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Forked from project / commerce_recurring
22 commits behind, 2 commits ahead of the upstream repository.
Joris Ceelen's avatar
Issue #2925427, make issue fork D10 compatible
Joris Ceelen authored

Provides recurring billing for Drupal Commerce, powered by Advanced queue.

The successor to Commerce Recurring and Commerce License Billing for D7.


  • Configurable billing intervals (charge every N days/weeks/months/years).
  • Fixed and rolling interval types (charge on the 1st of the month VS 1 month from the subscription date)
  • Prepaid and postpaid payment types (charge at the beginning or at the end of the billing period).
  • Free trial of any interval (14 days followed by a regular monthly subscription, etc)
  • Prorating (adjusting the charged price based on the duration of its usage)
  • Usage tracking (track bandwidth and charge per GB, etc).

Use cases

  1. Recurring membership (via commerce_license)

Prepaid billing for a license (usually of type "role").

  1. Recurring SaaS subscription

Postpaid billing, with optional usage, for a license.

  1. Donations

Prepaid billing for a product variation (no license), or an order item without a purchasable entity. Customers can usually select between multiple billing schedules (monthly/yearly, etc).

Future use cases: Physical products (Dollar Shave Club, etc)


  1. Go to /admin/commerce/config/billing-schedules/ and create a billing schedule.
  2. Edit your product variation type and enable the "Allow subscriptions" trait.
  3. Create a product variation with a "Subscription type" and a "Billing schedule" selected.

That's it! Each time your product variation is purchased, a subscription will be created for it. By default, subscriptions are renewed on cron. This can be changed to a Drush/Drupal Console daemon by editing the queue at /admin/config/system/queues/manage/commerce_recurring.

Payment gateway requirements

The module requires an on-site payment gateway such as Commerce Braintree. On-site gateways allow using tokenized payment methods for repeated charges, avoiding the need to store sensitive information such as credit card numbers. The "Example (On-site)" payment gateway provided by commerce_payment_example can be used for testing purposes.