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Commit 31f6e8ed authored by Tamaki Fujino's avatar Tamaki Fujino Committed by Yas Naoi
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Issue #3349803 by TamakiFujino, yas: Refactor to remove and reorganize BDD...

Issue #3349803 by TamakiFujino, yas: Refactor to remove and reorganize BDD test scenarios regarding the removal of OpenStack network interface
parent abeebd90
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with 214 additions and 76 deletions
......@@ -11,20 +11,22 @@ Feature: Confirm OpenStack resources created through the previous BDD tests do n
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
| resource_link | resource_name |
| instance | instance |
| image | images |
| security_group | security groups |
| floating_ip | floating IP |
| key_pair | key pairs |
| volume | volumes |
| snapshot | snapshots |
| network | networks |
| subnet | subnets |
| port | ports |
| router | routers |
| quota | quotas |
| stack | stacks |
| template_version | template versions |
| server_group | server groups |
| project | projects |
| resource_link | resource_name |
| instance | instance |
| image | images |
| security_group | security groups |
| floating_ip | floating IP |
| key_pair | key pairs |
| volume | volumes |
| snapshot | snapshots |
| network | networks |
| subnet | subnets |
| port | ports |
| router | routers |
| quota | quotas |
| stack | stacks |
| template_version | template versions |
| server_group | server groups |
| project | projects |
| role | roles |
| user | users |
......@@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ Feature: Check the permission setting as an "authenticated user"
| resource |
| project |
| quota |
| server group |
| template version |
| server group |
| project |
| role |
| user |
Scenario: View the key pair permissions of the authenticated user role
@minimal @ci_job
Feature: Create, associate, read, update, disassociate and delete a floating IP for OpenStack as an "authenticated user"
Feature: Create, associate, disassociate, and delete a floating IP for OpenStack as an "authenticated user"
Scenario: Create a launch template
Scenario: Create an external network
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}/openstack/add"
And I should see the heading "Add OpenStack"
And I enter "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}" for "Name"
And I select "{{ instance_flavor }}" from "Flavor"
And I select "{{ image_name }}" from "Image ID"
And I select "{{ availability_zone }}" from "Availability Zone"
And I select "{{ security_group_name }}" from "Security groups"
And I select "{{ key_pair_name }}" from "SSH key"
And I select "{{ network_name_operate_floating_ip }}" from "Network"
And I select "{{ server_group_name }}" from "Server group name"
When I visit "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/network/add"
And I should see the heading "Add OpenStack network"
And I enter "{{ network_external_name_operate }}" for "Name"
And I check the box "External network"
# Temporarily comment out because of the error when selecting Availability Zone
# And I select "{{ availability_zone }}" from "Availability Zone"
And I press "Save"
Then the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}/"
Then the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/network"
And I should see the success message "has been created"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I should see the heading "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}"
And I should see the link "{{ network_external_name_operate }}" in the table
Scenario: Launch an instance
Scenario: Create a subnet with the external network
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
And I click "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}"
And I should see the heading "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}"
And I click "Launch"
Then the url should match "/launch"
And I press "Launch"
Then the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/instance"
And I should see the success message "has been launched"
When I visit "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/subnet/add"
And I should see the heading "Add OpenStack subnet"
And I enter "{{ subnet_name_operate }}" for "Name"
And I select "{{ network_external_name_operate }}" from "Network"
And I enter "{{ network_address }}" for "CIDR"
And I select "{{ ip_version }}" from "IP version"
And I press "Save"
Then the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/subnet"
And I should see the success message "has been created"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I click "Refresh"
And I should see "{{ instance_flavor }}" in the "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}" row
And I should see "{{ availability_zone }}" in the "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}" row
And I should see the link "{{ subnet_name_operate }}" in the table
Scenario: Create a floating IP
......@@ -43,57 +37,13 @@ Feature: Create, associate, read, update, disassociate and delete a floating IP
When I visit "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip/add"
And I should see the heading "Add OpenStack floating IP"
And I enter "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}" for "Name"
And I select "{{ floating_network_id }}" from "Floating network ID"
And I select "{{ network_external_name_operate }}" from "Floating network ID"
And I press "Save"
Then the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip"
And I should see the success message "has been created"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I should see the link "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}" in the table
@api @javascript
Scenario: Associate the floating IP
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/instance"
And I click "Refresh"
And I visit "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip"
And I click "Refresh"
And I should see the link "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}"
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I click "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}"
And the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip/"
And I should see "Associate Floating IP" in the "actions"
And I click "Associate Floating IP"
Then the url should match "/associate"
And I select "{{ resource_type }}" from "Resource type"
And I select "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}" from "Instance"
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I press "Associate"
