This commit was manufactured as part of Drupal's Great Git Migration to
create tag 'DRUPAL-6--2-3'.
Sprout from DRUPAL-6--2 2010-10-26 09:36:03 UTC Eugen Mayer <> 'serveral fixes, see github'
msgid "If you disable this option, no messages about unlock / lock of nodes are shown to the user anymore"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add cancel button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Should a cancel button be added to the node / user / comment form. This way a user can properly cancel the transaction"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:22
msgid "Drupal's default content locking strategy is optimistic, that is, two users may start to edit the same content and the one who is hitting the save button first wins the race, while the other is displayed a message stating <em>this content has been modified by another user, changes cannot be saved</em>. Depending on the number of editors in your organization this might not be an acceptable solution."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:23
msgid "The Content locking module implements pessimistic locking, which means that content will be exclusively locked whenever a user starts editing it. The lock will be automatically released when the user submits the form or navigates away from the edit page."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:24
msgid "Users may also permanently lock content, to prevent others from editing it. Content locks that have been \"forgotten\" can be automatically released after a configurable time span."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:28
msgid "Below is a list of all locked documents. Click on <em>check in</em> to release a lock."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:31
msgid "Below is a list of all documents locked by you. Click on <em>check in</em> to release a lock."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:113
msgid "Your lock has been removed!"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:113
msgid "You can still save the content if this user aborts the edit operation without saving changes."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:119
msgid "Your lock has been removed due to inactivity or by an administrator. Failed to regain the lock since the document has been changed since."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:209;222;232;243
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:311
msgid "This document is locked for editing by !name since @date."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:338
msgid "Click <a href=\"!release-url\">here</a> to check back in now."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:357
msgid "This document is now locked against simultaneous editing. It will unlock when you navigate elsewhere."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:389
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:391
msgid "Username"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:397
msgid "Locked since"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:398
msgid "Operations"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:412
msgid "release lock"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:418
msgid "No locked documents."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:440
msgid "The editing lock has been released."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:471
msgid "edit"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:472
msgid "here"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:473
msgid "You are currently blocking the node '!nodetitle' against edits. You might want to do this by clicking !unlocklinkhere, or !edit the node"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:262
msgid "content_lock"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:262
msgid "Released @count document(s) locked for more than @period."
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:260
msgid "Released one document locked for more than @period."
msgid_plural "Released @count documents locked for more than @period."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: content_lock.module:13
msgid "check out documents"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:13
msgid "keep documents checked out"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:13
msgid "administer checked out documents"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:40;60
msgid "Locked documents"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:88
msgid "Content lock"
msgstr ""
#: content_lock.module:89
msgid "Configuration options for the Content lock module"
msgstr ""
msgid "Content locking (edit lock)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Prevents users to edit the same node at the same time. The second user can enter the edit-mode and gets notified"
msgstr ""
msgid "Drupal Wiki"
msgstr ""
#: js/content_lock_init.js:0
msgid "Be aware, if you press \"OK\" now, ALL your changes will be lost!"
"Last-Translator: Frank Tartler <>\n"
"Language-Team: Frank Tartler <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: German\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: GERMANY\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
msgid "Show lock / unlock messages"
msgstr "Meldungen zum Sperren/Entsperren anzeigen"
msgid "If you disable this option, no messages about unlock / lock of nodes are shown to the user anymore"
msgstr "Wenn diese Option deaktiviert wird, werden dem Benutzer keine Meldungen zum Entsperren bzw. Sperren von Beiträgen mehr angezeigt"
msgid "Add cancel button"
msgstr "Abbrechen-Schaltfläche hinzufügen"
msgid "Should a cancel button be added to the node / user / comment form. This way a user can properly cancel the transaction"
msgstr "Soll dem Beitrags-, Benutzer- und Kommentarformular eine Abbrechen-Schaltfläche hinzugefügt werden? Dies ist eine Möglichkeit, mit der Benutzer die Transaktion einfach abbrechen können."
#: content_lock.module:22
msgid "Drupal's default content locking strategy is optimistic, that is, two users may start to edit the same content and the one who is hitting the save button first wins the race, while the other is displayed a message stating <em>this content has been modified by another user, changes cannot be saved</em>. Depending on the number of editors in your organization this might not be an acceptable solution."
msgstr "Die standardmäßige Strategie von Drupal zum Sperren von Inhalt ist optimistisch, das heißt 2 Benutzer können den selben Inhalt zur selben Zeit bearbeiten, wobei der das Rennen gewinnt, der die Speichern-Schaltfläche zuerst anklickt, während der andere eine Nachricht erhält, dass <em>dieser Inhalt durch einen anderen Benutzer geändert wurde und Änderungen nicht gespeichert werden können</em>. Je nach Anzahl der Bearbeiter ist dies möglicherweise keine akzeptable Situation."
