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# Traduction en français du module Markdown filter pour Drupal
# Copyright 2009 Jean-Philippe Fleury <>
# Generated from files:
# markdown.module,v 2008/06/02 15:46:45 goba
# n/a
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 1.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-02-23 18:26-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-02-23 20:00-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Jean-Philippe Fleury <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n>1);\n"
#: markdown.module:9
msgid "<p>The Markdown filter allows you to enter content using <a href=\"\">Markdown</a>, a simple plain-text syntax that is transformed into valid XHTML.</p>"
msgstr "<p>Le module Markdown filter permet d'écrire en utilisant la <a href=\"\">syntaxe Markdown</a>, un format texte simple qui est transformé en XHTML valide.</p>"
#: markdown.module:20;122
msgid "Markdown"
msgstr "Markdown"
#: markdown.module:22
msgid "Allows content to be submitted using Markdown, a simple plain-text syntax that is filtered into valid XHTML."
msgstr "Permet la soumission de contenu rédigé en Markdown, un format texte simple transformé en XHTML valide."
#: markdown.module:40;45
msgid "Markdown filter tips"
msgstr "Astuces de composition en Markdown"
#: markdown.module:57
msgid "Quick Tips:<ul>\n <li>Two or more spaces at a line's end = Line break</li>\n <li>Double returns = Paragraph</li>\n <li>*Single asterisks* or _single underscores_ = <em>Emphasis</em></li>\n <li>**Double** or __double__ = <strong>Strong</strong></li>\n <li>This is [a link]( \"The optional title text\")</li>\n </ul>For complete details on the Markdown syntax, see the <a href=\"\">Markdown documentation</a> and <a href=\"\">Markdown Extra documentation</a> for tables, footnotes, and more."
msgstr "Aide-mémoire:<ul>\n <li>Deux espaces ou plus à la fin d'une ligne = Saut de ligne</li>\n <li>Deux sauts de ligne = Paragraphe</li>\n <li>*Astérisques simples* ou _traits de soulignement simples_ = <em>Emphase</em></li>\n <li>**Astérisques doubles** ou __traits de soulignement doubles__ = <strong>Emphase forte</strong></li>\n <li>Ceci est [un lien]( \"Titre optionnel\")</li>\n </ul>Pour une aide détaillée sur la syntaxe Markdown, voir la <a href=\"\">documentation Markdown</a> ainsi que la <a href=\"\">documentation Markdown Extra</a> pour les tables, notes de bas de page et autres structurations."
#: markdown.module:66
msgid "You can use <a href=\"@filter_tips\">Markdown syntax</a> to format and style the text. Also see <a href=\"@markdown_extra\">Markdown Extra</a> for tables, footnotes, and more."
msgstr "Vous pouvez utiliser la <a href=\"@filter_tips\">syntaxe Markdown</a> pour mettre en forme le texte. Voir aussi <a href=\"@markdown_extra\">Markdown Extra</a> pour les tables, notes de bas de page et autres structurations."
#: markdown.module:76
msgid "\n## Header 2 ##\n### Header 3 ###\n#### Header 4 ####\n##### Header 5 #####\n(Hashes on right are optional)\n\nLink [Drupal](\n\nInline markup like _italics_,\n **bold**, and `code()`.\n\n> Blockquote. Like email replies\n>> And, they can be nested\n\n* Bullet lists are easy too\n- Another one\n+ Another one\n\n1. A numbered list\n2. Which is numbered\n3. With periods and a space\n\nAnd now some code:\n // Code is indented text\n is_easy() to_remember();"
msgstr "\n## Titre de niveau 2 ##\n### Titre de niveau 3 ###\n#### Titre de niveau 4 ####\n##### Titre de niveau 5 #####\n(Les dièses à la droite sont optionnels)\n\nLien [Drupal en français](\n\nÉléments de texte comme _l'italique_,\n **le gras**, et `du code()`.\n\n> Citation. Comme les réponses dans un courriel\n>> L'imbrication est permise\n\n* Les listes peuvent être formées à l'aide d'astérisques\n- À l'aide de traits d'union\n+ Également à l'aide de signes plus\n\n1. Une liste numérotée\n2. Qui est numérotée\n3. À l'aide d'un point et d'une espace\n\nVoici maintenant du code:\n // Le code est du texte indenté\n facile() de_se_souvenir();"
#: markdown.module:129
msgid "Versions"
msgstr "Versions"
#: markdown.module:0
msgid "markdown"
msgstr "markdown"
msgid "Markdown filter"
msgstr "Markdown filter"
msgid "Allows content to be submitted using Markdown, a simple plain-text syntax that is transformed into valid XHTML."