# Without @javascript, an error occurs: Unable to load network interface by private IP.
Then the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip/"
And I should see the success message "associated with"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I should see "Disassociate Floating IP" in the "actions"
Scenario: Disassociate the floating IP
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip"
And I click "Refresh"
And I should see the link "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}"
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I click "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}"
And the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip/"
And I should see "Disassociate Floating IP" in the "actions"
And I click "Disassociate Floating IP"
Then the url should match "/disassociate"
And I press "Disassociate"
Then the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip"
And I should see the success message "disassociated"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I click "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}"
And the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip/"
And I should see "Associate Floating IP" in the "actions"
Scenario: Read the floating IP
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
......@@ -104,7 +54,9 @@ Feature: Create, associate, read, update, disassociate and delete a floating IP
And I click "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}"
Then the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip/"
And I should see "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}" in the "page_header"
And I should see "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}" in the "Name"
And I should see "{{ drupal_user_name }}" in the "Authored by"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
Scenario: Update the floating IP
......@@ -115,16 +67,18 @@ Feature: Create, associate, read, update, disassociate and delete a floating IP
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I click "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}"
Then the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip/"
And I click "Edit"
And I click "Edit" in the actions
And the url should match "/edit"
And I enter "{{ floating_ip_name_operate_updated }}" for "Name"
And I press "Save"
Then I should see the success message "has been updated"
Then the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip"
And I should see the success message "has been updated"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I should see the link "{{ floating_ip_name_operate_updated }}" in the table
And I should not see the link "{{ floating_ip_name_operate }}" in the table
Scenario: Delete the floating ip
Scenario: Delete the floating IP
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip"
And I click "Refresh"
......@@ -132,51 +86,48 @@ Feature: Create, associate, read, update, disassociate and delete a floating IP
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I click "{{ floating_ip_name_operate_updated }}"
And the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip/"
And I click "Delete"
And I click "Delete" in the actions
Then the url should match "/delete"
And I press "Delete"
Then I should be on "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip"
And I should be on "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/floating_ip"
And I should see the success message "has been deleted"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I click "Refresh"
# No tables exist.
And I should not see the link "{{ floating_ip_name_operate_updated }}"
Scenario: Terminate the created instance
Scenario: Delete the subnet
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/instance"
When I visit "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/subnet"
And I click "Refresh"
And I should see "running" in the "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}" row
And I should see the link "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}"
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I click "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}"
Then the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/instance/"
And I should see the link "{{ subnet_name_operate }}"
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I click "Delete"
Then the url should match "/terminate"
And I press "Delete | Terminate"
Then I should be on "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/instance"
And I click "{{ subnet_name_operate }}"
And the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/subnet/"
And I click "Delete" in the actions
Then the url should match "/delete"
And I press "Delete"
Then I should be on "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/subnet"
And I should see the success message "has been deleted"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I wait {{ wait_deleted }} milliseconds
And I click "Refresh"
And I should see with "stopped" in the "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}" row, no rows, or no table
And I should not see the link "{{ subnet_name_operate }}"
Scenario: Delete the Cloud launch template
Scenario: Delete the external network
Given I am logged in as user "{{ drupal_user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
When I visit "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/network"
And I click "Refresh"
And I should see the link "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}"
And I should see the link "{{ network_external_name_operate }}"
And I wait {{ wait }} milliseconds
And I click "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}"
Then the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}/"
And I click "Delete"
And I click "{{ network_external_name_operate }}"
And the url should match "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/network/"
And I click "Delete" in the actions
Then the url should match "/delete"
And I press "Delete"
Then I should be on "/clouds/design/server_template/{{ cloud_context }}"
Then I should be on "/clouds/openstack/{{ cloud_context }}/network"
And I should see the success message "has been deleted"
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
And I wait {{ wait_deleted }} milliseconds
And I click "Refresh"
And I should not see the link "{{ instance_name_operate_floating_ip }}"
And I should not see the link "{{ network_external_name_operate }}"
@my_test @ci_job
Feature: Confirm the availability of the refresh button
......@@ -9,21 +9,25 @@ Feature: Confirm the availability of the refresh button
Then I should see the success message "Updated"
| resource |
| instance |
| image |
| security_group |
| floating_ip |
| key_pair |
| volume |
| snapshot |
| network |
| subnet |
| port |
| router |
| quota |
| stack |
| server_group |
| resource |
| instance |
| image |
| security_group |
| floating_ip |
| key_pair |
| volume |
| snapshot |
| network |
| subnet |
| port |
| router |
| quota |
| stack |
| template_version |
| server_group |
| project |
| role |
| user |
Scenario Outline: Refresh the list of resource as Cloud administrator
......@@ -33,21 +37,25 @@ Feature: Confirm the availability of the refresh button
Then I should see the success message "Updated"
| resource |
| instance |
| image |
| security_group |
| floating_ip |
| key_pair |
| volume |
| snapshot |
| network |
| subnet |
| port |
| router |
| quota |
| stack |
| server_group |
| resource |
| instance |
| image |
| security_group |
| floating_ip |
| key_pair |
| volume |
| snapshot |
| network |
| subnet |
| port |
| router |
| quota |
| stack |
| template_version |
| server_group |
| project |
| role |
| user |
Scenario Outline: Confirm the refresh button is not visible to Authenticated user
......@@ -56,18 +64,22 @@ Feature: Confirm the availability of the refresh button
And I should not see "Refresh"
| resource |
| instance |
| image |
| security_group |
| floating_ip |
| key_pair |
| volume |
| snapshot |
| network |
| subnet |
| port |
| router |
| quota |
| stack |
| server_group |
| resource |
| instance |
| image |
| security_group |
| floating_ip |
| key_pair |
| volume |
| snapshot |
| network |
| subnet |
| port |
| router |
| quota |
| stack |
| template_version |
| server_group |
| project |
| role |
| user |
......@@ -87,8 +87,6 @@ drupal_user_name:
......@@ -114,9 +112,6 @@ instance_name_operate_1:
# Also used as a launch template name in the scenarios for launching instance.
# Also used as a launch template name in the scenarios for floating ip.
# This is for verifying the bug fix, not getting the first element of flavors.
......@@ -156,16 +151,12 @@ network_for_port:
# The user can choose from "Fixed IP address", "Subnet", or "Unspecified"
# When "Unspecified" is selected, a fixed IP address will be given
......@@ -182,8 +173,6 @@ quota_name_operate:
# You need to change the value here, or define the key-value
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