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Commit 7bb2d129 authored by Yutong Li's avatar Yutong Li Committed by Yas Naoi
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Issue #3239248 by, yas, kumikoono: Add acceptance tests to launch an...

Issue #3239248 by, yas, kumikoono: Add acceptance tests to launch an instance in AWS Cloud
parent d221bd7d
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with 505 additions and 304 deletions

292 KiB

Feature: Login, logout and list resources on the ongoing state
In order to list resources on the ongoing state
As a user
I need to have both Drupal and AWS IAM permissions
Scenario: Log in with the "Anonymous user" role
Given I am not logged in
When I go to "/clouds"
Then I should be on "/user/login"
And I should see the heading "Log in"
Scenario Outline: Log in
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
And I should see the link "All" in the "nav_bar"
And I should see the link "AWS" in the "nav_bar"
When I go to "/clouds"
Then I should get a 200 HTTP response
And I should see the heading "Cloud Service Providers"
| role |
| "Authenticated user" |
| "Administrator" |
Scenario: Log in as an "Administrator"
Given I am logged in as a user with the "Administrator" role
And I should see the link "All" in the "nav_bar"
And I should see the link "AWS" in the "nav_bar"
When I visit "/clouds"
Then I should see "Instance Pricing"
And I should see "Location Map"
And I should see the button "Apply"
Scenario Outline: Log out
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
And I should see the link "All" in the "nav_bar"
And I should see the link "AWS" in the "nav_bar"
And I visit "/"
And I see the heading "Cloud Service Provider Location Map"
When I click "Log out"
Then I should be on "/user/login"
And I should see the link "Log in"
| role |
| "Authenticated user" |
| "Administrator" |
Scenario Outline: View the list of Cloud service providers
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
And I should see the link "All" in the "nav_bar"
And I should see the link "AWS" in the "nav_bar"
When I go to "/clouds"
Then I should get a 200 HTTP response
And I should see the heading "Cloud Service Providers"
And I should see "Location Map"
And I should see the button "Apply"
And I should <status> the link "Name"
And I should <status> "Instance Pricing"
| role | status |
| "Authenticated user" | not see |
| "Administrator" | see |
Scenario Outline: View the list of AWS resources
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
And I should see the link "All" in the "nav_bar"
And I should see the link "AWS" in the "nav_bar"
When I go to "/clouds/aws_cloud/instance"
Then I should get a 200 HTTP response
And I should see the heading "All AWS Cloud Instances"
And I should see the button "Apply"
And I should see the link "Instances"
| role |
| "Authenticated user" |
| "Administrator" |
Feature: Create resource to change from clean to ongoing state
In order to change to ongoing state
As an admin
We need to create some resources
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Add an AWS Cloud service provider
Given I am logged in as a user with the "Administrator" role
When I visit "/admin/structure/cloud_config/add/aws_cloud"
And I enter <aws_name> for "Name"
And I enter <account_id> for "Account ID"
And I select <region_name> from "Regions"
And I check the box "Use Instance Profile"
And I press "Save"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds"
And I should see "Creating cloud service provider was performed successfully"
And I should see <aws_link>
| aws_name | account_id | region_name | aws_link |
| "AWS BDD" | "account_id" | "US West (N. California)" | "AWS BDD (N. California)" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Create a role and give it permission to AWS BDD
Given I am logged in as a user with the "Administrator" role
When I visit "/admin/people/roles/add"
And I enter <role_name> for "Role name"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
And I enter <role_name_machine> for "Machine-readable name"
And I press "Save"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
And I should be on "/admin/people/roles"
And I should see <role_name>
Then I visit <edit_role>
And I check the box "Add / Launch AWS Cloud instance"
And I check the box "Add AWS Cloud VPC"
And I check the box "Add AWS Cloud VPC subnet"
And I check the box "Add AWS Cloud image"
And I check the box "Add AWS Cloud key pair"
And I check the box "Add AWS Cloud security group"
And I check the box "Delete / Terminate any Amazon EC2 instance"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud VPC"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud VPC subnet"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud image"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud key pair"
And I check the box "Delete any AWS Cloud security group"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud VPC"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud VPC subnet"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud image"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud instance"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud key pair"
And I check the box "Edit any AWS Cloud security group"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud Image"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud VPC"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud VPC subnet"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud instance"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud key pair"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud security group"
And I check the box "List AWS Cloud service provider"
And I check the box "View AWS Cloud Instance Type Prices"
And I check the box "View AWS Cloud service provider"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud VPC"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud VPC subnet"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud image"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud instance"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud key pair"
And I check the box "View any AWS Cloud security group"
And I check the box "Access AWS BDD (N. California)"
And I check the box "Add cloud launch templates"
And I check the box "Approve launch AWS Cloud instance"
And I check the box "Delete any cloud launch templates"
And I check the box "Edit any cloud launch templates"
And I check the box "Launch cloud launch template"
And I check the box "View any cloud launch templates"
And I press "Save permissions"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
And I should see "The changes have been saved."
