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Commit bae30a06 authored by Ted Bowman's avatar Ted Bowman
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Issue #3280403 by kunal.sachdev, tedbow: Show all updates for all supported...

Issue #3280403 by kunal.sachdev, tedbow: Show all updates for all supported branches in the current major on the update form
parent cef552a4
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -199,4 +199,15 @@ final class ProjectInfo {
return FALSE;
* Gets the supported branches of the project.
* @return string[]
* The supported branches.
public function getSupportedBranches(): array {
$available_updates = $this->getAvailableProjects()[$this->name];
return isset($available_updates['supported_branches']) ? explode(',', $available_updates['supported_branches']) : [];
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Contains metadata about the following (fake) releases of Drupal core, all of which are secure, in order:
* 10.0.0
* 9.7.2
* 9.7.1
* 9.7.0
* 9.6.1
* 9.6.0
* 9.5.1
* 9.5.0
* 9.4.0, which is in an unsupported branch
* 9.7.x-dev
<project xmlns:dc="">
<value>Drupal project</value>
<name>Drupal 10.0.0</name>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>New features</value>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>Bug fixes</value>
<name>Drupal 9.7.2</name>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>New features</value>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>Bug fixes</value>
<name>Drupal 9.7.1</name>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>New features</value>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>Bug fixes</value>
<name>Drupal 9.7.0</name>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>New features</value>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>Bug fixes</value>
<name>Drupal 9.6.1</name>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>New features</value>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>Bug fixes</value>
<name>Drupal 9.6.0</name>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>New features</value>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>Bug fixes</value>
<name>Drupal 9.5.1</name>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>New features</value>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>Bug fixes</value>
<name>Drupal 9.5.0</name>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>New features</value>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>Bug fixes</value>
<name>Drupal 9.4.0</name>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>New features</value>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>Bug fixes</value>
<name>Drupal 9.7.x-dev</name>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>New features</value>
<name>Release type</name>
<value>Bug fixes</value>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Contains metadata about releases of Drupal core with no supported branches:
<project xmlns:dc="">
<value>Drupal project</value>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Contains metadata about releases of Drupal core with <supported_branches></supported_branches> not set:
<project xmlns:dc="">
<value>Drupal project</value>
......@@ -242,4 +242,52 @@ class ProjectInfoTest extends PackageManagerKernelTestBase {
$this->assertSame($expected_to_be_safe, $project_info->isInstalledVersionSafe());
* Data provider for testGetSupportedBranches().
* @return mixed[][]
* The test cases.
public function providerGetSupportedBranches(): array {
$dir = __DIR__ . '/../../fixtures/release-history/';
return [
'xml with supported branches' => [
$dir . 'drupal.10.0.0.xml',
'xml with supported branches not set' => [
$dir . 'drupal.9.8.1-supported_branches_not_set.xml',
'xml with empty supported branches' => [
$dir . 'drupal.9.8.1-empty_supported_branches.xml',
* @covers ::getSupportedBranches()
* @param string $release_xml
* The path of the release metadata.
* @param string[] $expected_supported_branches
* The expected supported branches.
* @dataProvider providerGetSupportedBranches
public function testGetSupportedBranches(string $release_xml, array $expected_supported_branches): void {
$this->setReleaseMetadata(['drupal' => $release_xml]);
$project_info = new ProjectInfo('drupal');
$this->assertSame($expected_supported_branches, $project_info->getSupportedBranches());
......@@ -174,13 +174,19 @@ final class UpdaterForm extends UpdateFormBase {
$project_info = new ProjectInfo('drupal');
$installed_version = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($project_info->getInstalledVersion());
try {
// @todo Until is fixed, we can only show
// one release on the form. First, try to show the latest release in the
// currently installed minor. Failing that, try to show the latest
// release in the next minor.
