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  • 3221415-change-the-class-name-from-CloudServerTemplate-to-CloudLaunchTemplate
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  • previous/3221415-change-the-class-name-from-CloudServerTemplate-to-CloudLaunchTemplate/2021-06-30
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28 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.024Apr2322211917151410985131Mar29282623211413121176542127Feb2622211813986543231Jan30282522171615141110928Dec2422212019171614131187429Nov28272522211815141398731Oct30292625241615982128Sep19177428Aug232015631Jul3029Jun427Feb2629Nov26Jun14131Nov24Oct221112Sep8766Jul324Jun23201352129May2827251119Apr161424Nov1229Sep28Aug27262025Jun231615123May2220191413121110987625Mar23Dec5426Nov197542131Oct304Mar28Feb25211312811Jan31Dec181714131211654330Nov292827262019161514139717Oct153Sep22Aug30Jul254Jun15May9Apr127Mar211219Feb1621Jan22Dec212Jul28Jun25232019151110914Jul5Jan15NovIssue #3050346 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Refactor AwsCloudConfig formIssue #3050106 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Trim text fields in EC2 entity formsIssue #3050106 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Trim text fields in EC2 entity forms8.x-1.1-beta18.x-1.1-beta1Issue #3047302 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Aggregate the Instance pricing spreadsheet to a single spreadsheet with multiple tabs for the regionsIssue #3047302 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Aggregate the Instance pricing spreadsheet to a single spreadsheet with multiple tabs for the regionsIssue #3050037 by baldwinlouie, yas, Xiaohua Guan: Add copy functionality to Server TemplateIssue #3050037 by baldwinlouie, yas, Xiaohua Guan: Add copy functionality to Server TemplateIssue #3048125 by Xiaohua Guan, yas: Fix the case if the user change the .gapps/client_secret.json for Google Spreadsheet of Instance PricingIssue #3048125 by Xiaohua Guan, yas: Fix the case if the user change the .gapps/client_secret.json for Google Spreadsheet of Instance PricingIssue #3049523 by baldwinlouie, yas: Modify "Design" and "Cloud Service Provider" viewsIssue #3049523 by baldwinlouie, yas: Modify "Design" and "Cloud Service Provider" viewsIssue #3049421 by baldwinlouie, yas: Include cloud_server_template_field_data in cloud_update_8103()Issue #3049421 by baldwinlouie, yas: Include cloud_server_template_field_data in cloud_update_8103()Issue #3048701 by yas, baldwinlouie: Re-arrange README.mdIssue #3048701 by yas, baldwinlouie: Re-arrange README.mdIssue #3048701 by yas, baldwinlouie: Re-arrange README.mdIssue #3048701 by yas, baldwinlouie: Re-arrange README.mdIssue #3048805 by Xiaohua Guan, yas: Resolve the failure of testInstanceTerminateConfigurationIssue #3048805 by Xiaohua Guan: Resolve the failure of testInstanceTerminateConfigurationIssue #3047312 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Copy and paste secret.json information about Google Spreadsheet in AwsCloudAdminSettings formIssue #3047312 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Copy and paste secret.json information about Google Spreadsheet in AwsCloudAdminSettings formIssue #3047694 by baldwinlouie, yas, Xiaohua Guan: Merge cloud_server_template and cloud moduleIssue #3047694 by baldwinlouie, yas, Xiaohua Guan: Merge cloud_server_template and cloud moduleIssue #3047299 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, Masami: Identify the instance name in the EIP list viewIssue #3047299 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, Masami: Identify the instance name in the EIP list viewIssue #3047016 by Masami, yas, Xiaohua Guan, baldwinlouie: Change the namespace from Drupal\aws_cloud\Aws\Ec2 to Drupal\aws_cloud\Entity\Ec2 or Drupal\aws_cloud\Controller\Ec2Issue #3047016 by Masami, yas, Xiaohua Guan, baldwinlouie: Change the namespace from Drupal\aws_cloud\Aws\Ec2 to Drupal\aws_cloud\Entity\Ec2 or Drupal\aws_cloud\Controller\Ec2Issue #3047033 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Enable / disable each region of AwsCloudConfig when creating AwsCloudConfigIssue #3047033 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Enable / disable each region of AwsCloudConfig when creating AwsCloudConfigIssue #3046737 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Assign the Instance name based on the Server Template nameIssue #3046737 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Assign the Instance name based on the Server Template nameIssue #3046242 by baldwinlouie, yas, Xiaohua Guan, Masami: Add a flag signifying an unused volumeIssue #3046242 by baldwinlouie, yas, Xiaohua Guan, Masami: Add a flag signifying an unused volumeIssue #3046731 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, Masami: Check the Instance name w/ Instance ID in EIP Detailed / Edit ViewIssue #3046731 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, Masami: Check the Instance name w/ Instance ID in EIP Detailed / Edit ViewIssue #3043675 by Masami, yas, Xiaohua Guan, baldwinlouie: Enable to configure views pager options from admin configuration pageIssue #3043675 by Masami, yas, Xiaohua Guan, baldwinlouie: Enable to configure views pager options from admin configuration pageIssue #3046730 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Identify the EIP name in Network Interface Detailed / Edit viewIssue #3046730 by Xiaohua Guan, yas, baldwinlouie: Identify the EIP name in Network Interface Detailed / Edit viewIssue #3044522 by Xiaohua Guan, baldwinlouie, Masami, yas: Display the instance type pricing list by Google Spreadsheet