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Cyle Carlson's avatar
Cyle Carlson committed

Provides functionality for adding [IcoMoon]( icon packages to
Drupal and exposing them for use via CSS, HTML classes, and programmatically.
Visit <> and build an icon package. You can utilize either
**font** packages or **image** packages. Download the zip file provided by

Go to `/admin/structure/micon` and follow these steps:
1. Click the **Add Micon Package** button.
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2. Give your package a **Name**.<br>
  _**Note:** A class prefix is added automatically, but it is recommended to
  keep the class prefix as short as reasonably possible as it is used in both
  CSS files and within the icon markup. The shorter it is, the smaller your
  rendered code and dependencies will be._<br>
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Cyle Carlson committed

3. Place the IcoMoon zip file you previously downloaded into the file upload
4. Click **Save** and you are done.

Published packages are immediately available for use site-wide.

## Usage

### Via CSS and HTML

The Micon admin interface provides an overview of all icons along with
information on how to use them via CSS and raw HTML.
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### Use with twig syntax

{{ micon('fa-user') }}

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### Use within render array
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// Icon only.
$output['icon'] = array(
  '#theme' => 'micon_icon',
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// Icon with text.
$output['icon_with_text'] = array(
  '#theme' => 'micon',
  '#title' => t('Hello World'),
  '#icon' => 'fa-user',
  '#position' => 'after',
  '#icon_only' => FALSE,
### Use to attach icon to translatable text

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// Typical translatable text.
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// Translatable text with icon.
micon('Hello World')->setIcon('fa-user');

### Use translatable icon trait

use Drupal\micon\MiconIconizeTrait;
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class myClass {
    use MiconIconizeTrait;

    protected $title = 'Hello World';

    public function getTitleWithIcon() {
        return $this->micon($this->title)->setIcon('fa-user');

### Automatic icon replacement
Modules and themes can add a `NAME.micon.icons.yml` that can define text that
will be matched to icons.
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**Exact match**
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  text: hello world
  icon: fa-user
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**Regular expression match**
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  text: ^hello
  icon: fa-user

When icon definitions are defined this way, modules and themes can utilize any
of the above methods of icon placement _without_ having to specify an icon in
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Cyle Carlson committed

## Installing

The Micon module can be installed the same way typical Drupal modules are
installed. Below are a couple common examples of how to install with modern
conventions (i.e., `composer`, `drush`). There are no external dependencies
outside of Drupal core.
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### Install via Composer

Refer to Drupal's guide on [_Using composer to manage Drupal site dependencies_]( for more details but generally you can use the following as examples.

It's also important that you tell composer where your contributed modules,
themes, and profiles should be installed instead of the composer convention
of `vendor`.
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Cyle Carlson committed

> **Define the directories to which Drupal projects should be downloaded**
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Cyle Carlson committed

> By default, Composer will download all packages to the "vendor" directory.
  Clearly, this doesn't jive with Drupal modules, themes, profiles, and
> To ensure that packages are downloaded to the correct path, Drupal uses
  the composer/installers package. Just add the following to your composer.json
  to configure the directories for your Drupal site:
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Cyle Carlson committed

"extra": {
    "installer-paths": {
        "modules/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-module"],
        "modules/custom/{$name}": ["type:drupal-custom-module"],
        "profiles/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-profile"],
        "themes/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-theme"],
        "themes/custom/{$name}": ["type:drupal-custom-theme"]

#### Via

# configure composer to look up Drupal modules,
# themes, etc. from
$ composer config repositories.drupal composer

# Require the 'micon' project/package from
$ composer require drupal/micon

# OR specify a version of the module:
$ composer require drupal/micon:1.x-dev
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#### Via Github

Add the following to the respective `repositories` and `require` sections of
your `composer.json` file:
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Cyle Carlson committed

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""
    "require": {
        "jacerider/micon": "dev-8.x-1.x-dev"

### Install via drush

_**Note:** Composer is the preferred convention, but if you need to commit the
contributed module files to your repository then `drush` is a good alternative._
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# Download the module
$ drush dl micon

# enable the module
$ drush en micon