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Commit e2c235dc authored by Karen Stevenson's avatar Karen Stevenson
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Rework processing to eliminate node_load() which is too expensive, add...

Rework processing to eliminate node_load() which is too expensive, add field-specific timezone and offset info to calendar field array and use it when displaying date
parent bcd56a08
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......@@ -55,30 +55,41 @@ function calendar_fields() {
$delta = 0;
foreach (_views_get_fields() as $name => $val) {
$fromto = array();
$fromto = $timestamp_fromto = array();
$type = '';
// for cck fields, get the date type
if ($val['content_field']['type'] == 'date' || $val['content_field']['type'] == 'datestamp') {
$type = $val['content_field']['type'] == 'date' ? 'cck_string' : 'cck_timestamp';
// all other fields that use the views date handler are timestamps
elseif ($val['handler'] == views_handler_field_dates()) {
$type = 'timestamp';
// don't do anything if this is not a date field
if ($type) {
// dates with from and to dates need to handle both fields as one
// add the from and to dates to the first one found and ignore the second
if (!$event_field_processed && ($name == 'event.event_start' || $name == 'event.event_end')) {
$timestamp_fromto = array('event.event_start', 'event.event_end');
$offset_field = 'event.timezone';
$tz_handling = variable_get('event_timezone_display', 'site');
$event_field_processed = TRUE;
elseif ($val['content_field']['tz_handling']) {
$tz_handling = $val['content_field']['tz_handling'];
$offset_field = $val['content_db_info']['table'] .'.offset';
else {
$tz_handling = 'site';
// TODO add handling for cck fromto dates here once date module has been updated
// will add handling for cck fromto dates here once date module has been updated
// skip this step on second occurance of fromto date fields, if more than one exists in view
if (!$event_field_processed || $timestamp_fromto || $string_fromto) {
......@@ -96,10 +107,13 @@ function calendar_fields() {
'field_name' => $field_name,
'query_name' => str_replace('.', '_', $name),
'timestamp_fromto' => $timestamp_fromto,
'tz_handling' => $tz_handling,
'offset_field' => $offset_field,
return $fields;
......@@ -139,21 +153,27 @@ function theme_calendar_display(&$view, &$items, $type) {
$timestamp_fromto = $option['timestamp_fromto'];
$string_fromto = $option['string_fromto'];
$field_id = $delta;
$tz_handling = $option['tz_handling'];
$offset_field = $option['offset_field'];
// iterate through the $items array returned by the query and create date or pseudo date nodes
foreach ($items as $item) {
// have to fetch a fresh version of node each time in case multiple fields are pulled from the same nid
// if we don't do this we get the previously cached version with data added on previous node_load()
$node = node_load(array('nid' => $item->nid), NULL, TRUE);
// If we're dealing with an event node, go ahead and use the provided values
$node = $item;
$node->title = $node->node_title;
foreach ($view->field as $field) {
// if fields other than title and dates are provided, make them into a teaser
if (!in_array($field['field'], $calendar_fields) && $field['field'] != 'title') {
$node->teaser .= '<div>'. views_theme_field('views_handle_field', $field['queryname'], $fields, $field, $node, $view) .'</div>';
// If we're dealing with an event node, join the start and to dates together in one node and get rid of the other
if (($field_field == 'event_event_start' || $field_field == 'event_event_end') && !$event_field_processed[$item->nid]) {
if ($node->event_start > 0) {
$node->calendar_start = $node->event_start;
$node->calendar_end = $node->event_end;
$item->$field_field = $node->event_start;
if ($node->event_event_start > 0) {
$node->calendar_start = $node->event_event_start;
$node->calendar_end = $node->event_event_end;
$event_field_processed[$item->nid] = TRUE;
......@@ -178,29 +198,57 @@ function theme_calendar_display(&$view, &$items, $type) {
if ($field_type == 'timestamp') {
$node->calendar_start = $item->$field_field;
} else {
$node->calendar_start = strtotime($item->$field_field);
// get the timestamp value for this date, use UTC to make sure no timezone conversion gets done on it
$node->calendar_start = strtotime(str_replace('T', ' ', $item->$field_field) .' UTC');
if (isset($node)) {
// get appropriate timezone offset
switch ($tz_handling) {
case 'user' :
global $user;
$node->start_offset = $node->end_offset = $user->timezone;
case 'GMT' :
$node->start_offset = $node->end_offset = 0;
case 'date' :
$node->start_offset = $node->end_offset = $offset_field;
case 'event' :
include_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'event') .'/');
$node->start_offset = event_get_offset($node->event_timezone, $node->event_event_start);
$node->end_offset = event_get_offset($node->event_timezone, $node->event_event_end);
default :
$node->start_offset = $node->end_offset = variable_get('date_default_timezone', 0);
// need to come back to this and do something better with timezone handling
// keep it simple until things are basically working
$node->start_offset = $timezone = _views_get_timezone();
$node->end_offset = $node->start_offset;
