* 18 - Feature: Module Requirements - Standard Entity Queue Management - Have the option to Reverse order in admin view.
* 19 - Feature: Module Requirements - Standard Entity Queue Management - Have Entityqueue tab inside the full content page and be able to Add to a queue or Remove from a queue
* 20 - Feature: Module Requirements - Standard Back-End Navigation - Navigate through the Drupal admin with the keyboard for faster access
* 21 - Feature: user requirements - Have persistent login options and configurations.
* 22 - Feature: User Management - Standard User Management - Admins can disable users
* 23 - Feature: User Management - Standard User Management - Users with permission to assign roles may select which roles are available for assignment.
* 24 - Feature: User Management - Standard User Management - Have fine-grained access control of user administrators protections with specific user, or all users in a role.
* 25 - Feature: Landing Pages - Add any paragraph types to the page.
* 26 - Feature: Content Structure Features - Landing Pages - Varbase text and image paragraphs.