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Commit b6d141af authored by Colan Schwartz's avatar Colan Schwartz Committed by Adrian Cid Almaguer
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Issue #3079467 by colan, adriancid: Don't track the module changes in the CHANGELOG.txt

parent 5c5d70f8
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Tags 7.x-3.0-beta2
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Node Revision Delete 7.x-3.0-beta2, 2019-08-XX
Changes since 7.x-3.0-beta1:
- #3076703 by adriancid: Improve the
_node_revision_bulk_delete_get_previous_revisions method.
- #3076131 by adriancid: Add an option to delete the actual revision in the
prior delete revision drush command
- #3073007 by Robert Ngo, adriancid: Create a drush command to delete the prior
revisions of a node.
- #3075183 by adriancid: Add the Node module as a dependency.
- #3075150 by adriancid: Update the maintainers list.
- #3075077 by adriancid: Add an error message for the node revision generate
- #3075082 by adriancid: Redirect to the node view page only if the node
revision delete was successful.
- #3075080 by adriancid: Redirect to the node view page only if the node
revision delete was successful.
- #3075079 by adriancid: Put the helper functions in a separate file.
- #3075076 by adriancid: Put the batch functions for the node revision generate
module in a separate file.
- #3075066 by adriancid: Add the docblock for the batch functions.
- #3074570 by Robert Ngo, adriancid:
_node_revision_delete_get_previous_revisions is returning results including
current revision.
- #3073010 by adriancid: Update the module help with the new features coming
from the node_revision_bulk_delete module.
- #3072997 by adriancid: Update the README.txt with the new features coming from
the node_revision_bulk_delete module.
- #3072974 by Robert Ngo, adriancid: Add batch operation function for node
revisions bulk delete.
- #3072968 by Robert Ngo, adriancid: Add form submit handler for bulk delete
node revisions.
- #3073697 by Robert Ngo, adriancid: Update table Revisions to delete with real
- #3073399 by Robert Ngo, adriancid: Function to get revisions prior to a
specific revision.
- #3073314 by adriancid: Fix coding standard issues.
- #3073304 by adriancid: Hide the title and revision date on mobile devices.
- #3072966 by Robert Ngo, adriancid: Add checkbox to delete all revisions of a
- #3058355 by slydevil, diosbelmezquia, adriancid: Add batch processing to
generate revisions.
- #3060013 by adriancid: Error validating the available content types in the
drush command ndr.
- #3059991 by adriancid: Improve the order in which the content types are shown.
- #3021607 by diosbelmezquia, slydevil, adriancid: Generate Revisions on submit
- #3021535 by diosbelmezquia, slydevil, adriancid: Get all nodes types to show
in the generate revisions form.
- #3021531 by diosbelmezquia, slydevil, adriancid: Create basic structure of the
generate revisions form.
- #2905912 by kalabro, slydevil, adriancid, mmjvb: Allow to alter node
- #3013529 by nicksanta, adriancid: Duplicate drush command
help nrd-when-to-delete-time.
- #3056749 by adriancid: Show a message if the drush command nrd-le is called
and the removal of revisions has never been executed.
- #3022083 by adriancid, diosbelmezquia: Create the README.txt file for the node
revision generate module.
- #3021493 by diosbelmezquia, adriancid, riddhi.addweb: Create the help page for
the node_revision_generate module.
- #3021324 by diosbelmezquia, adriancid: Create a permission to allow the
generation of revisions
- #3021317 by diosbelmezquia, adriancid: Create the
- #3014350 by adriancid: Add the project sponsors to the README.txt file.
- #3014346 by adriancid: Format the sql queries.
- #2973910 by generalredneck, adriancid: Simplify the logic for the
node_revision_delete_time variable.
- #2969336 by adriancid: Fix the module version in the CHANGELOG.txt.
- #2948493 by adriancid: The module version in the CHANGELOG.txt file is
not correct.
- #2942235 by adriancid: If the content type is not configured to delete node
revisions show the candidates nodes as untracked.
- #2941747 by adriancid: Put the internal utility functions in another file.
- #2936290 by artematem, adriancid: Add an option to delete revisions every
- #2941377 by adriancid: Unnecesary variables are created once you create a new
content type.
- #2941136 by adriancid: Content type configuration is only deleted if you use
the content type delete form.
- #2925354 by adriancid: Remove the functionalities that allows to see the drush
commands in the module help page.
- #2924043 by helmo, adriancid: t() function is called with an invalid third
- #2911541 by dmitryl, adriancid: Too few arguments for node-revision-delete
drush command.
- #2913281 by adriancid: Set a size and maxlength for integer form elements.
- #2913006 by adriancid: Define how many revisions you want to delete per cron
run with a number form element.
- #2908345 by adriancid: Change the permission name in the module help page.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-3.0-beta1, 2017-08-10
Changes since 7.x-3.0-alpha2:
- #2892807 by MustangGB, adriancid, Murz, Andreas Radloff, RaulMuroc, kiwimind:
Use the minimum_age_to_delete and when_to_delete variables to delete
- #2900979 by adriancid: Untranslated strings.
- #2900518 by adriancid: Drush command to configure time options for the minimum
age to delete revisions.
- #2899740 by adriancid: Drush command to configure time options to know when
the revision should be deleted.
- #2899066 by adriancid: Drush command to configure frequency with which to
delete revisions while cron is running
- #2899085 by adriancid: Update the module help.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-3.0-alpha2, 2017-07-17
Changes since 7.x-3.0-alpha1:
- #2895498 by adriancid: Drush command to get the last time that the node
revision delete was made.
- #2892441 by adriancid: Change the drush error codes.
