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Commit 000f6dc4 authored by Andy Kirkham's avatar Andy Kirkham
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Use Core Actions to do the publish/unpublishing

parent 17f4e8af
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Tags 8.x-2.0-alpha4
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name = Scheduler
description = This module allows nodes to be published and unpublished on specified dates.
core = 6.x
\ No newline at end of file
core = 6.x
......@@ -249,6 +249,12 @@ function scheduler_cron() {
$n->created = $node->utc_publish_on;
// Use the actions system to publish the node.
watchdog('scheduler', '@type: scheduled publishing of %title.', array('@type' => $n->type, '%title' => $n->title), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('view'), 'node/'. $n->nid));
$actions = array('node_publish_action', 'node_save_action');
$context['node'] = $n;
actions_do($actions, $n, $context, NULL, NULL);
// if this node is not to be unpublished, then we can delete the record
if (isset($n->unpublish_on) && $n->unpublish_on == 0) {
db_query('DELETE FROM {scheduler} WHERE nid = %d', $n->nid);
......@@ -261,7 +267,6 @@ function scheduler_cron() {
// invoke scheduler API
_scheduler_scheduler_api($n, 'publish');
watchdog('content', '@type: scheduled publishing of %title.', array('@type' => $n->type, '%title' => $n->title), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('view'), 'node/'. $n->nid));
$clear_cache = TRUE;
......@@ -272,16 +277,17 @@ function scheduler_cron() {
// if this node is to be unpublished, we can update the node and remove the record since it can't be republished
$n = node_load($node->nid);
$n->changed = $node->utc_publish_on;
$n = node_submit($n);
$n->status = 0;
// Use the actions system to unpublish the node.
watchdog('scheduler', '@type: scheduled unpublishing of %title.', array('@type' => $n->type, '%title' => $n->title), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('view'), 'node/'. $n->nid));
$actions = array('node_unpublish_action', 'node_save_action');
$context['node'] = $n;
actions_do($actions, $n, $context, NULL, NULL);
db_query('DELETE FROM {scheduler} WHERE nid = %d', $n->nid);
// invoke scheduler API
_scheduler_scheduler_api($n, 'unpublish');
watchdog('content', '@type: scheduled unpublishing of %title.', array('@type' => $n->type, '%title' => $n->title), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('view'), 'node/'. $n->nid));
$clear_cache = TRUE;
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