- Mar 30, 2023
Ben Mullins authored
Lauri Timmanee authored
Issue #3350526 by Rassoni, Gauravvvv: trans filter is missing on text in status-report-counter.html.twig file
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2911379 by Spokje, ProFire, mstrelan: Unneccessary bitwise operation for file permissions check on Windows
- Mar 29, 2023
catch authored
Ben Mullins authored
Issue #3327848 by rishu_kumar, Gauravvvv, lauriii, _utsavsharma, ameymudras, smustgrave: Claro: Wrong background for active vertical tab
catch authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2977785 by acbramley, ameymudras, mrinalini9, Hardik_Patel_12, Berdir, sourabhjain, ravi.shankar, Deepak Goyal, Prem Suthar, TanujJain-TJ, kishor_kolekar, snehalgaikwad, nghai, larowlan, Lendude, smustgrave, Sam152, quietone: No error messages are shown for applied validation on a view exposed filter with on "AJAX"
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2758915 by mdupont, darvanen, -enzo-, Amber Himes Matz, smustgrave: AJAX commands documentation is misleading when working with render arrays
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3145850 by smustgrave, natedouglas, nod_, Gauravvvv, s_leu, amateescu, pankaj.singh, Abhijith S, quietone, jungle: Required summary element hidden when other text-with-summary fields do not require summary
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2823910 by daffie, pwolanin, smustgrave, dawehner, larowlan: DBTNG/EQ condition works inconsistently with arrays
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2505579 by dpi, NivethaSubramaniyan, smustgrave, ian.mahoney, amwhalen, Medha Kumari, Chi: Improve handling of invalid input in time zone abbreviation to TZID route
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2567745 by mohit_aghera, smustgrave, quietone, andypost, dww, alexpott: \Drupal\taxonomy\Plugin\views\field\TermName::getItems should work with links
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3182405 by jhodgdon, smustgrave, ranjith_kumar_k_u, dww: Do not use verb "Install" for things other than turning on modules/themes
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2831233 by mradcliffe, philltran, vsujeetkumar, selwynpolit, s.messaris, cpierce42, acbramley, Lendude, Nitin shrivastava, jibran, mohit_aghera, mike.roman, Kumar Kundan, adityasingh, _utsavsharma, jedihe, Munavijayalakshmi, KapilV, efpapado, anushrikumari, kalyansamanta, ameymudras, interX, nishantghetiya, gambry, alexpott, larowlan, antojose, catch, Nicolas Bouteille, nicoloye, Kristen Pol, bygeoffthompson: Field tokens for "historical data" fields (revisions) contain a hyphen, breaking twig templates and throwing an assertion error
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2911377 by smustgrave, ProFire, MerryHamster, ranjith_kumar_k_u, Medha Kumari, Spokje, neclimdul, a.dmitriiev, quietone, catch, Gábor Hojtsy: Fix for Unit Test on Windows
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3221633 by bircher, lind101, smustgrave, quietone, Zemelia: BatchNegotiator tests for an invalid route
- Mar 28, 2023
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3348686 by james.williams, FeyP, kunal_sahu, larowlan, alexpott: [regression] Inaccessible language switcher links are removed before alternatives can be provided
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3281557 by smustgrave, ipo4ka704, acbramley, ravi.shankar, benjifisher, Sardis, ameymudras, adeshsharma, Rishabh Vishwakarma, rollins, TanujJain-TJ, larowlan, catch, igorbiki: DateTime::__construct(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($datetime) of type string is deprecated
Lee Rowlands authored
Revert "Issue #3091478 by lauriii, Tim Bozeman, malcomio, tim.plunkett, adeshsharma, longwave, EclipseGc, bnjmnm, alexpott, larowlan, amateescu, dpi: Improve StringItem::generateSampleValue()" This reverts commit 15cde9a5.
Lauri Timmanee authored
Issue #3331870 by Chris64, PrabuEla, smustgrave, cilefen: Code error url fragment: wrong array key: key #fragment should be fragment
Lauri Timmanee authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3264195 by quietone, joshua1234511, phenaproxima, smustgrave: Move non-migration tests to Forum in preparation for deprecation
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2958649 by acbramley, moshe weitzman, fenstrat: Incorrect totals count when importing config that contains a theme uninstall
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3191391 by Arantxio, larowlan, _utsavsharma, daffie: Schema::changeField() has bug when changing regular serial field to big serial field
- Mar 27, 2023
Théodore Biadala authored
Issue #2944089 by msankhala, smustgrave, lauriii, Ada Hernandez, TanujJain-TJ, mrinalini9, Abhisheksingh27, alexpott, longwave: Test Drupal.behaviors.copyFieldValue javascript
Théodore Biadala authored