Setup on Acquia Cloud IDE
- Create your IDE and log in to it:
acli ide:create --label="Project Browser"
- Suggest that you select "File => Open Workspace" and select
so you can view both theproject-browser
directories in the same workspace. - Run:
# Download all code. cd /home/ide git clone cd project composer create-project acquia/drupal-minimal-project . composer config repositories.project-browser '{"type": "path", "url": "'../project-browser'", "options": {"symlink": true}}' composer require grasmash/drupal-project-browser drush si -y # Enable the module. drush en project_browser claro -y drush cset system.theme admin claro drush uli # visit /admin/modules/browse # visit /drupal-org-proxy/project to see all projects # visit /drupal-org-proxy/project/ctools to see ctools project
- Authenticate the IDE with GitHub:
gh auth login
- Fork
gh repo fork grasmash/project-browser
- Add your fork to the cloned repo in the IDE:
cd /home/ide/project-browser git remote add [your-fork-name] [your-fork-url] git checkout master git branch --set-upstream-to [my-fork-name] master
- Install Svelte dependencies and start a "watch" process~
cd sveltejs npm install npm run dev
- Disable Drupal's various caching mechanisms:
# Disable caching for development. chmod 755 docroot/sites/default chmod 755 docroot/sites/default/settings.php cp docroot/sites/example.settings.local.php docroot/sites/default/settings.local.php echo "if (file_exists(\$app_root . '/' . \$site_path . '/settings.local.php')) {" >> docroot/sites/default/settings.php echo " include \$app_root . '/' . \$site_path . '/settings.local.php';" >> docroot/sites/default/settings.php echo "}" >> docroot/sites/default/settings.php echo "\$settings['cache']['bins']['render'] = 'cache.backend.null';" >> docroot/sites/default/settings.local.php echo "\$settings['cache']['bins']['page'] = 'cache.backend.null';" >> docroot/sites/default/settings.local.php echo "\$settings['cache']['bins']['dynamic_page_cache'] = 'cache.backend.null';" >> docroot/sites/default/settings.local.php drush cset system.logging error_level verbose -y
- Make your changes and commit:
# Make sure you complile Svelte files into HTML, CSS, and JS. cd sveltejs && npm run build git add -A git commit -m "I did a thing" gh pr create
Changing the HTML, CSS, or JS files
cd sveltejs
npm dev
Why Svelte?
This module uses Svelte as a "frontend" framework. There are many reasons to choose Svelte, but the primary reason is that it does not require this module (or Drupal Core for that matter) to "ship" a frontend framework. Svelte is only used during the development process. Before "shipping," the Svelte code is compiled into "vanilla" HTML, CSS, and JS.
This avoids many of the security and deprecation issues that have historically arisen from shipping jQuery with Drupal. It also avoids many of the licensing, performance, and dependency concerns posed by possibility of using frameworks like React or Vue.
Issues to address:
Project Browser
- Add testing!
- Add a lightbox to view multiple project images as full screen carousel
- Fire event in DrupalOrgProxy allowing query to be modified before request to D.O.
- Fire event in DrupalOrgProxy allowing projects to be modified sending response.
- Move project to project_browser module namespace on
- Add a bunch of filters to the project browser as an advanced search option.
- Add a "curated" or "suggested" modules section on top of the full module list.
- Add date to release
Blocked by API:
- Filter by core compatibility
- Sort by stars
- Sort by usage
- Allow keyword search (not exact title)