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project / photoswipe
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Julian Pustkuchen authoredaf054d76
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DESCRIPTION =========== Javascript lightbox library offers very nice mobile browsing features (in particular swiping to the next picture)! INSTALLATION ============ 1. Download and install this module as usual. For more info visit 2. Install third party PhotoSwipe software: Download PhotoSwipe 4.x source from PhotoSwipe website (e.g. Unarchive it into your "libraries" directory (e.g. /libraries). You may need to create the "libraries" directory first. Rename it to "photoswipe" (lower case). NB: Relying on libraries module to locate 'photoswipe' folder allows you to place it in a site specific (e.g. sites/mysite/libraries) or default folder (e.g.sites/all/libraries). Site-specific versions are selected preferentially. 3. Enable the PhotoSwipe module. USAGE ===== 1. Multiple images in nodes After adding an image field to any content type (e.g. 'article'), you can select 'PhotoSwipe: Preset1 to Preset2' as a display mode in Structure >> Content types >> MyContentType in the tab 'Manage display'. All possible combinations of image styles are proposed. 2. Multiple images in Views To use photoswipe in views you must add a custom CSS class called 'photoswipe-gallery'. Add the CSS class to Advanced >> Other >> CSS class in the view settings (bottom right). 3. Single image in node To load a single image in node you must add data-size="widthxheight" (the exact size of the image) and the class="photoswipe" to display it properly. e.g. <a href="/images/test_img.png" class="photoswipe" data-size="640x400"> <img src="/images/test_img.png" alt="Test Image" /> </a> Doing this means that you should probably enable loading the library on all non admin pages in admin/config/media/photoswipe.