| edit_role | role_name | role_name_machine |
| "/admin/people/permissions/bdd_role" | "BDD Role" | "bdd_role" |
Feature: Delete the role BDD Role
Feature: Delete resource created by admin to go back to clean state
In order to change to clean state
As an admin
I need to delete some resource
Scenario Outline: Delete the role BDD Role
......@@ -14,3 +17,18 @@ Feature: Delete the role BDD Role
| role_name |
| "BDD Role" |
Scenario Outline: Delete the AWS Cloud service provider AWS BDD
Given I am logged in as a user with the "Administrator" role
When I visit "/admin/structure/cloud_config"
And I check the box "edit-cloud-config-bulk-form-0"
And I press "Apply to selected items"
And I press "Delete"
Then I should be on "/admin/structure/cloud_config"
And I should see "Deleted 1 item."
And I should not see the link <aws_link>
| aws_link |
| "AWS BDD (N. California)" |
Feature: Add an AWS Cloud service provider
In order to create the resource for Acceptance Test
As an IT admin
I want to add an AWS Cloud service provider named AWS BDD
Scenario Outline: Add an AWS Cloud service provider
Given I am on "/user/login"
And I enter <edit_name> for "edit-name"
And I enter <edit_pass> for "edit-pass"
And I press "Log in"
And I should be on "/user/1"
When I visit "/admin/structure/cloud_config/add/aws_cloud"
And I enter <aws_name> for "Name"
And I enter <account_id> for "Account ID"
And I select <region_name> from "Regions"
And I check the box "Use Instance Profile"
And I press "Save"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/admin/structure/cloud_config"
And I should see "Creating cloud service provider was performed successfully"
And I should see the link <aws_link>
| edit_name | edit_pass | aws_name | account_id | region_name | aws_link |
| "bdd_admin_name" | "bdd_admin_pass" | "AWS BDD" | "account_id" | "US West (N. California)" | "AWS BDD (N. California)" |
\ No newline at end of file
Feature: Delete the AWS Cloud service provider AWS BDD
Scenario Outline: Delete the AWS Cloud service provider AWS BDD
Given I am logged in as a user with the "Administrator" role
When I visit "/admin/structure/cloud_config"
And I check the box "edit-cloud-config-bulk-form-1"
#And I check the box "AWS BDD (N. California)"
And I press "Apply to selected items"
And I press "Delete"
Then I should be on "/admin/structure/cloud_config"
And I should see "Deleted 1 item."
