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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Mar 20, 2020
  2. Mar 19, 2020
  3. Mar 18, 2020
  4. Mar 17, 2020
  5. Mar 16, 2020
    • Alexander Varwijk's avatar
      Issue #3111959 by chmez, Kingdutch, Ronaldtebrake, ribel: As a CM I want to... · 099622d9
      Alexander Varwijk authored and Alexander Varwijk's avatar Alexander Varwijk committed
      Issue #3111959 by chmez, Kingdutch, Ronaldtebrake, ribel: As a CM I want to customise filtering options in the custom content block (#1714)
      * Implement dependency between fields
      * Create a new plugin type for implementing dependencies between fields and add the first instance for topics
      * Replace form fields for selecting a content type and filtering field by database fields
      * Move filtering query to a method of new plugin type
      * Add field to plugin definition for entity type ID
      * Use the main theme instead of the admin theme for pages for creating and editing block
      * Replace the bundle label field of plugin definition by the bundle ID field
      * Add configuration of new fields to already enabled the module
      * Fill in fields for plugin ID and plugin fields in existing blocks
      * Restore the previous position of the database service between injected services to the builder service
      * Issue #3111959 by chmez: Use entity base table instead of entity data table as the main table of the filtering query for has access to fields for sorting
      * Issue #3111959 by chmez: Read a configuration from the code of update hook instead of reading configuration from YAML-files
      * Update only blocks with an empty field for plugin ID
      * Update a few blocks during on iteration of the update hook
      * Add deleted phrases to the translations.php file
      * Add comments to some parts of the code
      * Rename topics variable to entities for the social-content-block template
      * Apply default theming for the form actions section
      * Fix bugs and fix dashboard usage of content list block
      The block wouldn't render on layout builder pages because the correct
      hook was not implemented.
      Additionally, implementing that hook exposed some bugs. When no fields
      were selected, the `empty` value of the field selector would not
      actually be empty but would be interpreted as a special field. This is
      fixed by checking for that field name, although this will break if a
      field named `all` is every added. So it's probably better to just make
      the field be actually empty.
      Additionally a query alter would fail if there were no filters selected
      because it attempted to do a join with an `IN` clause without and
      values. This is not allowed in a SQL database.
      * Delete empty fields before sending them to the plugin
      * Add checking group content type
      * Leave empty the field of the selected filter when all filters have been selected
      * Add template file for content list block
      This removes a custom template file for the content list block and
      replaces it by a normal block template file.
      It also begins the theming of the new small teaser look and feel for
      * Change text-muted color to #555
      The text muted color of #777 often doesn't pass WCAG standards.
      Darkening it slightly fixes this.
      * Add content list block and small teaser styling
      This changes the output of the small teaser and the content list block
      for the new styles. The image is added as an element to be displayed.
      This still requires a configuration update.
      * Update view mode for new small teaser style.
      This adds the update hooks and configuration changes for the layout
      changes made to the Small Teaser style for all group types and
      topic/event node types.
      It relies on the Update Helper module to apply these changes. This
      module will be added in another PR. Update hook dependencies will need
      to be set to make that work.
      * Add filter-fields on the create/edit block page automatically from the plugin definition
      * Change position description field
      * Add checking if the plugin management service exists before call it in the override service
      * Improve update-files for completely hiding fields on the entity pages
      * Add checking if the content of the block already exists
      * Fix social_event CUD names
      The names of the files was accidentally changed during a commit clean-up
      but these should match the update hook name that they're executed in by
      * Fix dependency on update helper update hook
      Social Event update hook 8802 uses the update helper module but this is
      not enabled until social_core_update_8805 so depending on
      social_core_update_8802 could cause issues.
      * Fix update-files for completely hiding fields on the entity pages
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRoman Salo <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Varwijk <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSerhii Myronets <>
    • Derek Laventure's avatar
      Issue #3118746 by spiderman, 7thkey, ronaldtebrake, mparker17: When you sign... · c2baa021
      Derek Laventure authored
      Issue #3118746 by spiderman, 7thkey, ronaldtebrake, mparker17: When you sign up with a new account: Error: Route "entity.profile.type.user_profile_form" does not exist
    • ronaldtebrake's avatar
      Issue #3118746 by ronaldtebrake: see changerecord on profile update, routes... · 856ae928
      ronaldtebrake authored
      Issue #3118746 by ronaldtebrake: see changerecord on profile update, routes were updated but not all were touched see 3090422
    • Alexander Varwijk's avatar
      Fix compatibility with Mink 1.8.0 (#1764) · c1221a34
      Alexander Varwijk authored and Alexander Varwijk's avatar Alexander Varwijk committed
      Mink 1.8.0 no longer automatically starts a session when `getSession` is
      called. This breaks some `beforeScenario` steps that rely on the
      sessions (for example, testing JS support or resizing the window).
      This commit simply checks whether the session is started before calling
      any methods on the session, starting it if needed. This is only done in
      `beforeScenario` calls that actually use the session.
      For `FeatureContext` the beforeScenario calls are merged because I'm
      unsure whether we can rely on call order.
      Change in Mink:
  6. Mar 11, 2020
  7. Mar 10, 2020
  8. Mar 06, 2020
  9. Mar 05, 2020
  10. Mar 03, 2020
  11. Mar 02, 2020
  12. Mar 01, 2020
  13. Feb 28, 2020