$installed_minor_release = $this->releaseChooser->getLatestInInstalledMinor($this->updater);
$next_minor_release = $this->releaseChooser->getLatestInNextMinor($this->updater);
$support_branches = $project_info->getSupportedBranches();
$releases = [];
foreach ($support_branches as $support_branch) {
$support_branch_extension_version = ExtensionVersion::createFromSupportBranch($support_branch);
if ($support_branch_extension_version->getMajorVersion() === $installed_version->getMajorVersion() && $support_branch_extension_version->getMinorVersion() >= $installed_version->getMinorVersion()) {
$recent_release_in_minor = $this->releaseChooser->getMostRecentReleaseInMinor($this->updater, $support_branch . '0');
if ($recent_release_in_minor) {
$releases[$support_branch] = $recent_release_in_minor;
catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
$form['message'] = [
......@@ -197,7 +203,7 @@ final class UpdaterForm extends UpdateFormBase {
$this->displayResults($results, $this->renderer);
$project = $project_info->getProjectInfo();
if ($installed_minor_release === NULL && $next_minor_release === NULL) {
if (empty($releases)) {
if ($project['status'] === UpdateManagerInterface::CURRENT) {
$this->messenger()->addMessage($this->t('No update available'));
......@@ -249,72 +255,82 @@ final class UpdaterForm extends UpdateFormBase {
$type = 'update-recommended';
$create_update_buttons = !$stage_exists && ValidationResult::getOverallSeverity($results) !== SystemManager::REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
if ($installed_minor_release) {
$installed_version = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($project_info->getInstalledVersion());
$form['installed_minor'] = $this->createReleaseTable(
$this->t('Latest version of Drupal @major.@minor (currently installed):', [
'@major' => $installed_version->getMajorVersion(),
'@minor' => $installed_version->getMinorVersion(),
// Any update in the current minor should be the primary update.
if ($next_minor_release) {
// If there is no update in the current minor make the button for the next
// minor primary unless the project status is 'CURRENT' or 'NOT_CURRENT'.
// 'NOT_CURRENT' does not denote that installed version is not a valid
// only that there is newer version available.
$is_primary = !$installed_minor_release && !($project['status'] === UpdateManagerInterface::CURRENT || $project['status'] === UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_CURRENT);
$next_minor_version = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($next_minor_release->getVersion());
// Since updating to another minor version of Drupal is more disruptive
// than updating within the currently installed minor version, ensure we
// display a link to the release notes for the first (x.y.0) release of
// the next minor version, which will inform site owners of any potential
// pitfalls or major changes. We should always be able to get release info
// for it; if we can't, that's an error condition.
$first_release_version = $next_minor_version->getMajorVersion() . '.' . $next_minor_version->getMinorVersion() . '.0';
$available_updates = update_get_available(TRUE);
if (isset($available_updates['drupal']['releases'][$first_release_version])) {
$next_minor_first_release = ProjectRelease::createFromArray($available_updates['drupal']['releases'][$first_release_version]);
$installed_minor_release = FALSE;
$next_minor_release_count = 0;
foreach ($releases as $release) {
$release_version = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($release->getVersion());
if ($release_version->getMinorVersion() === $installed_version->getMinorVersion()) {
$installed_minor_release = TRUE;
$installed_version = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($project_info->getInstalledVersion());
$form['installed_minor'] = $this->createReleaseTable(
$this->t('Latest version of Drupal @major.@minor (currently installed):', [
'@major' => $installed_version->getMajorVersion(),
'@minor' => $installed_version->getMinorVersion(),
// Any update in the current minor should be the primary update.
else {
throw new \LogicException("Release information for Drupal $first_release_version is not available.");
if ($next_minor_release_count === 1) {
if ($this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('help')) {
$url = Url::fromRoute('')
->setRouteParameter('name', 'automatic_updates')
->setOption('fragment', 'minor-update');
$form['minor_update_help'] = [
'#markup' => $this->t('The following updates are in newer minor version of Drupal. <a href=":url">Learn more about updating to another minor version.</a>', [
':url' => $url->toString(),
'#prefix' => '<p>',
'#suffix' => '</p>',
// If there is no update in the current minor make the button for the
// next minor primary unless the project status is 'CURRENT' or
// 'NOT_CURRENT'. 'NOT_CURRENT' does not denote that installed version
// is not a valid only that there is newer version available.
if (!isset($is_primary)) {
$is_primary = !$installed_minor_release && !($project['status'] === UpdateManagerInterface::CURRENT || $project['status'] === UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_CURRENT);
else {
$is_primary = FALSE;
if ($this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('help')) {
$url = Url::fromRoute('')
->setRouteParameter('name', 'automatic_updates')
->setOption('fragment', 'minor-update');
// Since updating to another minor version of Drupal is more
// disruptive than updating within the currently installed minor
// version, ensure we display a link to the release notes for the
// first (x.y.0) release of the next minor version, which will inform
// site owners of any potential pitfalls or major changes. We should
// always be able to get release info for it; if we can't, that's an
// error condition.
$first_release_version = $release_version->getMajorVersion() . '.' . $release_version->getMinorVersion() . '.0';
$available_updates = update_get_available(TRUE);
// @todo In handle if the .0 release is
// not available, and only pre-releases are available.