And I should not see the link <aws_link>
| aws_link |
| "AWS BDD (N. California)" |
\ No newline at end of file
Feature: List all AWS resources
In order to view the list of AWS resources
As a user
I need to have both Drupal and AWS IAM permissions
Scenario Outline: View the list of AWS resources
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I go to "/clouds/aws_cloud/instance"
Then I should get a <code> HTTP response
And I should see the heading <heading>
| role | code | heading |
| "Authenticated user" | 403 | "Access denied" |
| "Administrator" | 200 | "All AWS Cloud Instances" |
Scenario: "Administrator" can view the list of AWS resources
Given I am logged in as a user with the "Administrator" role
When I go to "/clouds/aws_cloud/instance"
Then I should see the button "Apply"
And I should see the link "Instances"
Feature: List all Cloud service providers
In order to view the list of Cloud service providers
As a user
I need to be have both Drupal and AWS IAM permissions
Scenario Outline: View the list of Cloud service providers
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I go to "/clouds"
Then I should get a <code> HTTP response
And I should see the heading <heading>
| role | code | heading |
| "Authenticated user" | 403 | "Access denied" |
| "Administrator" | 200 | "Cloud Service Providers" |
Scenario: "Administrator" can view the list of Cloud service providers
Given I am logged in as a user with the "Administrator" role
When I go to "/clouds"
Then I should see "Location Map"
And I should see the button "Apply"
And I should see the link "Name"
And I should see "Instance Pricing"
Feature: Add Cloud security group
Scenario Outline: Add Cloud security group
Given I am on "/user/login"
And I enter <edit_name> for "edit-name"
And I enter <edit_pass> for "edit-pass"
And I press "Log in"
And the url should match "/user/"
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/security_group/add"
And I enter <security_group_name> for "Security group name"
And I enter <description> for "Description"
And I select <vpc_name> from "VPC CIDR (ID)"
And I press "Save"
Then the url should match "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/security_group/"
And I should see "has been created"
And I click "Inbound and Outbound Rules"
And the url should match "/edit"
And I select <ip_protocol> from "edit-ip-permission-0-ip-protocol"
And I enter <cidr_ip> for "edit-ip-permission-0-cidr-ip"
And I press "Save"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
And the url should match "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/security_group/"
And I should see "has been updated"
| edit_name | edit_pass | security_group_name | description | vpc_name | ip_protocol | cidr_ip |
| "bdd_user_name" | "bdd_user_pass" | "bdd security group" | "2021" | "Simple VPC" | "All traffic" | "" |
\ No newline at end of file
Feature: Add AWS Cloud Subnet
Scenario Outline: Add Cloud Subnet
Given I am on "/user/login"
And I enter <edit_name> for "edit-name"
And I enter <edit_pass> for "edit-pass"
And I press "Log in"
And the url should match "/user/"
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/subnet/add"
And I enter <subnet_name> for "Name"
And I select <vpc_name> from "VPC CIDR (ID)"
And I select <avail_zone> from "Availability Zone"
And I enter <ipv4_cidr> for "IPv4 CIDR block"
And I press "Save"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/subnet"
And I should see "has been created."
And I should see the link "Public subnet"
| edit_name | edit_pass | subnet_name | vpc_name | avail_zone | ipv4_cidr |
| "bdd_user_name" | "bdd_user_pass" | "Public subnet" | "Simple VPC" | "us-west-1a" | "" |
\ No newline at end of file
Feature: Add AWS Cloud VPC
Scenario Outline: Add AWS Cloud VPC
Given I am on "/user/login"
And I enter <edit_name> for "edit-name"
And I enter <edit_pass> for "edit-pass"
And I press "Log in"
And the url should match "/user/"
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/vpc/add"
And I enter <vpc_name> for "Name"
And I enter <ipv4_cidr> for "IPv4 CIDR block"
And I press "Save"
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/vpc"
And I should see "has been created."
