8.x-2.124802a875 · ·
Compatibility Fixes for drupal 9, twig usage and minimal support for usage in the pargraphs-module (validation) * Issue #3231223 by Luca Lusso: Form validations doesn't work when the field is on a paragraph * Issue #3231451 by neffets: Drupal 9 compatibility, show TWIG template * Issue #3231451 by neffets: Drupal 9 compatibility (upgrade-status and rector)
7.x-1.130b1e8c59 · ·
changes from last year; support html5 attributes for iframes and support for allowfullscreen
8.x-1.21bfd830d6 · ·
Fixed #3136664 by FatherShawn: Cannot set default field values (e.g. url, title, width, or height)
8.x-2.88aefe43a · ·
Fixed #3136664 by FatherShawn: Cannot set default field values (e.g. url, title, width, or height)
8.x-2.729f40185 · ·
Fixes for rendering and syntax * Issue #3133359 by agoradesign: Render array sent to Markup::create in IframeOnlyFormatter.php * Issue #3133359: Render array not cacheable with tokensupport * fix devel_dump * fixes Issue #3136739 by Phil Wolstenholme: Field widget help text displays twice * Issue #3134596 by aluzzardi: Warning: strstr() expects at least 2 parameters * Issue #3133949 by gabe.connolly: Duplicate iframe ids on content with more than one iframe * fixes Issue #2973312 by michaelmol: Support for relative urls
8.x-1.206399fcda · ·
Fixes for rendering and syntax * take back last commit, leave only cache=0 for tokensupport * Issue #3133359 by agoradesign: Render array sent to Markup::create in IframeOnlyFormatter.php * fix devel_dump * fixes Issue #3136739 by Phil Wolstenholme: Field widget help text displays twice * Issue #3134596 by aluzzardi: Warning: strstr() expects at least 2 parameters * Issue #3133949 by gabe.connolly: Duplicate iframe ids on content with more than one iframe * fixes Issue #2973312 by michaelmol: Support for relative urls