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Commit 1b70c333 authored by John Barclay's avatar John Barclay
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parent df52d9ce
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// $Id$
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ function ldap_developer_clean_slate($op = 'repopulate', $redirect = NULL) {
function ldap_developer_modules() {
return array('ldap_api_temp', 'ldap_servers', 'ldap_authentication', 'ldap_authorization', 'ldap_authorization_drupal_role');
return array('ldap_servers', 'ldap_authentication', 'ldap_authorization', 'ldap_authorization_drupal_role');
function ldap_developer_reset_config($op = NULL, $redirect = NULL) {
......@@ -125,6 +125,118 @@ function ldap_developer_reset_config($op = NULL, $redirect = NULL) {
function ldap_developer_populate_config($module, $op = NULL) {
drupal_set_message('Populated Config Data: '. $module .", op=$op", 'status');
switch ($module) {
case 'ldap_servers':
require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'ldap_servers').'/ldap_servers.module');
variable_set('ldap_servers_encryption', LDAP_SERVERS_ENC_TYPE_BLOWFISH);
variable_set('ldap_servers_require_ssl_for_credentails', TRUE);
require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'ldap_servers').'/ldap_servers.module');
require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'ldap_servers') .'/LdapServerAdmin.class.php');
$ldap_server = new LdapServerAdmin('uiuc_ad');
// print $ldap_server->inDatabase; die;
if ((!$ldap_server->inDatabase) || $op == 'overwrite') {
$ldap_server->name = 'UIUC AD';
$ldap_server->type = 'ad';
$ldap_server->status = 1;
$ldap_server->address ='';
$ldap_server->port = 389;
$ldap_server->tls = FALSE;
$ldap_server->basedn = array('ou=campus accounts,dc=ad,dc=uiuc,dc=edu','ou=education,dc=ad,dc=uiuc,dc=edu');
$ldap_server->binddn = NULL;
$ldap_server->bindpw_new = NULL;
$ldap_server->user_attr = 'sAMAccountName';
$ldap_server->mail_attr = 'mail';
$ldap_server->ldapToDrupalUserPhp = NULL;
$ldap_server->testingDrupalUsername = 'jbarclay';
$op = ($ldap_server->inDatabase) ? 'update' : 'insert';
case 'ldap_authentication':
require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'ldap_authentication').'/ldap_authentication.module');
require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'ldap_authentication') .'/LdapAuthenticationConfAdmin.class.php');
$ldap_authentication_conf = new LdapAuthenticationConfAdmin();
if ((! $ldap_authentication_conf->inDatabase) || $op == 'overwrite') { // only populate if already uninstalled
$ldap_authentication_conf->sids = array('uiuc_ad');
$ldap_authentication_conf->logonFormHideResetPassword = TRUE;
$ldap_authentication_conf->logonFormHideCreateAccount = TRUE;
$ldap_authentication_conf->allowOnlyIfTextInDn = array('jbarclay');
$ldap_authentication_conf->excludeIfTextInDn = array('ou=evil', 'ou=bad');
$ldap_authentication_conf->allowTestPhp = NULL;
$ldap_authentication_conf->ldapUsersRequireAdminApproval = FALSE;
$ldap_authentication_conf->ldapUsersDontCreateAutomatically = FALSE;
case 'ldap_authorization':
require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'ldap_authorization').'/ldap_authorization.module');
require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'ldap_authorization_drupal_role').'/ldap_authorization_drupal_role.module');
require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'ldap_authorization') .'/LdapAuthorizationMappingAdmin.class.php');
// ($_mid, $_new = FALSE, $_sid = NULL, $_consumer_type = NULL, $_consumer_module = NULL)
$ldap_authorization_conf = new LdapAuthorizationMappingAdmin('active_directory', TRUE, 'uiuc_ad', 'drupal_role', 'ldap_authorization_drupal_role');
if ((! $ldap_authorization_conf->inDatabase) || $op == 'overwrite') { // only populate if already uninstalled
$ldap_authorization_conf->sid = 'uiuc_ad';