msgstr "Permet la soumission de contenu rédigé en Markdown, un format texte simple transformé en XHTML valide."
msgid "Input filters"
msgstr "Filtres en entrée"
# Japanese translation of Drupal (general)
# Generated from files:
# markdown.module,v 2008/06/02 15:46:45 goba
# n/a
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-01-23 20:41+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-01-23 20:41+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
#: markdown.module:9
msgid "<p>The Markdown filter allows you to enter content using <a href=\"\">Markdown</a>, a simple plain-text syntax that is transformed into valid XHTML.</p>"
msgstr "<p>Markdownフィルターは、<a href=\"\">Markdown</a>を使ったコンテンツの入力を可能にします。シンプルなプレインテキストの書式で、妥当なXHTMLに変換されます。</p>"
#: markdown.module:20;122
msgid "Markdown"
msgstr "Markdown"
#: markdown.module:22
msgid "Allows content to be submitted using Markdown, a simple plain-text syntax that is filtered into valid XHTML."
msgstr "Markdownを使ったコンテンツの投稿を可能にします。シンプルなプレインテキストの書式で、妥当なXHTMLに変換されます。"
#: markdown.module:40;45
msgid "Markdown filter tips"
msgstr "Markdownフィルタのtips"
#: markdown.module:57
msgid "Quick Tips:<ul>\n <li>Two or more spaces at a line's end = Line break</li>\n <li>Double returns = Paragraph</li>\n <li>*Single asterisks* or _single underscores_ = <em>Emphasis</em></li>\n <li>**Double** or __double__ = <strong>Strong</strong></li>\n <li>This is [a link]( \"The optional title text\")</li>\n </ul>For complete details on the Markdown syntax, see the <a href=\"\">Markdown documentation</a> and <a href=\"\">Markdown Extra documentation</a> for tables, footnotes, and more."
msgstr "クイックTips:<ul>\n <li>行末に2つ以上の半角スペース = 改行</li>\n <li>空行(改行2つ) = パラグラフ</li>\n <li>*アスタリスク1つ* もしくは _アンダースコア1つ_ = <em>強調(em)</em></li>\n <li>**2つ** or __2つ__ = <strong>強い強調(strong)</strong></li>\n <li>これは[リンク]( \"オプションでタイトルのテキスト\") です</li>\n </ul>Markdownシンタックスのより詳しい説明は、<a href=\"\">Markdownドキュメント</a>、およびテーブルや脚注などについては<a href=\"\">Markdown Extraドキュメント</a>を参照して下さい。"
#: markdown.module:66
msgid "You can use <a href=\"@filter_tips\">Markdown syntax</a> to format and style the text. Also see <a href=\"@markdown_extra\">Markdown Extra</a> for tables, footnotes, and more."
