SVG image field
- Introduction
- Requirements
- Installation
- Configuration
- Author
- Similar projects and how they are different
Standard image field in Drupal 8 doesn't support SVG images. If you really want to display SVG images on your website then you need another solution. This module adds a new field, widget and formatter, which allows svg file extension to be uploaded. Module based on core image and file modules and contrib svg_formatter. In formatter settings you can set default image size and enable alt and title attributes.
- Install module as usual via Drupal UI, Drush or Composer.
- Go to "Extend" and enable the SVG image field module.
Basic Field Configuration
- Add "Svg Image" field to your content type or taxonomy vocabulary.
- Go to the 'Manage display' => formatter settings and set image dimensions if you want and enable or disable attributes.
Media Entity Configuration (Requires Drupal >=8.7)
To skip the steps below, you can install the SVG Image Field Media Bundle to import the configuration and have it set up for you, including the media bundle and Acquia Site Studio components (if the requirements are installed).
Enable Media and Media Library modules from Drupal core.
Go to /admin/structure/media and click the "Add Media Type" button.
For the Media Type Name, specify "SVG".
For the Media source, select SVG from the dropdown.
In the field mappings map Name to Name (the only option in the dropdown).
Click save. Then proceed to 'Manage form display' and 'Manage display' to configure the Default and Media Library view modes at:
- /admin/structure/media/manage/svg/form-display
- /admin/structure/media/manage/svg/display
You'll most likely want to just enable the "SVG" field, and disable the rest of the fields. Optionally, you may wish to choose the "inline SVG" option for the default display.
Add a Media reference (Entity reference) field to your node type(s) and configure it to allow the SVG bundle type.
Optionally, you may enable other bundle types as well such as the standard Image media type if you want to allow both images and SVGs in the same slot.
Go create a node, and click the "Add media" link. Notice that the Media Library loads with a vertical tab for each kind of media type bundle you enabled in step 7 on your node configuration screen.
If using Acquia Site Studio, go to Site Studio > Sync packages > Import packages in the admin menu, and import the svg-components.package.yml file which can be found within the config/dx8 directory, inside the SVG Image Field Media Bundle submodule.
Limitations of module svg_formatter
- There is no way to set custom alt on image because it uses file field. File field does not support alt on db level.
- User must add svg extension at file field settings and select field formatter its not intuitive for user.
- If user uploads non svg file it will break output.
- if user uploads png and selects inline output at formatter settings it will break output
- It not have preview image on file upload.
- There is less ways what we can do with this all without breaking existing installations
Module svg_image_field does not have this weakness. You simply click add field, set field type to "Svg Image" and its done. As for me there is much less ways to shoot yourself in the leg with svg_image_field:)
[//]: # cSpell:disable [//]: # Do not add maintainers to cspell-project-words file
- Martin Anderson-Clutz (mandclu) -
- James Wilson (jwilson3) -
- Anton (shmel210) -