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Commit 2bdd57d5 authored by Kumiko Ono's avatar Kumiko Ono Committed by Yas Naoi
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Issue #3252556 by kumikoono, yas: Update the BDD test user role for AWS resource testing

parent 2bf8a262
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......@@ -29,45 +29,54 @@ Feature: Create resource for AWS as "Administrator"
And I should be on "/admin/people/roles"
And I should see "{{ role_name }}"
Then I visit "admin/people/permissions/{{ role_name_machine }}"
And I check the box "Add / Launch AWS Cloud instance"
And I check the box "Add AWS Cloud VPC"
And I check the box "Add AWS Cloud VPC subnet"
And I check the box "Add AWS Cloud image"
And I check the box "Add AWS Cloud key pair"
And I check the box "Add AWS Cloud security group"
# Need to set "any" since each scenario creates a new user.
And I check the box "Delete / Terminate any Amazon EC2 instance"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud EBS snapshot"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud EBS volume"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud Elastic IP"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud Elastic Network Interface"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud VPC"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud VPC carrier gateway"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud VPC internet gateway"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud VPC peering connection"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud VPC subnet"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud VPC transit gateway"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud image"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud key pair"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud security group"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud EBS snapshot"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud EBS volume"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud Elastic IP"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud Elastic Network Interface"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud VPC"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud VPC carrier gateway"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud VPC internet gateway"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud VPC peering connection"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud VPC subnet"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud VPC transit gateway"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud image"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud instance"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud key pair"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud security group"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud image"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud VPC"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud VPC subnet"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud instance"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud key pair"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud security group"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud service provider"
And I check the box "View AWS Cloud instance type prices"
And I check the box "View AWS Cloud service provider"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud EBS snapshot"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud EBS volume"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud Elastic IP"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud Elastic Network Interface"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud VPC"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud VPC carrier gateway"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud VPC internet gateway"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud VPC peering connection"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud VPC subnet"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud VPC transit gateway"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud image"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud instance"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud key pair"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud security group"
And I check the box "Access {{ cloud_service_provider_name }}"
And I check the box "Add cloud launch templates"
And I check the box "Approve launch AWS Cloud instance"
And I check the box "Delete any cloud launch templates"
And I check the box "Edit any cloud launch templates"
And I check the box "Launch cloud launch template"
And I check the box "Launch approved cloud launch template"
And I check the box "View any cloud launch templates"
And I press "Save permissions"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
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