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Commit e938d2b2 authored by Karen Stevenson's avatar Karen Stevenson
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#174580 Add rel=nofollow to back/next links.

parent 643d9311
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......@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ function theme_calendar_nav($view, $link = FALSE, $format = NULL) {
$output .= '<div class="date-prev">';
$querystring = calendar_querystring($view, $prev_query);
$period = $view->build_type != 'block' ? t('prev') : '';
$output .= l(t('‹ !period ', array('!period' => $period)), $prev_path, array(), (!empty($querystring) ? $querystring : NULL));
$output .= l(t('‹ !period ', array('!period' => $period)), $prev_path, array('rel' => 'nofollow'), (!empty($querystring) ? $querystring : NULL));
$heading = theme('calendar_nav_title', $view->calendar_type, $view, $link, $format);
$output .= '</div><div class="date-heading"><h3>'. $heading .'</h3></div>';
......@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ function theme_calendar_nav($view, $link = FALSE, $format = NULL) {
$output .= '<div class="date-next">';
$querystring = calendar_querystring($view, $next_query);
$period = $view->build_type != 'block' ? t('next') : '';
$output .= l(t(' !period ›', array('!period' => $period)), $next_path, array(), (!empty($querystring) ? $querystring : NULL));
$output .= l(t(' !period ›', array('!period' => $period)), $next_path, array('rel' => 'nofollow'), (!empty($querystring) ? $querystring : NULL));
$output .= '</div></div>';
return $output;
......@@ -363,8 +363,9 @@ function theme_calendar_links($view, $links = FALSE) {
// For "page" views, add the arguments to the path.
if ($view->build_type == 'page') {
$query_string = calendar_querystring($view, !empty($_GET['view']) ? array('view' => $_GET['view']) : array());
$base = array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'nofollow'));
if (!empty($formats['year'])) {
$calendar_links[] = array('title' => t('Year'), 'href' => $view->real_url .'/'. $view->year, 'query' => $query_string);
$calendar_links[] = $base + array('title' => t('Year'), 'href' => $view->real_url .'/'. $view->year, 'query' => $query_string);
if (!empty($formats['month'])) {
$calendar_links[] = array('title' => t('Month'), 'href' => $view->real_url .'/'. $view->year .'/'. $view->month, 'query' => $query_string);
......@@ -379,24 +380,25 @@ function theme_calendar_links($view, $links = FALSE) {
// For "embed" views, add the arguments to the query string.
else {
$block_identifier = isset($view->block_identifier) ? $view->block_identifier : 'mini';
$base = array('href' => $view->page_url, 'attributes' => array('rel' => 'nofollow'));
if (!empty($_GET['view'])) {
$query_params['view'] = $_GET['view'];
if (!empty($formats['year'])) {
$query_params[$block_identifier] = $view->real_url .'/'. $view->year;
$calendar_links[] = array('title' => t('Year'), 'href' => $view->page_url, 'query' => calendar_querystring($view, $query_params));
$calendar_links[] = $base + array('title' => t('Year'), 'query' => calendar_querystring($view, $query_params));
if (!empty($formats['month'])) {
$query_params[$block_identifier] = $view->real_url .'/'. $view->year .'/'. $view->month;
$calendar_links[] = array('title' => t('Month'), 'href' => $view->page_url, 'query' => calendar_querystring($view, $query_params));
$calendar_links[] = $base + array('title' => t('Month'), 'query' => calendar_querystring($view, $query_params));
if (!empty($formats['week'])) {
$query_params[$block_identifier] = $view->real_url .'/'. $view->year .'/W'. $view->week;
$calendar_links[] = array('title' => t('Week'), 'href' => $view->page_url, 'query' => calendar_querystring($view, $query_params));
$calendar_links[] = $base + array('title' => t('Week'), 'query' => calendar_querystring($view, $query_params));
if (!empty($formats['day'])) {
$query_params[$block_identifier] = $view->real_url .'/'. $view->year .'/'. $view->month .'/'. $view->day;
$calendar_links[] = array('title' => t('Day'), 'href' => $view->page_url, 'query' => calendar_querystring($view, $query_params));
$calendar_links[] = $base + array('title' => t('Day'), 'query' => calendar_querystring($view, $query_params));
// If this is a page, add a popup date selector.
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