Issue #1161810: Fixed declaration of FeedsSource::instance() should be compatible with that of FeedsConfigurable::instance().
Issue #1149226: Fixed invalid message parameter passed into feeds_log from FeedsProcessor::process().
Issue #1044882 by rfay, Dave Reid: Fixed indexes for {feeds_item} are too long and can cause problems during install or uninstall.
Issue #1191494 by twistor, Dave Reid: Fixed link to node type feed importer did not use node_access().
Fixed error when calling form_set_error() and title field on follow-up to fix feed node title fields not actually un-required.
Issue #1191210: Added feeds_field_extra_fields() so the 'Feed' fieldset can be re-ordered through the Field UI.
Issue #1191194: Fixed test failure in FeedsCSVtoUsersTest due to lack of 'administer users' permission.
Simplify FeedsMapperTestCase::createContentType() using DrupalWebTestCase::drupalCreateContentType().
Issue #1008384 by twistor: Fixed feeds not pulling publication date with feed using dc:date and RSS 2.0.
Issue #769084: Fixed use of isset() rather than !empty() causes import problems with _parser_common_syndication_RSS20_parse().
Issue #974494: Fixed PHP notice 'Undefined property: stdClass::$openid in FeedsUserProcessor->entitySave()'.
Issue #1055582: Fixed strict notice that FeedsDateTime::setTimezone() is not compatible with DateTime::setTimezone().
Issue #1066806: Use hook_entity_insert/update/delete rather than separate node, taxonomy term, and user hooks.