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Commit cc0667fc authored by baldwinlouie's avatar baldwinlouie Committed by Yas Naoi
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Issue #3053779 by baldwinlouie, yas, Xiaohua Guan: Refactor aws_cloud.permissions.yml

parent ed9e40e1
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# Updated by yas 2016/06/02
# Updated by yas 2016/05/25
# Updated by yas 2016/05/20
# AWS Cloud
administer aws_cloud:
title: 'Administer AWS Cloud settings'
description: 'Perform administration tasks for AWS Cloud.'
......@@ -13,229 +8,213 @@ administer aws_cloud:
# AWS Cloud Provider
add aws cloud provider:
title: 'Add AWS Cloud service provider'
description: 'Allow to add cloud provider'
description: 'Allow users to add cloud provider'
list aws cloud provider:
title: 'List AWS Cloud service provider'
description: 'Allow to list cloud provider'
description: 'Allow users to list cloud provider'
view aws cloud provider:
title: 'View AWS Cloud service provider'
description: 'Allow to view cloud provider'
description: 'Allow users to view cloud provider'
edit aws cloud provider:
title: 'Edit AWS Cloud service provider'
description: 'Allow to edit cloud provider'
description: 'Allow users to edit cloud provider'
delete aws cloud provider:
title: 'Delete AWS Cloud service provider'
description: 'Allow to delete cloud provider'
# AWS Cloud Instance
description: 'Allow users to delete cloud provider'
# AWS EC2 Instance
add aws cloud instance:
title: 'Launch AWS Cloud instance'
description: 'Allow to launch instance'
description: 'Allow users to launch Amazon EC2 instance'
list aws cloud instance:
title: 'List AWS Cloud instance'
description: 'Allow to list instance'
description: 'Allow users to list Amazon EC2 instance'
view any aws cloud instance:
title: 'View any AWS Cloud instance'
description: 'Allow to view instance'
description: 'Allow users to view instance'
edit any aws cloud instance:
title: 'Edit any AWS Cloud instance'
description: 'Allow to edit instance'
description: 'Allow users to view any Amazon EC2 instance'
delete any aws cloud instance:
title: 'Terminate any AWS Cloud instance'
description: 'Allow to terminate instance'
description: 'Allow users to terminate any Amazon EC2 instance'
view own aws cloud instance:
title: 'View own AWS Cloud instance'
description: 'Allow users to edit own Amazon EC2 instance'
edit own aws cloud instance:
title: 'Edit own AWS Cloud instance'
description: 'Allow users to edit own Amazon EC2 instance'
delete own aws cloud instance:
title: 'Terminate own AWS Cloud instance'
description: 'Allow users to edit own Amazon EC2 instance'
# AWS Cloud Image
# Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
add aws cloud image:
title: 'Add AWS Cloud image'
description: 'Allow to add image'
description: 'Allow users to add Amazon machine image (AMI)'
list aws cloud image:
title: 'List AWS Cloud image'
description: 'Allow to list image'
description: 'Allow users to list Amazon machine image (AMI)'
view any aws cloud image:
title: 'View any AWS Cloud image'
description: 'Allow to view any image'
view own aws cloud image:
title: 'View own AWS Cloud image'
description: 'Allow to view any image'
description: 'Allow users to view any Amazon machine image (AMI)'
edit any aws cloud image:
title: 'Edit any AWS Cloud image'
description: 'Allow to edit any image'
edit own aws cloud image:
title: 'Edit own AWS Cloud image'
description: 'Allow to edit own image'
description: 'Allow users to edit any Amazon machine image (AMI)'
delete any aws cloud image:
title: 'Delete any AWS Cloud image'
description: 'Allow to delete any image'
description: 'Allow users to delete any Amazon machine image (AMI)'
view own aws cloud image:
title: 'View own AWS Cloud image'
description: 'Allow users to view own Amazon machine image (AMI)'
edit own aws cloud image:
title: 'Edit own AWS Cloud image'
description: 'Allow users to edit own Amazon machine image (AMI)'
delete own aws cloud image:
title: 'Delete own AWS Cloud image'
description: 'Allow to delete edit image'
# AWS Cloud Network Interface
description: 'Allow users to delete own Amazon machine image (AMI)'
# Elastic Network Interface (ENI)
add aws cloud network interface:
title: 'Add AWS Cloud network interface'
description: 'Allow to add network interface'
description: 'Allow users to add elastic network interface (ENI)'
list aws cloud network interface:
title: 'List AWS Cloud network interface'
description: 'Allow to list network interface'
description: 'Allow users to list elastic network interface (ENI)'
view aws cloud network interface:
title: 'View AWS Cloud network interface'
description: 'Allow to view network interface'
description: 'Allow users to view elastic network interface (ENI)'
edit aws cloud network interface:
title: 'Edit AWS Cloud network interface'
description: 'Allow to edit network interface'
description: 'Allow users to edit elastic network interface (ENI)'
delete aws cloud network interface:
title: 'Delete AWS Cloud network interface'
description: 'Allow to delete network interface'
# AWS Cloud Elastic IP
description: 'Allow users to delete elastic network interface (ENI)'
# Elastic IP (EIP)
add aws cloud elastic ip:
title: 'Add AWS Cloud Elastic IP'
description: 'Allow to add Elastic IP'