And I should see the link <vpc>
| edit_name | edit_pass | vpc_name | ipv4_cidr |
| "bdd_user_name" | "bdd_user_pass" | "Simple VPC" | "" |
\ No newline at end of file
Feature: Create Launch Templates
Scenario Outline: Create Launch Templates
Given I am on "/user/login"
And I enter <edit_name> for "edit-name"
And I enter <edit_pass> for "edit-pass"
And I press "Log in"
And the url should match "/user/"
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1/aws_cloud/add"
And I enter <instance_name> for "Name"
And I select <instance_type> from "Instance Type"
And I select <image_link> from "Image ID"
And I select <avail_zone> from "Availability Zone"
And I select <vpc_name> from "VPC"
#And I select "dii-wl-us-west-1" from "VPC"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
And I select <subnet_name> from "Subnet"
#And I select "dii-wl-us-west-1a" from "Subnet"
And I select <security_group_name> from "Security Groups"
#And I select "default" from "Security groups"
And I select <ssh_key_name> from "SSH Key"
And I select <status> from "Status"
And I press "Save"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1/"
And I should see "has been created"
And I should see the heading <instance_name>
And I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1"
And I should see the link <instance_name>
| edit_name | edit_pass | instance_name | instance_type | image_link | avail_zone | vpc_name | subnet_name | security_group_name | ssh_key_name | status |
| "bdd_user_name" | "bdd_user_pass" | "bdd_instance" | "t3.nano" | "ubuntu-minimal/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-minimal-20210908" | "us-west-1a" | "Simple VPC" | "Public subnet" | "bdd security group" | "MY_NEW_KEY" | "Review" |
\ No newline at end of file
Feature: Create SSH key pair
Scenario Outline: Create SSH key pair
Given I am on "/user/login"
And I enter <edit_name> for "edit-name"
And I enter <edit_pass> for "edit-pass"
And I press "Log in"
And the url should match "/user/"
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/key_pair/add"
And I should see "Add AWS Cloud key pair"
And I enter <ssh_key_name> for "Key pair name"
And I press "Save"
Then the url should match "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/key_pair"
And I should see "has been created"
| edit_name | edit_pass | ssh_key_name |
| "bdd_user_name" | "bdd_user_pass" | "MY_NEW_KEY" |
\ No newline at end of file
Feature: Import AMI Image
Scenario Outline: Import AMI Image
Given I am on "/user/login"
And I enter <edit_name> for "edit-name"
And I enter <edit_pass> for "edit-pass"
And I press "Log in"
And the url should match "/user/"
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/images/import"
And I enter <image_id> for "Image IDs"
And I press "Import"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/image"
And I should see the link <image_link>
And I should see "Imported 1 images"
| edit_name | edit_pass | image_id | image_link |
| "bdd_user_name" | "bdd_user_pass" | "ami-0d12cbe56c129c170" | "ubuntu-minimal/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-minimal-20210908" |
\ No newline at end of file
Feature: Launch an instance
Scenario Outline: Launch an instance
Given I am on "/user/login"
And I enter <edit_name> for "edit-name"
And I enter <edit_pass> for "edit-pass"
And I press "Log in"
And the url should match "/user/"
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1"
And I click <instance_name>
And I should see the heading <instance_name>
And I click "Approve"
And the url should match "/approve"
And I press "Approve"
And the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1/"
And I should see "has been approved"
When I click "Launch"
And the url should match "/launch"
And I check the box "Automatically terminate instance"
And I press "Launch"
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/instance"
And I should see the link <launch_template>
And I click <launch_template>
And the url should match "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/instance/"
#And I should see "pending"
#And I reload the page
| edit_name | edit_pass | instance_name | launch_template |
| "bdd_user_name" | "bdd_user_pass" | "bdd_instance" | "MY_LAUNCH_TEMPLATE" |
\ No newline at end of file
Feature: Terminate the instance
Scenario Outline: Terminate the instance
Given I am on "/user/login"
And I enter <edit_name> for "edit-name"
And I enter <edit_pass> for "edit-pass"
And I press "Log in"
And the url should match "/user/"
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/instance"
And I click <launch_template>
And I click "Stop"
And the url should match "/stop"
And I press "Stop"
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/instance"
And I should see "has been stopped"
And I click <launch_template>
And I should see "stop"
| edit_name | edit_pass | launch_template |
| "bdd_user_name" | "bdd_user_pass" | "MY_LAUNCH_TEMPLATE" |
\ No newline at end of file
Feature: View the instance
Scenario Outline: View the instance
Given I am on "/user/login"
And I enter <edit_name> for "edit-name"
And I enter <edit_pass> for "edit-pass"
And I press "Log in"
And the url should match "/user/"
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/instance"
