fix: [#3467689] Event image is stretched on tablet/mobile
Issue [#3464675]: Add a break for a long email address in the Event Info block
Issue [#3464487]: Change the layout of the Event info block for a tablet screen
fix: [#3447193] Enable scheduler for Events
fix(seo): [#3444980] Fix event meta tags
Issue [#3436756]: Make the Event Dates fields optional.
fix: [#3432190]: Let links use WS color scheme.
Issue #3427414: An additional check is if the location field isn't empty.
fix: [#3409162] Handle exception if event date is empty
fix: Resolve typeError when event dates are empty
feat!: [#3409162] Update events with new designs and smart date support
feat: [#3406254]: Enable dependencies modules that not enabled by default
fix: Resolve [#3406254] "View.listing events depends on field blog description"