$next_minor_first_release = ProjectRelease::createFromArray($available_updates['drupal']['releases'][$first_release_version]);
// @todo Updating this wording in to
// reflect that multiple minor branches may be visible.
$form['minor_update_help'] = [
'#markup' => $this->t('The following updates are in the next minor version of Drupal. <a href=":url">Learn more about updating to another minor version.</a>', [
':url' => $url->toString(),
$form["next_minor_$next_minor_release_count"] = $this->createReleaseTable(
$installed_minor_release ? $this->t('Minor update') : $release_status,
$this->t('Latest version of Drupal @major.@minor (next minor) (<a href=":url">Release notes</a>):', [
'@major' => $release_version->getMajorVersion(),
'@minor' => $release_version->getMinorVersion(),
':url' => $next_minor_first_release->getReleaseUrl(),
'#prefix' => '<p>',
'#suffix' => '</p>',
$installed_minor_release ? 'update-optional' : $type,
$form['next_minor'] = $this->createReleaseTable(
$installed_minor_release ? $this->t('Minor update') : $release_status,
$this->t('Latest version of Drupal @major.@minor (next minor) (<a href=":url">Release notes</a>):', [
'@major' => $next_minor_version->getMajorVersion(),
'@minor' => $next_minor_version->getMinorVersion(),
':url' => $next_minor_first_release->getReleaseUrl(),
$installed_minor_release ? 'update-optional' : $type,
$form['backup'] = [
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ final class ReleaseChooser {
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* If the given semantic version number does not contain a patch version.
protected function getMostRecentReleaseInMinor(Updater $updater, string $version): ?ProjectRelease {
public function getMostRecentReleaseInMinor(Updater $updater, string $version): ?ProjectRelease {
if (static::getPatchVersion($version) === NULL) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The version number $version does not contain a patch version");
......@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ class UpdaterFormTest extends AutomaticUpdatesFunctionalTestBase {
$assert_session = $this->assertSession();
$assert_minor_update_help = function () use ($assert_session): void {
$assert_session->pageTextContains('The following updates are in the next minor version of Drupal. Learn more about updating to another minor version.');
$assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('The following updates are in newer minor version of Drupal. Learn more about updating to another minor version.');
$assert_session->linkExists('Learn more about updating to another minor version.');
$assert_no_minor_update_help = function () use ($assert_session): void {
$assert_session->pageTextNotContains('The following updates are in the next minor version of Drupal. Learn more about updating to another minor version.');
$assert_session->pageTextNotContains('The following updates are in newer minor version of Drupal. Learn more about updating to another minor version.');
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class UpdaterFormTest extends AutomaticUpdatesFunctionalTestBase {
// Check the form when there is an update in the installed minor only.
$assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('Currently installed: 9.8.0 (Security update required!)');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-installed-minor', '.update-update-security', '9.8.1', TRUE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (currently installed):');
$assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '#edit-next-minor');
$assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '#edit-next-minor-1');
// Check the form when there is an update in the next minor only.
......@@ -166,9 +166,9 @@ class UpdaterFormTest extends AutomaticUpdatesFunctionalTestBase {
$page->clickLink('Check manually');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor', '.update-update-recommended', '9.8.1', TRUE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor) (Release notes):');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor-1', '.update-update-recommended', '9.8.1', TRUE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor) (Release notes):');
$this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 8);
$this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 8, '#edit-next-minor-1');
$assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('Currently installed: 9.7.0 (Not supported!)');
$assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '#edit-installed-minor');
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class UpdaterFormTest extends AutomaticUpdatesFunctionalTestBase {
$assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('Currently installed: 9.7.0 (Update available)');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-installed-minor', '.update-update-recommended', '9.7.1', TRUE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.7 (currently installed):');
$assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '#edit-next-minor');
$assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '#edit-next-minor-1');
// Check that if minor updates are enabled the update in the next minor will
......@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ class UpdaterFormTest extends AutomaticUpdatesFunctionalTestBase {
$this->config('automatic_updates.settings')->set('allow_core_minor_updates', TRUE)->save();
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-installed-minor', '.update-update-recommended', '9.7.1', TRUE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.7 (currently installed):');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor', '.update-update-optional', '9.8.2', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor) (Release notes):');
$this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 8);
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor-1', '.update-update-optional', '9.8.2', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor) (Release notes):');
$this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 8, '#edit-next-minor-1');
......@@ -197,8 +197,39 @@ class UpdaterFormTest extends AutomaticUpdatesFunctionalTestBase {
$assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('Currently installed: 9.7.1 (Update available)');
$assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '#edit-installed-minor');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor', '.update-update-recommended', '9.8.2', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor) (Release notes):');
$this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 8);
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor-1', '.update-update-recommended', '9.8.2', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor) (Release notes):');
$this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 8, '#edit-next-minor-1');
// Check that if minor updates are enabled then updates in the next minors
// are visible.