description: 'Allow users to add Elastic IP (EIP)'
list aws cloud elastic ip:
title: 'List AWS Cloud Elastic IP'
description: 'Allow to list Elastic IP'
description: 'Allow users to list Elastic IP (EIP)'
view aws cloud elastic ip:
title: 'View AWS Cloud Elastcic IP'
description: 'Allow to view Elastic IP'
description: 'Allow users to view Elastic IP (EIP)'
edit aws cloud elastic ip:
title: 'Edit AWS Cloud Elastic IP'
description: 'Allow to edit Elastic IP'
description: 'Allow users to edit Elastic IP (EIP)'
delete aws cloud elastic ip:
title: 'Delete AWS Cloud Elastic IP'
description: 'Allow to delete Elastic IP'
# AWS Cloud Key Pair
description: 'Allow users to delete Elastic IP (EIP)'
# Amazon EC2 Key Pair
add aws cloud key pair:
title: 'Add AWS Cloud key pair'
description: 'Allow to add key pair'
description: 'Allow users to add key pair'
list aws cloud key pair:
title: 'List AWS Cloud key pair'
description: 'Allow to list key pair'
description: 'Allow users to list key pair'
view aws cloud key pair:
title: 'View AWS Cloud key pair'
description: 'Allow to view key pair'
description: 'Allow users to view key pair'
edit aws cloud key pair:
title: 'Edit AWS Cloud key pair'
description: 'Allow to edit key pair'
description: 'Allow users to edit key pair'
delete aws cloud key pair:
title: 'Delete AWS Cloud key pair'
description: 'Allow to delete key pair'
# AWS Cloud Security Group
description: 'Allow users to delete key pair'
# AWS Security Group
add aws cloud security group:
title: 'Add AWS Cloud security group'
description: 'Allow to add security group'
description: 'Allow users to add security group'
list aws cloud security group:
title: 'List AWS Cloud security group'
description: 'Allow to list security group'
description: 'Allow users to list security group'
view aws cloud security group:
title: 'View AWS Cloud security group'
description: 'Allow to view security group'
description: 'Allow users to view security group'
edit aws cloud security group:
title: 'Edit AWS Cloud security group'
description: 'Allow to edit security group'
description: 'Allow users to edit security group'
delete aws cloud security group:
title: 'Delete AWS Cloud security group'
description: 'Allow to delete security group'
# AWS Cloud EBS Volume
description: 'Allow users to delete security group'
# Amazon EBS Volume
add aws cloud volume:
title: 'Add AWS Cloud EBS volume'
description: 'Allow to add volume'
description: 'Allow users to add Amazon EBS volume'
list aws cloud volume:
title: 'List AWS Cloud EBS volume'
description: 'Allow to list volume'
description: 'Allow users to list Amazon EBS volume'
view any aws cloud volume:
title: 'View any AWS Cloud EBS volume'
description: 'Allow to view any volume'
description: 'Allow users to view any Amazon EBS volume'
edit any aws cloud volume:
title: 'Edit any AWS Cloud EBS volume'
description: 'Allow to edit any volume'
description: 'Allow users to edit any Amazon EBS volume'
delete any aws cloud volume:
title: 'Delete any AWS Cloud EBS volume'
description: 'Allow to delete any volume'
description: 'Allow users to delete any Amazon EBS volume'
view own aws cloud volume:
title: 'View own AWS Cloud EBS volume'
description: 'Allow to view own volume'
description: 'Allow users to view own Amazon EBS volume'
edit own aws cloud volume:
title: 'Edit own AWS Cloud EBS volume'
description: 'Allow to edit own volume'
description: 'Allow users to edit own Amazon EBS volume'
delete own aws cloud volume:
title: 'Delete own AWS Cloud EBS volume'
description: 'Allow to delete own volume'
# AWS Cloud EBS Snapshot
description: 'Allow users to delete own Amazon EBS volume'
# Amazon EBS Snapshot
add aws cloud snapshot:
title: 'Add AWS Cloud EBS snapshot'
description: 'Allow to add snapshot'
description: 'Allow users to add Amazon EBS snapshot'
list aws cloud snapshot:
title: 'List AWS Cloud EBS snapshot'
description: 'Allow to list snapshot'
description: 'Allow users to list Amazon EBS snapshot'
view any aws cloud snapshot:
title: 'View any AWS Cloud EBS snapshot'
description: 'Allow to view any snapshot'
description: 'Allow users to view any Amazon EBS snapshot'
edit any aws cloud snapshot:
title: 'Edit any AWS Cloud EBS snapshot'
description: 'Allow to edit any snapshot'
description: 'Allow users to edit any Amazon EBS snapshot'
delete any aws cloud snapshot:
title: 'Delete any AWS Cloud EBS snapshot'
description: 'Allow to delete any snapshot'
description: 'Allow users to delete any Amazon EBS snapshot'
view own aws cloud snapshot:
title: 'View own AWS Cloud EBS snapshot'
description: 'Allow to view own snapshot'
description: 'Allow users to view own Amazon EBS snapshot'
edit own aws cloud snapshot:
title: 'Edit own AWS Cloud EBS snapshot'
description: 'Allow to edit own snapshot'
description: 'Allow users to edit own Amazon EBS snapshot'
delete own aws cloud snapshot:
title: 'Delete own AWS Cloud EBS snapshot'
description: 'Allow to delete own snapshot'
# AWS Cloud Instance Type Price
description: 'Allow users to delete own Amazon EBS snapshot'
# Amazon EC2 Instance Pricing
view aws cloud instance type prices:
title: 'View AWS Cloud Instance Type Prices'
description: 'Allow to view instance type price'
description: 'Allow users to view instance type price'
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