way.
Alexander Varwijk authored
This configures GitLab CI to run the Behat tests included in the module. Due to Drupal's project structure we do some composer and jq magic to get the module with its dev dependencies installed in a vanilla Drupal 10 set-up that we pull from Docker.
- Dec 23, 2022
Alexander Varwijk authored
This creates some tools for Behat so that we can create a node type in the `testing` Drupal profile and then test that the widget behaves as expected for a simple node. This test can be extended in the future to cover various reported bugs and integrations.
Alexander Varwijk authored
PHPUnit is not a great tool to write UI tests with. Drupal core has Nightwatch but that's also not a tool the project maintainer is familiar with. Behat is a tool the maintainer is familiar with and allows us to describe scenario's in human readable texts that can be discussed in issues. We add a Behat config that uses Chrome as well as some useful helpers to get debug output in case of test failures as well as a way to easily interface with Drupal. The dependencies needed to run these tests are not added in the module since some more infrastructure is needed. Instead those were added to the development environment at https://github.com/Kingdutch/rtseo_dev
- Dec 17, 2022
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3244677 by tikaszvince, gaurav-mathur, tim-diels, Kingdutch: Page not found after submitting an invalid form
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3270799 by eyilmaz, Binoli Lalani, Johan den Hollander, quicksketch: Building preview entity fails for some field types (i.e. core date field)
- Dec 16, 2022
- Feb 22, 2022
Serhii Semypiadnyi authored
- Dec 28, 2020
- Dec 22, 2020
Issue #2992284 by mpp, jefuri, fabianderijk, olivier.br, Anybody, j3ll3nl, robinwest, alexfarr, damontgomery, barthje: Paragraphs fields not updated on node saving
Alexander Varwijk authored
Issue #3110455 by Kingdutch, Znak, jibran, c_archer: Metatags depending on URL cause errors for unsaved entities after updating to Drupal 8.8.0
- Oct 06, 2020