#: content_lock.module:23
msgid "The Content locking module implements pessimistic locking, which means that content will be exclusively locked whenever a user starts editing it. The lock will be automatically released when the user submits the form or navigates away from the edit page."
msgstr "Das Modul ‚Content Locking‘ implementiert pessimistisches Sperren, was bedeutet dass Inhalt exklusiv gesperrt wird, sobald er von einem Benutzer bearbeitet wird. Die Sperre wird automatisch aufgehoben, wenn der Benutzer das Formular abschickt oder die Bearbeiten-Seite verlässt."
#: content_lock.module:24
msgid "Users may also permanently lock content, to prevent others from editing it. Content locks that have been \"forgotten\" can be automatically released after a configurable time span."
msgstr "Benutzer können Inhalt auch dauerhaft sperren, damit ihn andere Benutzer nicht bearbeiten. Inhaltssperren, die „vergessen“ wurden, können nach einer konfigurierbaren Zeitspanne entsperrt werden."
#: content_lock.module:28
msgid "Below is a list of all locked documents. Click on <em>check in</em> to release a lock."
msgstr "Nachfolgend werden alle gesperrten Beiträge aufgelistet. Durch Anklicken von <em>entsperren</em> kann eine Sperre aufgehoben werden."
#: content_lock.module:31
msgid "Below is a list of all documents locked by you. Click on <em>check in</em> to release a lock."
msgstr "Nachfolgend werden alle von Ihnen gesperrten Beiträge aufgelistet. Durch Anklicken von <em>entsperren</em> kann eine Sperre aufgehoben werden."
#: content_lock.module:113
msgid "Your lock has been removed!"
msgstr "Ihr Sperre wurde entfernt!"
#: content_lock.module:113
msgid "You can still save the content if this user aborts the edit operation without saving changes."
msgstr "Sie können den Inhalt immer noch speichern, wenn der Benutzer das Bearbeiten ohne das Speichern von Änderungen abbricht."
#: content_lock.module:119
msgid "Your lock has been removed due to inactivity or by an administrator. Failed to regain the lock since the document has been changed since."
msgstr "Ihre Sperre wurde aufgrund von Inaktivität oder durch einem Administrator aufgehoben. Die Sperre konnte nicht neu eingerichtet werden, da das Dokument inzwischen geändert wurde."
#: content_lock.module:209;222;232;243
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
#: content_lock.module:311
msgid "This document is locked for editing by !name since @date."
msgstr "Dieser Beitrag ist seit @date von !name zum Bearbeiten gesperrt."
#: content_lock.module:338
msgid "Click <a href=\"!release-url\">here</a> to check back in now."
msgid "This document is now locked against simultaneous editing. It will unlock when you navigate elsewhere."
msgstr "Dieser Beitrag ist nun gegen gleichzeitiges Bearbeiten gesperrt. Die Sperre wird beim Verlassen der Seite aufgehoben."
#: content_lock.module:389
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
#: content_lock.module:391
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Benutzername"
#: content_lock.module:397
msgid "Locked since"
msgstr "Gesperrt seit"
#: content_lock.module:398
msgid "Operations"
msgstr "Operationen"
#: content_lock.module:412
msgid "release lock"
msgstr "Sperre aufheben"
#: content_lock.module:418
msgid "No locked documents."
msgstr "Keine gesperrten Dokumente."
#: content_lock.module:440
msgid "The editing lock has been released."
msgstr "Die Bearbeitungs-Sperre wurde aufgehoben."
#: content_lock.module:471
msgid "edit"
msgstr "bearbeiten"
#: content_lock.module:472
msgid "here"
msgstr "hier"
#: content_lock.module:473
msgid "You are currently blocking the node '!nodetitle' against edits. You might want to do this by clicking !unlocklinkhere, or !edit the node"
msgstr "Sie sperren zur Zeit den Beitrag ‚!nodetitle‘, so dass er von keinem anderen Benutzer bearbeitet werden kann. Klicken Sie !unlocklinkhere um die sperre aufzuheben oder !edit Sie den Beitrag."
#: content_lock.module:262
msgid "content_lock"
msgstr "content_lock"
#: content_lock.module:262
msgid "Released @count document(s) locked for more than @period."
msgstr "@count Dokument(e) entsperrt, die länger als @period gesperrt waren."