$this->config('automatic_updates.settings')->set('allow_core_minor_updates', TRUE)->save();
$this->setReleaseMetadata(__DIR__ . '/../../../package_manager/tests/fixtures/release-history/drupal.10.0.0.xml');
$page->clickLink('Check manually');
$assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('Currently installed: 9.5.0 (Update available)');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-installed-minor', '.update-update-recommended', '9.5.1', TRUE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.5 (currently installed):');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor-1', '.update-update-optional', '9.6.1', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.6 (next minor) (Release notes):');
$this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 6, '#edit-next-minor-1');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor-2', '.update-update-optional', '9.7.2', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.7 (next minor) (Release notes):');
$this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 7, '#edit-next-minor-2');
// Check that if installed version is unsupported and minor updates are
// enabled then updates in the next minors are visible.
$page->clickLink('Check manually');
$assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('Currently installed: 9.4.0 (Not supported!)');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor-1', '.update-update-recommended', '9.5.1', TRUE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.5 (next minor) (Release notes):');
$this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 5, '#edit-next-minor-1');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor-2', '.update-update-recommended', '9.6.1', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.6 (next minor) (Release notes):');
$this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 6, '#edit-next-minor-2');
$this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor-3', '.update-update-recommended', '9.7.2', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.7 (next minor) (Release notes):');
$this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 7, '#edit-next-minor-3');
......@@ -898,10 +929,12 @@ class UpdaterFormTest extends AutomaticUpdatesFunctionalTestBase {
* Major version of next minor release.
* @param int $minor
* Minor version of next minor release.
* @param string $selector
* The selector.
private function assertReleaseNotesLink(int $major, int $minor): void {
private function assertReleaseNotesLink(int $major, int $minor, string $selector): void {
$assert_session = $this->assertSession();
$row = $assert_session->elementExists('css', '#edit-next-minor');
$row = $assert_session->elementExists('css', $selector);
$link_href = $assert_session->elementExists('named', ['link', 'Release notes'], $row)->getAttribute('href');
$this->assertSame('' . $major . '-' . $minor . '-0-release', $link_href);
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
namespace Drupal\Tests\automatic_updates\Kernel;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionVersion;
use Drupal\update\ProjectRelease;
......@@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ class ReleaseChooserTest extends AutomaticUpdatesKernelTestBase {
* @covers ::getLatestInInstalledMinor
* @covers ::getLatestInNextMinor
* @covers ::getMostRecentReleaseInMinor
public function testReleases(string $updater_service, bool $minor_support, string $installed_version, ?string $current_minor, ?string $next_minor): void {
......@@ -150,6 +152,14 @@ class ReleaseChooserTest extends AutomaticUpdatesKernelTestBase {
$updater = $this->container->get($updater_service);
$this->assertReleaseVersion($current_minor, $chooser->getLatestInInstalledMinor($updater));
$this->assertReleaseVersion($next_minor, $chooser->getLatestInNextMinor($updater));
$this->assertReleaseVersion($current_minor, $chooser->getMostRecentReleaseInMinor($updater, $this->getRelativeVersion($installed_version, 0)));
$next_minor_version = $this->getRelativeVersion($installed_version, 1);
$this->assertReleaseVersion($next_minor, $chooser->getMostRecentReleaseInMinor($updater, $next_minor_version));
$previous_minor_version = $this->getRelativeVersion($installed_version, -1);
// The chooser should never return a release for a minor before the
// currently installed version.
$this->assertReleaseVersion(NULL, $chooser->getMostRecentReleaseInMinor($updater, $previous_minor_version));
......@@ -170,4 +180,20 @@ class ReleaseChooserTest extends AutomaticUpdatesKernelTestBase {
* Gets a version number in a minor version relative to another version.
* @param string $version
* The version string.
* @param int $minor_offset
* The minor offset.
* @return string
* The first patch release in a minor relative to the version string.
private function getRelativeVersion(string $version, int $minor_offset): string {
$installed_version_object = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($version);
return $installed_version_object->getMajorVersion() . '.' . (((int) $installed_version_object->getMinorVersion()) + $minor_offset) . '.0';
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