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# Entity Share

## Introduction

This module allows to share entities using the JSON:API. It provides a UI to
use the endpoints provided by the JSON:API module.

You can define one website as a "server" and another website as a "client". A
website can be both "client" and "server".

See also the documentation pages:
* [Supported field types](
* [Advanced usages](

## Requirements

This module requires the following module:
* JSON:API (Core)

## Recommended modules

* [JSON:API Extras](
  To allow to customize the JSON:API endpoints and to enable full pager
  feature. See the documentation page
  [Supported field types](
* [Views Bulk Operations](
  To allow to update the import policy without having to reimport entities.

## Installation

* Install and enable the Entity Share Server on the site you want to get
  content from.
* Install and enable the Entity Share Client on the site you want to put
  content on.

## Configuration

See the documentation pages:
* [Installation and configuration](
* [Authorization methods](

## Maintainers

* [Thomas Bernard (ithom)](
* [Florent Torregrosa (Grimreaper)](
* [Ivan Vujović (ivan.vujovic)](
* [Yarik Lutsiuk (yarik.lutsiuk)](

This project has been sponsored by:
* [Smile]( -
  Sponsored initial development, evolutions, maintenance and support.
* [Lullabot]( -
  Sponsored development of new features in association with Carnegie Mellon
* [Carnegie Mellon University](
* [Studi]( -
  Sponsored development of new features.
* [Actency]( - Sponsored maintenance time.