#: content_lock.module:260
msgid "Released one document locked for more than @period."
msgid_plural "Released @count documents locked for more than @period."
msgstr[0] "1 Dokument entsperrt, das länger als @period gesperrt war."
msgstr[1] "@count Dokumente entsperrt, die länger als @period gesperrt waren."
#: content_lock.module:13
msgid "check out documents"
msgstr "Dokumente sperren"
#: content_lock.module:13
msgid "keep documents checked out"
msgstr "Dokumente gesperrt lassen"
#: content_lock.module:13
msgid "administer checked out documents"
msgstr "Gesperrte Dokumente verwalten"
#: content_lock.module:40;60
msgid "Locked documents"
msgstr "Gesperrte Dokumente"
#: content_lock.module:88
msgid "Content lock"
msgstr "Inhalts-Sperre"
#: content_lock.module:89
msgid "Configuration options for the Content lock module"
msgstr "Konfigurationsoptionen für das Modul ‚Content Locking‘"
msgid "Content locking (edit lock)"
msgstr "Inhaltssperrung (Bearbeitungssperre)"
msgid "Prevents users to edit the same node at the same time. The second user can enter the edit-mode and gets notified"
msgstr "Verhindert dass Benutzer den selben Beitrag zur selben Zeit bearbeiten können. Der zweite Benutzer kann den Bearbeiten-Modus aufrufen, wird aber benachrichtigt"
msgid "Drupal Wiki"
msgstr "Drupal Wiki"
#: js/content_lock_init.js:0
msgid "Be aware, if you press \"OK\" now, ALL your changes will be lost!"
msgstr "Vorsicht, wenn jetzt „OK“ gedrückt wird, gehen ALLE Änderungen verloren!"
"Last-Translator: Bruno De Bondt <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1)\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Dutch\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: BELGIUM\n"
msgid "Show lock / unlock messages"
msgstr "Toon de gebruiker een melding wanneer een node op slot zit."
msgid "If you disable this option, no messages about unlock / lock of nodes are shown to the user anymore"
msgstr "Als u deze optie uitschakelt, zullen gebruikers geen meldingen zien wanneer een node op slot zit"
msgid "Add cancel button"
msgstr "Toon 'Annuleren'-knop"
msgid "Should a cancel button be added to the node / user / comment form. This way a user can properly cancel the transaction"
msgstr "Moet er een 'Annuleren'-knop op de node- / gebruiker- / en commentaar-formulieren staan? Zo kan een gebruiker de handeling correct annuleren."
#: content_lock.module:22
msgid "Drupal's default content locking strategy is optimistic, that is, two users may start to edit the same content and the one who is hitting the save button first wins the race, while the other is displayed a message stating <em>this content has been modified by another user, changes cannot be saved</em>. Depending on the number of editors in your organization this might not be an acceptable solution."
msgstr "Drupal hanteert een optimistische strategie om nodes af te sluiten tijdens bewerkingen. Wanneer twee gebruikers op hetzelfde moment een node bewerken, zal enkel de eerste die op de 'Bewaar'-knop klikt zijn wijzigingen kunnen opslaan. De andere gebruiker krijgt een melding dat de inhoud gewijzigd werd door een andere gebruiker, en dat zijn wijzigingen niet kunnen worden opgeslagen. Dit kan problemen opleveren wanneer meerdere gebruikers binnen een organisatie dezelfde nodes moeten kunnen bewerken. "
#: content_lock.module:23
msgid "The Content locking module implements pessimistic locking, which means that content will be exclusively locked whenever a user starts editing it. The lock will be automatically released when the user submits the form or navigates away from the edit page."
msgstr "De Content locking module implementeert een beperkende strategie, waardoor een node op slot gaat zodra een gebruiker begint met een node te bewerken. De node wordt automatisch vrijgegeven wanneer een gebruiker de node opslaat of naar een andere pagina surft."
#: content_lock.module:24
msgid "Users may also permanently lock content, to prevent others from editing it. Content locks that have been \"forgotten\" can be automatically released after a configurable time span."
msgstr "Gebruikers kunnen een node ook permanent op slot doen, om te voorkomen dat andere gebruikers de node nog kunnen bewerken. Nodes kunnen automatisch worden vrijgegeven na een configureerbare tijdspanne."
