'#description'=>t('Cloud name as an identifier: e.g. amazon_ec2_us_east_1 | amazon_ec2_us_east_2 | amazon_ec2_us_west_1 | amazon_ec2_us_west_2 | amazon_ca_central_1 | amazon_ec2_eu_west_1 | amazon_ec2_eu_central_1 | amazon_ec2_eu_west_2 | amazon_ec2_ap_northeast_1 | amazon_ec2_ap_northeast_2 | amazon_ec2_ap_southeast_1 | amazon_ec2_ap_southeast_2 | openstack_nova - The Cloud Name must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. Space cannot be included.'),
'#description'=>t('Cloud name as an identifier: e.g. amazon_ec2_us_east_1 | amazon_ec2_us_east_2 | amazon_ec2_us_west_1 | amazon_ec2_us_west_2 | amazon_ca_central_1 | amazon_ec2_eu_west_1 | amazon_ec2_eu_central_1 | amazon_ec2_eu_west_2 | amazon_ec2_ap_south_1 | amazon_ec2_ap_northeast_1 | amazon_ec2_ap_northeast_2 | amazon_ec2_ap_southeast_1 | amazon_ec2_ap_southeast_2 | openstack_nova - The Cloud Name must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. Space cannot be included.'),