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Commit af438864 authored by Dries Buytaert's avatar Dries Buytaert
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- Patch #33861 by Morbus et al: clean up the watchdog view.

parent 100db625
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// $Id$
* @file
......@@ -459,6 +459,9 @@ img.screenshot {
font-size: 0.85em;
text-align: right;
table.watchdog-event th {
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
tr.watchdog-user {
background: #ffd;
......@@ -156,20 +156,27 @@ function watchdog_event($id) {
$output = '';
$result = db_query('SELECT w.*,, u.uid FROM {watchdog} w INNER JOIN {users} u ON w.uid = u.uid WHERE w.wid = %d', $id);
if ($watchdog = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$output .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">';
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Type') .'</th><td>' . t($watchdog->type) . '</td></tr>';
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Date') .'</th><td>'. format_date($watchdog->timestamp, 'large') .'</td></tr>';
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('User') .'</th><td>'. theme('username', $watchdog) .'</td></tr>';
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Location') ."</th><td>". l($watchdog->location, $watchdog->location) ."</td></tr>";
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Referrer') ."</th><td>". l($watchdog->referer, $watchdog->referer) ."</td></tr>";
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Message') ."</th><td>$watchdog->message</td></tr>";
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Severity') .'</th><td>'. $severity[$watchdog->severity] .'</td></tr>';
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Hostname') ."</th><td>$watchdog->hostname</td></tr>";
$output .= '</table>';
$header = array(t('Type'), t('Date'), t('User'), t('Location'), t('Referrer'), t('Message'), t('Severity'), t('Hostname'));
$data = array(t($watchdog->type), format_date($watchdog->timestamp, 'large'), theme('username', $watchdog), l($watchdog->location, $watchdog->location), l($watchdog->referer, $watchdog->referer), $watchdog->message, $severity[$watchdog->severity], $watchdog->hostname);
$output = theme('watchdog_event', $header, $data);
return $output;
function theme_watchdog_event($header, $data) {
$output = '';
$output .= '<table class="watchdog-event">';
$n = count($header);
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
$output .= '<tr class="' . ($i % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd') . '"><th>' . $header[$i] . '</th><td>' . $data[$i] . '</td></tr>';
$output .= '</table>';
return $output;
function _watchdog_get_message_types() {
$types = array();
......@@ -156,20 +156,27 @@ function watchdog_event($id) {
$output = '';
$result = db_query('SELECT w.*,, u.uid FROM {watchdog} w INNER JOIN {users} u ON w.uid = u.uid WHERE w.wid = %d', $id);
if ($watchdog = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$output .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">';
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Type') .'</th><td>' . t($watchdog->type) . '</td></tr>';
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Date') .'</th><td>'. format_date($watchdog->timestamp, 'large') .'</td></tr>';
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('User') .'</th><td>'. theme('username', $watchdog) .'</td></tr>';
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Location') ."</th><td>". l($watchdog->location, $watchdog->location) ."</td></tr>";
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Referrer') ."</th><td>". l($watchdog->referer, $watchdog->referer) ."</td></tr>";
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Message') ."</th><td>$watchdog->message</td></tr>";
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Severity') .'</th><td>'. $severity[$watchdog->severity] .'</td></tr>';
$output .= ' <tr><th>'. t('Hostname') ."</th><td>$watchdog->hostname</td></tr>";
$output .= '</table>';
$header = array(t('Type'), t('Date'), t('User'), t('Location'), t('Referrer'), t('Message'), t('Severity'), t('Hostname'));
$data = array(t($watchdog->type), format_date($watchdog->timestamp, 'large'), theme('username', $watchdog), l($watchdog->location, $watchdog->location), l($watchdog->referer, $watchdog->referer), $watchdog->message, $severity[$watchdog->severity], $watchdog->hostname);
$output = theme('watchdog_event', $header, $data);
return $output;
function theme_watchdog_event($header, $data) {
$output = '';
$output .= '<table class="watchdog-event">';
$n = count($header);
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
$output .= '<tr class="' . ($i % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd') . '"><th>' . $header[$i] . '</th><td>' . $data[$i] . '</td></tr>';
$output .= '</table>';
return $output;
function _watchdog_get_message_types() {
$types = array();
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