if (isset($node) && function_exists($field_function) && $node->calendar_start && $item->$field_field) {
if ($field_function == 'content_format') {
// force the original value for this field into the array that content_format expects
$node->start_time_format = content_format($field_field_name, array('value' => $item->$field_field), $field_formatter);
if ($node->calendar_end) $node->end_time_format = content_format($field_field_name, array('value' => $item->$field_field), $field_formatter);
$node->start_format = content_format($field_field_name, array('value' => $item->$field_field), $field_formatter);
if ($node->calendar_end) $node->end_format = content_format($field_field_name, array('value' => $item->$field_field), $field_formatter);
else {
// or call date format function
if (!$node->start_time_format) {
$node->start_time_format = $field_function(NULL, NULL, $item->$field_field, NULL);
if ($node->calendar_end && !$node->end_time_format) $node->end_time_format = $field_function(NULL, NULL, $node->calendar_end, NULL);
if (!$node->start_format) {
$node->start_format = $field_function(NULL, NULL, $item->$field_field, NULL);
if ($node->calendar_end && !$node->end_format) $node->end_format = $field_function(NULL, NULL, $node->calendar_end, NULL);
// format a time-only display for the month calendar
$format = explode(' - ', variable_get('date_format_short', 'm/d/Y - H:i'));
$node->start_time_format = gmdate($format[1], $node->calendar_start + $node->start_offset);
if ($node->calendar_end) $node->end_time_format = gmdate($format[1], $node->calendar_end + $node->end_offset);
if ($node) {
// we can have multiple representations with the same nid, like multi-day values
......@@ -610,11 +658,12 @@ function calendar_views_query_alter(&$query, &$view) {
// and make sure day view is not selected
if ($view->build_type == 'block') {
// if the real view values were reset in the page, reset them
if ($view->reset_argument) {
$view->argument = $view->reset_argument;
$view->args = $view->reset_args;
$view->calendar_type = 'month';
$view->args = explode('/', str_replace($view->url .'/', '', $_GET['mini']));
......@@ -758,6 +807,8 @@ function calendar_views_query_alter(&$query, &$view) {
foreach ($view->field as $field) {
$view_fields[] = $field['field'];
// handling for from and to date ranges
if ($fields[$field['field']]['timestamp_fromto']) {
$queries[] = "(". $fields[$field['field']]['timestamp_fromto'][1] ." >='$query_timestamp_min' AND ". $fields[$field['field']]['timestamp_fromto'][0] ." <='$query_timestamp_max')";
......@@ -775,9 +826,10 @@ function calendar_views_query_alter(&$query, &$view) {
$queries[] = "(". $field['fullname'] .">='$query_timestamp_min' AND ". $field['fullname'] ."<='$query_timestamp_max')";
// bring the node type into the query so we can use it in the theme
$query->add_field('type', 'node');
$query->add_where(implode(" OR ", $queries));
......@@ -823,7 +875,7 @@ function calendar_views_pre_view(&$view, &$items) {
* Handle a lot of messy week calculations all in one place to make updates easier
* Handle a lot of messy week calculations all in one place to make maintenance easier
function calendar_week($op, $view, $week = 0) {
......@@ -832,7 +884,7 @@ function calendar_week($op, $view, $week = 0) {
$week = date('W', $date);
if ($op == 'week') return $week;
// use strtotime to find first day of requested week
$week_start = strtotime('Jan 1, '.$view->year.' + '.intval($week - 1).' weeks');
$week_end = $week_start + 604800;
switch ($op) {
......@@ -853,6 +905,7 @@ function calendar_week($op, $view, $week = 0) {
* A function to test the validity of various date parts
......@@ -1022,4 +1075,4 @@ function calendar_system_module_validate(&$form) {
drupal_set_message(t('The module %module was deactivated--it requires the following disabled/non-existant modules to function properly: %dependencies', array('%module' => $module, '%dependencies' => implode(', ', $missing_dependency_list))), 'error');
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ function calendar_get_calendar($view, $nodes, $module, $title = NULL, $params =
$week_row = array(0 =>
'class' => 'week',
'data' => l($cur_week, $params['url'] .'/'. $year .'/W'. $cur_week),
'data' => l(sprintf('%02d', $cur_week), $params['url'] .'/'. $year .'/W'. $cur_week),
$rows[] = array_merge($week_row, array_pad($row, 7, '<nobr></nobr>'));
......@@ -602,9 +602,9 @@ function theme_calendar_node_day($node) {
$output .= '<div class="title">'. l($node->title, "node/$node->nid", array('title' => t('view this item'))) .'</div>'."\n";
$output .= '<div class="start">'. t('Start: ') . $node->start_time_format .'</div>'."\n";
$output .= '<div class="start">'. t('Start: ') . $node->start_format .'</div>'."\n";
if ($node->calendar_start != $node->calendar_end && $node->calendar_end) {
$output .= '<div class="end">'. t('End: ') . $node->end_time_format .'</div>'."\n";
$output .= '<div class="end">'. t('End: ') . $node->end_format .'</div>'."\n";
if ($node->teaser) {
$output .= '<div class="content">'. check_markup($node->teaser) ."</div>\n";
......@@ -961,4 +961,4 @@ function theme_calendar_upcoming_item($node) {
function theme_calendar_upcoming_block($items) {
$output = theme("item_list", $items);
return $output;
\ No newline at end of file
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