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Feature: Landing (Layout Builder) Pages - Check to add sections and choose layouts for sections
As a logged in user with a permission to mange Landing (Layout Builder) pages
I want to be able to add sections with any layouts to the page
So that the "Landing (Layout Builder) page" will show up having the listed section with their content
@javascript @local @development @staging @production
Scenario: Check if a user with a permission to manage Landing page (Layout Builder) content type can add sections with any layouts to the page

Rajab Natshah
Given I am a logged in user with the "Site admin" user

Rajab Natshah
When I go to "/node/add/landing_page_lb"
And I wait
Then I should see "Create Landing page (Layout Builder)"
When I fill in "Full Width - No Background Color - Text only" for "Title"
And I fill in "Test Landing page (Layout Builder) description" for "Page description"

Rajab Natshah
And I select "published" from "edit-moderation-state-0-state"
And I press the "Save" button
And I wait
Then I should see "Landing page (Layout Builder) Full Width - No Background Color - Text only has been created"

Rajab Natshah
And I should see "This layout builder tool allows you to configure the layout of the main content area."

Rajab Natshah
When I scroll to the bottom of the page
And I wait 1s
Then I should see "Add section at end of layout"
When I click "Add section at end of layout"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should see "Choose a layout for this section"
And I should see "Bootstrap 1 Col"
And I should see "Bootstrap 2 Cols"
And I should see "Bootstrap 3 Cols"
And I should see "Bootstrap 4 Cols"
And I should see "Bootstrap 6 Cols"