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Forked from project / feeds_migrate
5 commits behind, 2 commits ahead of the upstream repository.
MegaChriz's avatar


Feeds Migrate

Feeds Migrate is a tool that helps import data into your Drupal 8 website. It provides a user interface for migrations, so users don’t have to set up the migrations with code. The goal is to provide a tool anyone can use, regardless of tech background, to import data into their site.

Why does it matter? If you are trying to upgrade to Drupal 8 and have existing content, you probably don’t want to spend hours typing in the content through the Drupal admin interface. You’d want to use a tool to import the data into your new platform... Feeds Migrate is that tool.

*This module has deep roots in the Feeds community and mimics the Feeds module workflow very closely.

**The development version is a work in progress and not functional at the moment. DO NOT INSTALL IT ON PRODUCTION.


  • migrate_tools
  • migrate_plus

Please report bugs in the issue queue.