'Trying to overwrite a cache redirect with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "%s" was pointing to "%s", new one points to "%s".',
'Trying to overwrite a cache redirect for "%s" with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "%s" was pointing to "%s", new one points to "%s".',
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ public function testIncompleteRedirectException(): void {
// a cache redirect should always be present on the redirect itself. In this
// example, the final cache redirect should be for 'A,B:foo,B'.
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Trying to overwrite a cache redirect with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "house.type" was pointing to "garden.type:zen", new one points to "garden.type".');
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Trying to overwrite a cache redirect for "your:housing:situation:ht.house" with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "house.type" was pointing to "garden.type:zen", new one points to "garden.type".');
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ public function testIncompatibleRedirectsException(): void {
// previous redirects should always be present on the next redirect or item
// you're trying to store.
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Trying to overwrite a cache redirect with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "house.type" was pointing to "garden.type", new one points to "house.orientation".');
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Trying to overwrite a cache redirect for "your:housing:situation:ht.house" with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "house.type" was pointing to "garden.type", new one points to "house.orientation".');
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ public function testIncompatibleChainedRedirectsException(): void {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Trying to overwrite a cache redirect with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "house.type, garden.type" was pointing to "house.orientation", new one points to "solar.type".');
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Trying to overwrite a cache redirect for "your:housing:situation:gt.garden:ht.house" with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "house.type, garden.type" was pointing to "house.orientation", new one points to "solar.type".');
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ public function testIncompatibleChainedRedirectsComplexException(): void {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Trying to overwrite a cache redirect with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "house.type, garden.type" was pointing to "house.orientation", new one points to "solar.type".');
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Trying to overwrite a cache redirect for "your:housing:situation:gt.garden:ht.house" with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "house.type, garden.type" was pointing to "house.orientation", new one points to "solar.type".');