And I click <instance_name>
Then the url should match "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/instance/"
And I should see the link "Info"
And I should see the link "Monitor"
And I should see the link "Console Output"
| edit_name | edit_pass | instance_name |
| "bdd_user_name" | "bdd_user_pass" | "bdd_instance" |
\ No newline at end of file
Feature: Delete resources created by user to launch EC2 instance
In order to be able to replicate BDD tests
As a user
I need to delete some resources
Scenario Outline: Terminate the instance
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/instance"
And I should see the link <instance_name>
And I click <instance_name>
And the url should match "/instance/"
And I click "Delete" in the "actions"
And the url should match "/terminate"
And I press "Delete | Terminate"
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/instance"
And I should see "has been deleted"
And I should not see the link <instance_name>
| role | instance_name |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD_Instance" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Delete launch template
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1"
And I should see the link <launch_template>
And I click <launch_template>
And the url should match "/aws_bdd_us_west_1/"
And I click "Delete" in the "nav_tabs"
And the url should match "/delete"
And I press "Delete"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1"
And I should see "has been deleted"
And I should not see the link <launch_template>
| role | launch_template |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD_Instance" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Delete Cloud security group
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/security_group"
And I should see the link <security_group_name>
And I click <security_group_name>
And the url should match "/security_group/"
And I click "Delete" in the "actions"
And the url should match "/delete"
And I press "Delete"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/security_group"
And I should see "has been deleted"
And I should not see the link <security_group_name>
| role | security_group_name |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD Security Group" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Delete Cloud Subnet
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/subnet"
And I should see the link <subnet_name>
And I click <subnet_name>
And the url should match "/subnet/"
And I click "Delete" in the "actions"
And the url should match "/delete"
And I press "Delete"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/subnet"
And I should see "has been deleted"
And I should not see the link <subnet_name>
| role | subnet_name |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD Subnet" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Delete Aws Cloud VPC
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/vpc"
And I should see the link <vpc_name>
And I click <vpc_name>
And the url should match "/vpc/"
And I click "Delete" in the "actions"
And the url should match "/delete"
And I press "Delete"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/vpc"
And I should see "has been deleted"
And I should not see the link <vpc_name>
| role | vpc_name |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD VPC" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Delete AMI Image
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/image"
And I should see the link <image_name>
And I click <image_name>
And the url should match "/image/"
And I click "Delete" in the "actions"
And the url should match "/delete"
And I press "Delete"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/image"
And I should see "has been delete"
And I should not see the link <image_name>
| role | image_name |
| "BDD Role" | "ubuntu-minimal/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-minimal-20211001" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Delete SSH Key Pair
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/key_pair"
And I should see the link <ssh_key_name>
And I click <ssh_key_name>
And the url should match "/key_pair/"
And I click "Delete" in the "actions"
And the url should match "/delete"
And I press "Delete"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/key_pair"
And I should see "has been deleted"
And I should not see the link <ssh_key_name>
| role | ssh_key_name |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD Key" |
Feature: Launch EC2 instance
In order to launch EC2 instance
As a user
I need to create necessary resource
Scenario Outline: Log into the site
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds"
And I should see the heading "Cloud Service Providers"
And I should see the link "All" in the "nav_bar"
And I should see the link "AWS" in the "nav_bar"
| role |
| "BDD Role" |
Scenario Outline: Create SSH Key Pair
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/key_pair/add"
And I should see the heading "Add AWS Cloud Key Pair"
And I enter <ssh_key_name> for "Key pair name"
And I press "Save"
Then the url should match "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/key_pair"
And I should see "has been created"