- #2888840 by kbasarab, adriancid: Cron fails with no content types returned.
- #2888614 by adriancid: Use the node_revision_delete_cron variable value to
delete the revisions.
- #2888613 by adriancid: Invalid validation once you try to untrack a content
- #2888577 by adriancid, Andreas Radloff: Add a dry-run option.
- #2888217 by gmaltoni, adriancid: Fix javascript coding standard format.
- #2888159 by adriancid: Drush command to get how many revisions will be deleted
per cron run.
- #2888145 by adriancid: Drush command to configure how many revisions delete
per cron run.
- #2846726 by proconnor15, adriancid: Add option to delete revisions every 2
years while cron runs.
- #2888124 by adriancid: Improve the recommended modules section.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-3.0-alpha1, 2017-06-20
Changes since 7.x-2.7:
- by adriancid: Change variables to the his new name.
- by adriancid: Manage the configuration for the 'when_to_delete' and
'minimun_age_to_delete' variables.
- by adriancid: Create a Confirm Form to delete the content type configuration.
- by adriancid: Added the operations dropbutton.
- by adriancid: Added time configurations to the module configuration page.
- by adriancid: Changed the module configuration page.
- by adriancid: Add the configuration options to the content type edit form.
- by adriancid: Update variables to the new format.
- by adriancid: Starting the port of the Drupal 8 module functionalities.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-2.7, 2017-05-25
Changes since 7.x-2.6:
- #2881507 by adriancid: Create an option group in the content type edit form.
- #2881502 by adriancid: Use dt() function to translate the drush command
- #2881467 by adriancid: Disable the 'Delete revisions now' option if there not
exists candidates nodes with revisions to delete.
- #2881321 by adriancid: Always show the status table in the admin settings
- #2881289 by adriancid: Put the admin form in the file.
- #2871238 by by applicity_sam, adriancid: Add the 'Limit the amount of
revisions for this content type' option in the Publishing option vertical tab.
- #2881168 by adriancid: Create the CHANGELOG.txt file.
- #2867883 by adriancid: Delete the custom variables related to content types if
they really exists.
- #2865907 by adriancid, dhwani.addweb: Use the README.txt template.
- #2869563 by adriancid: Once the content type is deleted the variables remains
in the database.
- #2333555 by kalabro: PostgreSQL PDOException in
- #2866086 by adriancid, krina.addweb: Fix code standard format.
- #2869206 by adriancid: Add a destination to the edit link in the module
configuration page.
- #2866092 by adriancid: Unused variable.
- #2869163 by adriancid, rodrigoac: Improve the table header in the
Node Revision Delete Administration Page.
- #2869096 by adriancid, rodrigoac: Improve the permission title and
- #2867877 by adriancid, rodrigoac: Delete the node_revision_delete_cron config
variable when the module is uninstalled.
- #2248657 by vbouchet: Implements hook_workbench_moderation_transition.
- #2257257 by jeremyclassic, vbouchet: List tracked content types at admin page.
- by juampy: Validate arguments at Drush command.
- by juampy: Remove unused option --show-deleted.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-2.6, 2014-09-01
Changes since 7.x-2.5:
- by juampy: Fix bug when reporting final results.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-2.5, 2014-09-01
Changes since 7.x-2.4:
- by juampy: Fixed admin menu title and description.
- #2291177 by vbouchet: Use core #element_validate instead of custom function.
- #2295945 by jeremyclassic, alvar0hurtad0: Fixed Storing unused values in batch
process causes poor performance and drush command crash.
- #2283549 by alvar0hurtad0, jeremyclassic: Make sure module meets coding
- #1891050 by hanoii, iMiksu, jeremyclassic, juampy: Integrate with Batch API.
- by juampy: Couple label improvements at the settings form.
- #2267561 by juampy: Improve reporting on Drush integration.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-2.4, 2014-05-14
Changes since 7.x-2.3:
- #2267477 by parashutiki, juampy: Error after upgrade.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-2.3, 2014-05-14
Changes since 7.x-2.2:
- General refactoring.
- #2257053 by jeremyclassic, Cayenne: Error on cron run when no content types
are tracked.
- #2257257 by jeremyclassic, aubjr_drupal, juampy: List tracked content types at
admin page.
- #2058777 by rovo89, jeremyclassic, juampy "Run Now Only" option actually
deletes revisions on every cron run.
- #2130691 by simone960, robv Do not require PHP 5.3.X.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-2.2, 2014-05-01
Changes since 7.x-2.1:
- by juampy: Simplify the logic to choose a list of revisions to delete.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-2.1, 2014-04-29
Changes since 7.x-2.0:
- by hexabinaer, juampy: Add permissions settings.
- by juampy: Fix database update numbering for 7.x-2.x.
- by juampy: Remove trailing whitespace and packaging script metadata.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-2.0, 2012-10-22
Changes since 7.x-1.2-unstable1:
- by juampy: Define revision limit per content type.
- by juampy: Create an upgrade path from 7.x-1.x to 7.x-2.x.
- #2244733 by juampy: Optimize the query that looks for candidate nodes.
- #2244763 by juampy: Add basic Drush support.
- #2244549 by juampy: Limit the amount of revisions to be deleted per cron run.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-1.2-unstable1, 2012-09-13
Changes since 7.x-1.1:
- by kaushalkishorejaiswal: The user can delete the revisions by time.
Node Revision Delete 7.x-1.1, 2012-09-13
Changes since 7.x-1.0:
- by kaushalkishorejaiswal: Change the name of variable to
Node Revision Delete 7.x-1.0, 2012-09-10
- Initial release.
* For a full list of fixes in the latest release, visit:
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