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Commit 10d64410 authored by Mahmoud Zayed's avatar Mahmoud Zayed
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Issue #3226370 by mahmoud-zayed: Block with paragraphs does not clone correctly

parent 66075b81
No related merge requests found
......@@ -15,12 +15,11 @@ trait DeepCloningTrait {
* The allowed types for deep cloning.
* @return array
* Array of enitiy types ids.
* Array of entity types ids.
protected function getAllowedTypes() {
return [
......@@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ trait DeepCloningTrait {
* Clone entity refernced entites.
* Clone entity referenced entities.
* @param object $entity
* The entity we like duplicate its ReferencedEntities.
......@@ -134,14 +133,22 @@ trait DeepCloningTrait {
$entity_fields = $entity->getFields();
foreach ($entity_fields as $field_key => $entity_field) {
$value = $entity_field->getValue();
// Handle Paragraph as special case as it does not support
// referencedEntities(), check issue #3089724, also it uses revsion id.
$this->cloneReferencedParagraphsEntities($field_key, $entity_field, $entity);
// The general rule for any entity.
if ($entity_field->getName() != 'type' && isset($value[0]['target_id'])) {
$target_entity = $entity_field->getDataDefinition()->getTargetEntityTypeId();
if (in_array($target_entity, $this->getAllowedTypes())) {
// Create a duplicate entity reference and replace
// the current target ids with the new entites.
$new_referenced_target_ids = [];
foreach ($entity_field->referencedEntities() as $entity_reference) {
$referenced_entities = $entity_field->referencedEntities();
// Create a duplicate entity reference and replace
// the current target ids with the new entites.
$new_referenced_target_ids = [];
if (
in_array($target_entity, $this->getAllowedTypes())
&& (!$entity_field->getSetting('target_type')
|| $entity_field->getSetting('target_type') != 'paragraph')) {
foreach ($referenced_entities as $entity_reference) {
// Skip any items not included in getAllowedTypes method.
// such as User, Media, Taxonomy term, Node...etc.
if (!in_array($entity_reference->getEntityTypeId(), $this->getAllowedTypes())) {
......@@ -155,9 +162,56 @@ trait DeepCloningTrait {
// Recursive call.
if (!empty($new_referenced_target_ids)) {
$entity->set($field_key, $new_referenced_target_ids);
* Clone paragraphs referenced entities.
* @param string $field_key
* The field machine name.
* @param object $entity_field
* The field object.
* @param object $entity
* The original entity object.
protected function cloneReferencedParagraphsEntities($field_key, $entity_field, &$entity) {
$value = $entity_field->getValue();
$new_value = [];
// Paragraphs Classic, EXPERIMENTAL and IEF - simple form mode structure.
if (isset($value[0]['entity'])) {
foreach ($value as $key => $item) {
if ($item['entity']) {
$new_paragraph_entity = $item['entity']->createDuplicate();
$new_value[$key]['entity'] = $new_paragraph_entity;
// IEF - complex form mode structure.
elseif (
$entity_field->getName() != 'type'
&& isset($value[0]['target_id'])
&& $entity_field->getSetting('target_type') == 'paragraph'
) {
foreach ($value as $key => $item) {
$paragraph = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('paragraph')->load($value[$key]['target_id']);
$new_paragraph = $paragraph->createDuplicate();
// It's important to save the entity in the IEF - complex case.
$new_value[$key]['target_id'] = $new_paragraph->id();
$new_value[$key]['target_revision_id'] = $new_paragraph->getRevisionId();
if (!empty($new_value)) {
$entity->set($field_key, $new_value);
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class SectionLibraryTemplateListBuilder extends EntityListBuilder {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity) {
/* @var \Drupal\section_library\Entity\SectionLibraryTemplate $entity */
/** @var \Drupal\section_library\Entity\SectionLibraryTemplate $entity */
$row['id'] = $entity->id();
$row['name'] = Link::createFromRoute(
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