And I should see the link <ssh_key_name>
| role | ssh_key_name |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD Key" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Import AMI Image
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/images/import"
And I enter <image_id> for "Image IDs"
And I press "Import"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/image"
And I should see "Imported 1 images"
And I should see the link <image_name>
| role | image_id | image_name |
| "BDD Role" | "ami-0ffd5d172624ebfe2" | "ubuntu-minimal/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-minimal-20211001" |
Scenario Outline: Add AWS Cloud VPC
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/vpc/add"
And I enter <vpc_name> for "Name"
And I enter <ipv4_cidr> for "IPv4 CIDR block"
And I press "Save"
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/vpc"
And I should see "has been created"
And I should see the link <vpc_name>
| role | vpc_name | ipv4_cidr |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD VPC" | "" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Add Cloud Subnet
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/subnet/add"
And I enter <subnet_name> for "Name"
And I select <vpc_name> from "VPC CIDR (ID)"
And I select <avail_zone> from "Availability Zone"
And I enter <ipv4_cidr> for "IPv4 CIDR block"
And I press "Save"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/subnet"
And I should see "has been created"
And I should see the link <subnet_name>
| role | subnet_name | vpc_name | avail_zone | ipv4_cidr |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD Subnet" | "BDD VPC" | "us-west-1a" | "" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Add Cloud Security Group
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/security_group/add"
And I enter <security_group_name> for "Security group name"
And I enter <description> for "Description"
And I select <vpc_name> from "VPC CIDR (ID)"
And I press "Save"
Then the url should match "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/security_group/"
And I should see "has been created"
And I click "Inbound and Outbound Rules"
And the url should match "/edit"
And I select <ip_protocol> from "IP Protocol"
And I enter <cidr_ip> for "CIDR IP"
And I press "Save"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
And the url should match "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/security_group/"
And I should see "has been updated"
And I should see the link <security_group_name>
| role | security_group_name | description | vpc_name | ip_protocol | cidr_ip |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD Security Group" | "2021" | "BDD VPC" | "All traffic" | "" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Create Launch Templates
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1/aws_cloud/add"
And I should see the heading "Add AWS Cloud"
And I enter <instance_name> for "Name"
And I select <instance_type> from "Instance Type"
And I select <image_name> from "Image ID"
And I select <avail_zone> from "Availability Zone"
And I select <vpc_name> from "VPC"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
And I select <subnet_name> from "Subnet"
And I select <security_group_name> from "Security Groups"
And I select <ssh_key_name> from "SSH Key"
And I select <status> from "Status"
And I press "Save"
And I wait for AJAX to finish
Then the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1/"
And I should see "has been created"
And I should see the heading <instance_name>
And I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1"
And I should see the link <instance_name>
| role | instance_name | instance_type | image_name | avail_zone | vpc_name | subnet_name | security_group_name | ssh_key_name | status |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD_Instance" | "t3.nano" | "ubuntu-minimal/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-minimal-20211001" | "us-west-1a" | "BDD VPC" | "BDD Subnet" | "BDD Security Group" | "BDD Key" | "Review" |
@javascript @api
Scenario Outline: Launch an instance
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1"
And I click <instance_name>
And I should see the heading <instance_name>
And I click "Approve"
And the url should match "/approve"
And I press "Approve"
And the url should match "/clouds/design/server_template/aws_bdd_us_west_1/"
And I should see "has been approved"
When I click "Launch"
And the url should match "/launch"
And I check the box "Automatically terminate instance"
And I press "Launch"
Then I should be on "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/instance"
And I should see "pending"
| role | instance_name |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD_Instance" |
Scenario Outline: View the instance
Given I am logged in as a user with the <role> role
When I visit "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/instance"
And I click <instance_name>
Then the url should match "/clouds/aws_cloud/aws_bdd_us_west_1/instance/"
And I should see the link "Info"
And I should see the link "Monitor"
And I should see the link "Console Output"
| role | instance_name |
| "BDD Role" | "BDD_Instance" |
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