6.x-1.10b94ea178 · ·
* Issue #2567755 by chrisal: Cannot change node - changed error-message to status message, problem remains, that with some users, some attributes seems to NOT have an #type
6.x-1.9ab82f461 · ·
fixes Issue #2110349 by neffets: Getting Illegal Errors after upgrade tp PHP 5.4
7.x-1.386ffdaa9 · ·
* Fixed Issue #2462141 by joe_carvajal: Notice "use of undefined constant iframe_form_submit" - missing standard field settings in presave function * Issue #1044618: CCK Iframe Token Support - implemented for drupal 7, configurable if user is allowed to use it.
7.x-1.26d62e865 · ·
Issue #2311561 fixed by neffets, found by kaizerking: How to get this work with codemirror?
7.x-1.18f7b3d30 · ·
Bugfix Release: * #2274451 (thanx to ZenDoodles) Remove index on url column (not needed anyway) * #2237173 (reported by CTGreybeard) - fixed warning about using an undefined display_title, now defaults to empty string * #2235583 (by Varga Tamás) unnecessary content.crud.inc from 6.x-cck removed * (new) #360549 - added autoresize feature for local iframe-urls to 7.x-branch * #2097683 - formatter_info uses now the "#markup" attribute for proper html-output * #2206037 - module restructured, now module uses _presave function to fill in missing (but yet pre-defined) attributes for each instance