#: content_lock.module:28
msgid "Below is a list of all locked documents. Click on <em>check in</em> to release a lock."
msgstr "Hier vindt u een overzicht van alle pagina's die momenteel op slot zitten. Klik op <em>check in</em> om een pagina vrij te geven."
#: content_lock.module:31
msgid "Below is a list of all documents locked by you. Click on <em>check in</em> to release a lock."
msgstr "Hier vindt u een overzicht van alle pagina's die u momenteel op slot houdt. Klik op <em>check in</em> om een pagina vrij te geven."
#: content_lock.module:113
msgid "Your lock has been removed!"
msgstr "Deze pagina is weer vrijgegeven!"
#: content_lock.module:113
msgid "You can still save the content if this user aborts the edit operation without saving changes."
msgstr "U kan de pagina nog opslaan als de andere gebruiker de pagina verlaat zonder ze op te slaan."
#: content_lock.module:119
msgid "Your lock has been removed due to inactivity or by an administrator. Failed to regain the lock since the document has been changed since."
msgstr "De pagina is vrijgegeven door een beheerder of omdat u te lang wachtte om wijzigingen op te slaan. De pagina is intussen aangepast. "
#: content_lock.module:209;222;232;243
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleren"
#: content_lock.module:311
msgid "This document is locked for editing by !name since @date."
msgstr "Deze pagina zit op slot sinds @date (gebruiker !name)."
#: content_lock.module:338
msgid "Click <a href=\"!release-url\">here</a> to check back in now."
msgstr "Klik <a href=\"!release-url\">hier</a> om de pagina vrij te geven."
#: content_lock.module:357
msgid "This document is now locked against simultaneous editing. It will unlock when you navigate elsewhere."
msgstr "Deze pagina kan momenteel niet worden bewerkt door andere gebruikers. Ze wordt weer vrijgegeven als u het formulier opslaat of ergens anders heen surft."
#: content_lock.module:389
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
#: content_lock.module:391
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"
#: content_lock.module:397
msgid "Locked since"
msgstr "Op slot sinds"
#: content_lock.module:398
msgid "Operations"
msgstr "Handelingen"
#: content_lock.module:412
msgid "release lock"
msgstr "geef node vrij"
#: content_lock.module:418
msgid "No locked documents."
msgstr "Geen nodes die 'op slot' zitten."
#: content_lock.module:440
msgid "The editing lock has been released."
msgstr "De node is vrijgegeven."
#: content_lock.module:471
msgid "edit"
msgstr "bewerk"
#: content_lock.module:472
msgid "here"
msgstr "hier"
#: content_lock.module:473
msgid "You are currently blocking the node '!nodetitle' against edits. You might want to do this by clicking !unlocklinkhere, or !edit the node"
msgstr "Andere gebruikers (met voldoende toegangsrechten) kunnen '!nodetitle' momenteel niet bewerken, aangezien je de toegang blokkeert. Klik !unlocklinkhere om de node vrij te geven, of !edit de node zelf verder."
#: content_lock.module:262
msgid "content_lock"
msgstr "content_lock"
#: content_lock.module:262
msgid "Released @count document(s) locked for more than @period."
msgstr "@count nodes vrijgegeven die langer dan @period op slot zaten."
#: content_lock.module:260
msgid "Released one document locked for more than @period."
msgid_plural "Released @count documents locked for more than @period."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: content_lock.module:13
msgid "check out documents"
msgstr "check nodes uit"
#: content_lock.module:13
msgid "keep documents checked out"
msgstr "doe nodes permanent 'op slot'"
#: content_lock.module:13
msgid "administer checked out documents"
msgstr "beheer pagina's die 'op slot' zitten"
#: content_lock.module:40;60
msgid "Locked documents"
msgstr "Pagina's 'op slot'"
#: content_lock.module:88
msgid "Content lock"
msgstr "Content lock"
#: content_lock.module:89
msgid "Configuration options for the Content lock module"
msgstr "Configuratie van de Content lock-module"
msgid "Content locking (edit lock)"
msgstr "Content locking"
msgid "Prevents users to edit the same node at the same time. The second user can enter the edit-mode and gets notified"
msgstr "Voorkomt dat gebruikers dezelfde node op hetzelfde moment bewerken. Gebruikers kunnen een melding krijgen wanneer de node op slot zit."
msgid "Drupal Wiki"
msgstr "Drupal Wiki"
#: js/content_lock_init.js:0
msgid "Be aware, if you press \"OK\" now, ALL your changes will be lost!"
msgstr "Opgelet: als u op 'OK' klikt gaan uw wijzigingen verloren."