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Commit 1c259ce2 authored by falcon's avatar falcon
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#635580 reported by neorg: Making feedback after each question work...(not finished yet)

parent 91d6f6e2
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......@@ -303,7 +303,11 @@ class ShortAnswerResponse extends AbstractQuizQuestionResponse {
else {
$this->answer = $answer;
if (is_array($answer)) {
$this->answer = $answer['answer'];
} else {
$this->answer = $answer;
......@@ -1173,34 +1173,33 @@ function quiz_take_quiz($quiz) {
if (!isset($_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['result_id']))
$_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['result_id'] = quiz_create_rid($quiz);
// Previous quiz questions: Questions that have been asked already. We save a record of all of them
// so that a user can navigate backward all the way to the beginning of the quiz.
$_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['previous_quiz_questions'][] = $_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['quiz_questions'][0];
$former_question_array = array_shift($_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['quiz_questions']);
$former_question = node_load(array('nid' => $former_question_array['nid']));
// Call hook_evaluate_question().
$types = _quiz_get_question_types();
$module = $types[$former_question->type]['module'];
$result = module_invoke($module, 'evaluate_question', $former_question, $_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['result_id']);
$q_passed_validation = $result->is_valid;
quiz_store_question_result($result, array('set_msg' => TRUE));
// Stash feedback in the session, since the $_POST gets cleared.
if ($quiz->feedback_time == QUIZ_FEEDBACK_QUESTION) {
// Invoke hook_get_report().
//$report = module_invoke($former_question->type, 'get_report', $former_question_array['nid'], $former_question_array['vid'], $_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['result_id']);
$report = module_invoke($module, 'get_report', $former_question_array['nid'], $former_question_array['vid'], $_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['result_id']);
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'quiz');
require_once($path .'/');
$_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['feedback'] = rawurlencode(drupal_get_form('quiz_report_form',array($report)));
// If anonymous user, refresh url with unique hash to prevent caching.
if (!$user->uid) {
//drupal_goto('node/'. $quiz->nid .'/quiz/start/'. md5(mt_rand() . time())); #460550
drupal_goto('node/' . $quiz->nid, array('quizkey' => md5(mt_rand() . time())));
// Previous quiz questions: Questions that have been asked already. We save a record of all of them
// so that a user can navigate backward all the way to the beginning of the quiz.
$_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['previous_quiz_questions'][] = $_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['quiz_questions'][0];
$former_question_array = array_shift($_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['quiz_questions']);
$former_question = node_load(array('nid' => $former_question_array['nid']));
// Call hook_evaluate_question().
$types = _quiz_get_question_types();
$module = $types[$former_question->type]['module'];
$result = module_invoke($module, 'evaluate_question', $former_question, $_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['result_id']);
$q_passed_validation = $result->is_valid;
quiz_store_question_result($result, array('set_msg' => TRUE));
// Stash feedback in the session, since the $_POST gets cleared.
if ($quiz->feedback_time == QUIZ_FEEDBACK_QUESTION) {
// Invoke hook_get_report().
//$report = module_invoke($former_question->type, 'get_report', $former_question_array['nid'], $former_question_array['vid'], $_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['result_id']);
$report = module_invoke($module, 'get_report', $former_question_array['nid'], $former_question_array['vid'], $_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['result_id']);
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'quiz');
require_once($path .'/');
$_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['feedback'] = rawurlencode(drupal_get_form('quiz_report_form',array($report)));
// If anonymous user, refresh url with unique hash to prevent caching.
if (!$user->uid) {
//drupal_goto('node/'. $quiz->nid .'/quiz/start/'. md5(mt_rand() . time())); #460550
drupal_goto('node/' . $quiz->nid, array('quizkey' => md5(mt_rand() . time())));
// Check for a skip.
elseif ($_POST['op'] == t('Skip') && $allow_skipping) {
......@@ -1225,12 +1224,6 @@ function quiz_take_quiz($quiz) {
// The content array:
//$content['body'] = array();
// If we had feedback from the last question.
if (isset($_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['feedback']) && $quiz->feedback_time == QUIZ_FEEDBACK_QUESTION) {
$content['body']['feedback']['#value'] = rawurldecode($_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['feedback']);
//$output .= rawurldecode($_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['feedback']);
// If this quiz is in progress, load the next questions and return it via the theme.
if (!empty($_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['quiz_questions']) || is_string($q_passed_validation)) {
if (!is_string($q_passed_validation)) {
......@@ -1302,6 +1295,11 @@ function quiz_take_quiz($quiz) {
// quiz_node_view() function, which performs the steps in node_view(), but in a way more
// specific to our needs.
$content['body']['#value'] = quiz_node_view($question_node, $quiz);
// If we had feedback from the last question.
if (isset($_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['feedback']) && $quiz->feedback_time == QUIZ_FEEDBACK_QUESTION) {
$content['body']['feedback']['#value'] = rawurldecode($_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['feedback']);
//$output .= rawurldecode($_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['feedback']);
unset($_SESSION['quiz_'. $quiz->nid]['feedback']);
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