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Commit 038bcfc0 authored by makoto suzuki's avatar makoto suzuki Committed by Yas Naoi
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Issue #3293224 by kumikoono, makoto suzuki, yas: Add a BDD test suite for...

Issue #3293224 by kumikoono, makoto suzuki, yas: Add a BDD test suite for launch templates (Create and Delete)
parent e8dc4aea
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@minimal @ci_job @setup
Feature: Create a cloud service provider for VMware as "Cloud administrator"
In order to start BDD testing
We need to create a cloud service provider
Scenario: Add a VMware Cloud service provider
Given I am logged in as a user with the "Cloud administrator" role
......@@ -19,11 +19,14 @@ Feature: Create a Drupal role for VMware as "Administrator"
Then I should be on "/admin/people/roles"
And I should see "{{ drupal_role_name }}"
And I visit "/admin/people/permissions/{{ drupal_role_name_machine }}"
# Access entities
And I check the box "View any VMware Host"
# Temporarily adds own permissions, which are supposed to be set by default.
And I check the box "Delete own VMware VM"
And I check the box "Edit own VMware VM"
And I check the box "View any VMware Host"
And I check the box "View own VMware VM"
# Temporarily adds any permissions.
And I check the box "View any cloud launch templates"
And I check the box "Delete any cloud launch templates"
# Allow to see the cloud service provider
And I check the box "Access {{ cloud_service_provider_name }}"
# Allow to launch an instance.
@minimal @ci_job
Feature: Create, read, launch, copy and delete a Launch template
for VMware as "Authenticated User"
@api @javascript
Scenario: Create a Launch template
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}/vmware/add"
And I should see the heading "Add VMware"
And I enter "{{ launch_template_name }}" for "Name"
And I select "{{ vm_guest_os }}" from "Guest OS"
And I enter {{ vm_disk_size }} for "Disk Size (GiB)"
And I press "Save"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}/"
And I should see the success message "has been created"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
@api @javascript
Scenario: Read the launch template
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I click "Refresh"
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I should see the link "{{ launch_template_name }}"
And I click "{{ launch_template_name }}"
Then the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I should see "{{ vm_guest_os }}"
And I should see "{{ vm_disk_size }}"
@api @javascript
Scenario: Launch a launch template
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I click "Refresh"
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I should see the link "{{ launch_template_name }}"
And I click "{{ launch_template_name }}"
And I click "Launch"
And the url should match "/launch"
And I select "{{ host_name }}" from "Host"
And I select "{{ vm_folder }}" from "Folder"
And I select "{{ vm_datastore }}" from "Datastore"
And I press "Launch"
Then the url should match "/clouds/vmware/{{ cloud_context }}/vm"
And I should see "{{ launch_template_name }}" in the "POWERED_OFF" row
And I should see the success message "has been launched"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
@api @javascript
Scenario: Copy the launch template
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I click "Refresh"
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I should see the link "{{ launch_template_name }}"
And I click "{{ launch_template_name }}"
And the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I click "Copy"
And the url should match "/copy"
And I enter "{{ launch_template_name_copy }}" for "Name"
And I press "Copy"
Then the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I should see the success message "has been created"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I should see the link "{{ launch_template_name_copy }}" in the table
@api @javascript
Scenario: Delete the copied launch template
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I click "Refresh"
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I should see the link "{{ launch_template_name_copy }}"
And I click "{{ launch_template_name_copy }}"
And the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I click "Delete"
And the url should match "/delete"
And I press "Delete"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I should see the success message "has been deleted"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I click "Refresh"
And I should not see the link "{{ launch_template_name_copy }}"
@api @javascript
Scenario: Delete the launch template
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I click "Refresh"
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I should see the link "{{ launch_template_name }}"
And I click "{{ launch_template_name }}"
And the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I click "Delete"
And the url should match "/delete"
And I press "Delete"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I should see the success message "has been deleted"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I click "Refresh"
And I should not see the link "{{ launch_template_name }}"
......@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ host_name:
# You need to change the value here, or define it in a separate file.
......@@ -44,14 +48,12 @@ vm_datastore:
# You need to change the value here, or define it in a separate file.
# You need to change the value here, or define it in a separate file.
# You need to change the value here, or define it in a separate file.
# You need to change the value here, or define it in a separate file.
Ubuntu Linux (64 bit)
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