Varbase Scripts
Quick tip on how to use this script command file.
Default settings could be changed in scripts.settings.yml
Create new Vartheme sub theme for a project.
By Composer:
cd PROJECT_DIR_NAME/docroot/profiles/varbase
composer create-new-vartheme "THEME_NAME" "ltr" "sites/default/themes/custom"
By Bash:
cd PROJECT_DIR_NAME/docroot/profiles/varbase/scripts
bash ./ "THEME_NAME" "ltr" "sites/default/themes/custom"
For right to left themes.
By Composer:
cd PROJECT_DIR_NAME/docroot/profiles/varbase
composer create-new-vartheme "THEME_NAME" "rtl" "sites/default/themes/custom"
By Bash:
cd PROJECT_DIR_NAME/docroot/profiles/varbase/scripts
bash ./ "THEME_NAME" "rtl" "sites/default/themes/custom"
To create a new theme in the themes/custom
By Composer:
cd PROJECT_DIR_NAME/docroot/profiles/varbase
composer create-new-vartheme "THEME_NAME" "ltr"
By Bash:
cd PROJECT_DIR_NAME/docroot/profiles/varbase/scripts
bash ./ "THEME_NAME" "ltr"