@@ -405,7 +405,10 @@ function _linkchecker_check_links() {
// Get URLs for checking.
$links=db_query_range("SELECT * FROM {linkchecker_links} WHERE last_checked < %d AND status = %d ORDER BY last_checked, lid ASC",time()-$linkchecker_check_links_interval,1,0,$check_links_max_per_cron_run);
// D6 database API does not provide a generic way to return the number of rows
// in a result set and $links->num_rows only works with 'mysqli'. The only
// workaround is to run the statement again with a COUNT query.
$links_remaining=db_result(db_query_range("SELECT COUNT(lid) AS num_rows FROM {linkchecker_links} WHERE last_checked < %d AND status = %d ORDER BY last_checked, lid ASC",time()-$linkchecker_check_links_interval,1,0,$check_links_max_per_cron_run));