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Commit 7a23c2b5 authored by Antonio De Marco's avatar Antonio De Marco Committed by Antonio De Marco
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Issue #3112309 by ademarco: Provide Drush commands to set, get, freeze and unfreeze time

parent 7b9d168c
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class: Drupal\datetime_testing\Commands\TestTimeCommands
arguments: ['@datetime_testing.test_time']
- { name: drush.command }
......@@ -104,6 +104,15 @@ Drupal\DrupalExtension:
You do not need to declare the subcontext under the `contexts` key of behat.yml.
The module provides the following Drush commands:
- `datetime-testing:set`: set test time, must be expressed in the following format `Y-m-d H:i:s`.
- `datetime-testing:get`: get current time.
- `datetime-testing:freeze`: freeze time.
- `datetime-testing:unfreeze`: unfreeze time.
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace Drupal\datetime_testing\Commands;
use Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime;
use Drupal\datetime_testing\TestTimeInterface;
use Drush\Commands\DrushCommands;
* Provide Drush commands for the test time service.
class TestTimeCommands extends DrushCommands {
* Mock request time manager service.
* @var \Drupal\datetime_testing\TestTimeInterface
protected $testTime;
* MockRequestTimeCommands constructor.
* @param \Drupal\datetime_testing\TestTimeInterface $test_time
* Test time service.
public function __construct(TestTimeInterface $test_time) {
$this->testTime = $test_time;
* Set test time.
* @param string $time
* Date and time to be set, in the following format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.
* @usage datetime-testing:set '2020-01-15 12:00:00'
* @command datetime-testing:set
public function set(string $time): void {
$timestamp = DrupalDateTime::createFromFormat(DrupalDateTime::FORMAT, $time)->getTimestamp();
$this->logger()->success("Time has been set to '{$time}', timestamp: {$timestamp}.");
* Get current time.
* @usage datetime-testing:get
* @command datetime-testing:get
public function get(): void {
$time = $this->testTime->getCurrentTime();
$date = DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp($time)->format(DrupalDateTime::FORMAT);
$this->logger()->success("Current time value is {$date}, timestamp: {$time}.");
* Freeze test time.
* @command datetime-testing:freeze
public function freeze(): void {
$time = $this->testTime->getCurrentTime();
$date = DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp($time)->format(DrupalDateTime::FORMAT);
$this->logger()->success("Time is frozen to {$date}, timestamp: {$time}.");
* Get current time.
* @command datetime-testing:get
public function unfreeze(): void {
$this->logger()->success("Time has been unfrozen.");
* Reset test time.
* @usage datetime-testing:reset
* @command datetime-testing:reset
public function reset(): void {
$this->logger()->success("Test time has been reset.");
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