msgstr "テキストの書式およびスタイルに<a href=\"@filter_tips\">Markdownシンタックス</a>を使用できます。テーブル、脚注などについては<a href=\"@markdown_extra\">Markdown Extra</a>も参照して下さい。"
#: markdown.module:76
msgid "\n## Header 2 ##\n### Header 3 ###\n#### Header 4 ####\n##### Header 5 #####\n(Hashes on right are optional)\n\nLink [Drupal](\n\nInline markup like _italics_,\n **bold**, and `code()`.\n\n> Blockquote. Like email replies\n>> And, they can be nested\n\n* Bullet lists are easy too\n- Another one\n+ Another one\n\n1. A numbered list\n2. Which is numbered\n3. With periods and a space\n\nAnd now some code:\n // Code is indented text\n is_easy() to_remember();"
msgstr "\n## ヘッダ 2 ##\n### ヘッダ 3 ###\n#### ヘッダ 4 ####\n##### ヘッダ 5 #####\n(後ろのハッシュはオプション)\n\nリンク [Drupal](\n\nインラインマークアップ like _斜体_,\n **太字**, and `コード()`.\n\n> メールの返信のような引用。\n>> 引用はネストできます。\n\n* 丸リストも簡単です\n- 他の書き方\n+ さらに他の書き方\n\n1. 番号付きリスト\n2. 番号を付けて\n3. ピリオドとスペースを続けます\n\nそしてコードの表示:\n // コードのテキストはインデントします\n is_easy() to_remember();"
#: markdown.module:129
msgid "Versions"
msgstr "バージョン"
#: markdown.module:0
msgid "markdown"
msgstr "markdown"
msgid "Markdown filter"
msgstr "Markdownフィルタ"
msgid "Allows content to be submitted using Markdown, a simple plain-text syntax that is transformed into valid XHTML."
msgstr "Markdownを使ったコンテンツの投稿を可能にします。シンプルなプレインテキストの書式で、妥当なXHTMLに変換されます。"
msgid "Input filters"
msgstr "入力フィルタ"
# LANGUAGE translation of Drupal (general)
# Generated from files:
# markdown.module,v 2008/06/02 15:46:45 goba
# n/a
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-02-23 18:26-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM+ZZZZ\n"
"Last-Translator: NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
#: markdown.module:9
msgid "<p>The Markdown filter allows you to enter content using <a href=\"\">Markdown</a>, a simple plain-text syntax that is transformed into valid XHTML.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: markdown.module:20;122
msgid "Markdown"
msgstr ""
#: markdown.module:22
msgid "Allows content to be submitted using Markdown, a simple plain-text syntax that is filtered into valid XHTML."
msgstr ""
#: markdown.module:40;45
msgid "Markdown filter tips"
msgstr ""
#: markdown.module:57
msgid "Quick Tips:<ul>\n <li>Two or more spaces at a line's end = Line break</li>\n <li>Double returns = Paragraph</li>\n <li>*Single asterisks* or _single underscores_ = <em>Emphasis</em></li>\n <li>**Double** or __double__ = <strong>Strong</strong></li>\n <li>This is [a link]( \"The optional title text\")</li>\n </ul>For complete details on the Markdown syntax, see the <a href=\"\">Markdown documentation</a> and <a href=\"\">Markdown Extra documentation</a> for tables, footnotes, and more."
msgstr ""
#: markdown.module:66
msgid "You can use <a href=\"@filter_tips\">Markdown syntax</a> to format and style the text. Also see <a href=\"@markdown_extra\">Markdown Extra</a> for tables, footnotes, and more."
msgstr ""
#: markdown.module:76
msgid "\n## Header 2 ##\n### Header 3 ###\n#### Header 4 ####\n##### Header 5 #####\n(Hashes on right are optional)\n\nLink [Drupal](\n\nInline markup like _italics_,\n **bold**, and `code()`.\n\n> Blockquote. Like email replies\n>> And, they can be nested\n\n* Bullet lists are easy too\n- Another one\n+ Another one\n\n1. A numbered list\n2. Which is numbered\n3. With periods and a space\n\nAnd now some code:\n // Code is indented text\n is_easy() to_remember();"
msgstr ""
#: markdown.module:129
msgid "Versions"
msgstr ""
#: markdown.module:0
msgid "markdown"
msgstr ""
msgid "Markdown filter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Allows content to be submitted using Markdown, a simple plain-text syntax that is transformed into valid XHTML."
msgstr ""
msgid "Input filters"
msgstr ""
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