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# Rivet Design System theme for Drupal

The Rivet theme for Drupal is an implementation and adaptation of the
[Rivet Design System][] from Indiana University.

[Rivet Design System]:

## Requirements

This module requires the [Layout Builder][] module from Drupal core to be enabled.

[Layout Builder]:

## Installation

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal theme. For further
information, see [Installing Drupal Themes][].

[Installing Drupal Themes]:

## Configuration

1.  To test the theme, you may visit `/admin/appearance` and select
    "Enable and set as default".

1.  Alternatively, you may wish to create a sub-theme for your project by
    creating a theme and setting `base theme: rivet` in your sub-theme's
    info.yml file.

## Updating

The Rivet Base Theme was created for Drupal 10 using the new starterkit theme
generation. The theme will be maintained up-to-date with Drupal core's
`starterkit_theme` theme according to the documentation for
[Tracking upstream changes][].

[Tracking upstream changes]:

### Subtheme Generation

The recommended approach to using Rivet on any Drupal site is to create a subtheme.

Use the following command:

    php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme --name "Rivet Subtheme" --path themes/custom --starterkit rivet rivet_subtheme

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* James Wilson - [jwilson3](