$ldap_authorization_conf->consumerModule = 'ldap_authorization_drupal_role'; // id of module providing consumer
//$ldap_authorization_conf->consumerType = ;
$ldap_authorization_conf->description = 'AD to Drupal Role Mapping';
$ldap_authorization_conf->status = 1;
$ldap_authorization_conf->onlyApplyToLdapAuthenticated = TRUE;
$ldap_authorization_conf->deriveFromDn = TRUE;
$ldap_authorization_conf->deriveFromDnAttr = 'ou';
$ldap_authorization_conf->deriveFromAttr = TRUE;
$ldap_authorization_conf->deriveFromAttrAttr = array('memberOf');
$ldap_authorization_conf->deriveFromEntry = FALSE;
$ldap_authorization_conf->deriveFromEntryEntries = NULL;
$ldap_authorization_conf->deriveFromEntryAttr = NULL;
$ldap_authorization_conf->mappings = array(
array('CN=ED IT NAG Staff,OU=PeopleGroups,OU=Education,DC=ad,DC=uiuc,DC=edu', 'administrator'),
array('Campus Accounts', 'Campus Accounts'),
array('CN=ED IT NAG Staff,OU=PeopleGroups,OU=Education,DC=ad,DC=uiuc,DC=edu', 'bsides'),
$ldap_authorization_conf->synchToLdap = FALSE;
$ldap_authorization_conf->synchOnLogon = TRUE;
$ldap_authorization_conf->synchManually = TRUE;
$ldap_authorization_conf->useMappingsAsFilter = TRUE;
$ldap_authorization_conf->revokeLdapProvisioned = TRUE;
$ldap_authorization_conf->revokeNonLdapProvisioned = FALSE;
$ldap_authorization_conf->regrantLdapProvisioned = TRUE;
$ldap_authorization_conf->createTargets = TRUE;
drupal_set_message('Populated Config Data: '. $module .", op=$op", 'status');
switch ($module) {
implement with ctools api
- presets could be based on type of ldap server, but probably best to have no presets
#807418 implement hook_entity_info for user object
In d7, user_load_multiple fires entity_load('user', $uids, $conditions, $reset) which gets its data from entity_get_info which invokes hook_entity_info.
We need to leverage hook_entity_info to provide any user attributes we want in the user object that are not cached or otherwise storable in the array.
#809430 d7 workflow and hook notes
Use Cases and Feature Requests
#807416 fuzzy line between authentication white and black lists and authorization
- allow grant and deny OUs for authentication
- allow base dns for search (we already do this)
- deny allow hook
- executable php code for allow deny.
#807394 Storing Users LDAP Passwords
Decision: never store in db, encrypted or otherwise
Decision: if demand, implement store in session with 2 way encryption with opt in and lots of warnings and alternatives
#968574 Option to prevent new accounts from LDAP from being added to Drupal and have admin approve them
in advanced setting and disabled by default:
#256226: Option to prevent new accounts from LDAP from being added to Drupal - option to disallow drupal accounts generated from ldap
#258974: Administrator Approval - option to allow admins to approve drupal user accounts generated from ldap
#807388 Prepopulate Users in LDAP Authentication, with ldap auth designation
- single function available to other modules
- simple interface in ldap authentication
Flow chart of ldap_authentication logon process:
\ No newline at end of file
ldap_authentication tests
Uncategorized Tests
Action: install ldap_authentication
Result: none
Action: Configure ldap_authentication configuration
Assert: LdapAuthenticationConf properties match configuration
Action: instantiate LdapAuthenticationConf and LdapAuthenticationConfAdmin classes
Assert: success
Action: populate LdapAuthenticationConf properties, save, and load
Assert: object has correct properties
Action: populate LdapAuthenticationConfAdmin from form array, save, and load
Assert: object has correct properties
Action: populate LdapAuthenticationConfAdmin from form array with various validation problems
Assert: validation errors thrown
Action: uninstall
Assert: configuration is deleted
Functional Tests
binding with service account
binding with user's account
Unit Tests
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