'#title'=>t('Us javascript to detect leaving the node form'),
'#title'=>t('Use javascript to detect leaving the node form'),
'#description'=>t('If you disable this, there will be no messages like "Do you really want to leave this node and lose all changes. Lock gets removed then"'),
_content_lock_save_lock_warning(t("You are currently preventing the node '!nodetitle' from being edited. You may want to let others edit this node by clicking !unlocklinkhere, or finish !edit the node.",array('!nodetitle'=>$lock->title,'!edit'=>$editlink,'!unlocklinkhere'=>$unlocklinkhere)),$lock->nid);
$releasethelock_link=l(t('release the lock'),"admin/content/{$lock->nid}/content_lock/releaseown");
_content_lock_save_lock_warning(t("The node '!nodetitle_link' is locked by you. You may want to '!releasethelock_link' in order to allow others to edit.",array('!nodetitle_link'=>$nodetitle_link,'!releasethelock_link'=>$releasethelock_link)),$lock->nid);