Issue #3268818 by ravi.shankar, quietone: Fix class comment doc blocks in non tests 'Drupal.Commenting.DocComment.ShortSingleLine'
Issue #3322763 by Spokje: Fix PHPStan L2 error "PHPDoc tag @return with type Foo is incompatible with native type void."
Issue #3319794 by effulgentsia, Anchal_gupta, longwave, xjm: Update to Symfony 6.2 RC or update drupal/recommended-project creation and testMinimumStabilityStrictness() to allow minimum-stability to be less stable than core's stability
Issue #3272110 by Mile23, ravi.shankar, Spokje, xjm, andypost, joachim: Drupal 9 and 10's Drupal\Component composer.json files are totally out of date
Issue #3298396 by andypost, Vighneshh, ameymudras, Spokje: Upgrade composer requirement to 2.3.6 to prevent warnings on PHP 8.2
Issue #3215870 by catch, effulgentsia, Gábor Hojtsy, xjm, andypost, longwave, freelock, Mixologic, phenaproxima, ressa: Require Composer 2.3.5 for developing Drupal 10 core
Issue #3284420 by longwave, Gábor Hojtsy, Spokje: Remove Composer 1 specific code paths from Drupal 10
Issue #3268746 by quietone, xjm: Fix missing newlines for 'Drupal.Commenting.DocComment.ShortSingleLine'
Issue #3135247 by greg.1.anderson, alexpott, ridhimaabrol24, Mixologic, tedbow, xjm, catch, jwilson3, longwave: Composer's "prefer-stable" setting cannot be relied on to produce a stable release
Issue #3078671 by Simon Peacock, greg.1.anderson, vuil, alexpott, jungle, rodrigoaguilera, sam-elayyoub, mmjvb, karolrybak: Pin behat/mink and behat/mink-selenium2-driver to use resolvable release
Issue #3087626 by greg.1.anderson, Mixologic, jibran, Mile23, alexpott, xjm: Convert drupal/core-recommended & c. into a subtree split