$output.='<h4 id="package-manager-composer-related-faq">'.t('FAQs related to Composer').'</h4>';
$output.='<h4 id="package-manager-composer-related-faq">'.t('FAQs related to Composer').'</h4>';
$output.=' <li>'.t('What if it says the <code>proc_open()</code> function is disabled on your PHP installation?');
$output.=' <p>'.t('Ask your system administrator to remove <code>proc_open()</code> from the <a href=":url">disable_functions</a> setting in <code>php.ini</code>.',[':url'=>'https://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.disable-functions']).'</p>';
$output.=' </li>';
$output.=' <li>'.t('What if it says the <code>composer</code> executable cannot be found?');
$output.=' <li>'.t('What if it says the <code>composer</code> executable cannot be found?');
$output.=' <p>'.t("If the <code>composer</code> executable's path cannot be automatically determined, it can be explicitly set by adding the following line to <code>settings.php</code>:").'</p>';
$output.=' <p>'.t("If the <code>composer</code> executable's path cannot be automatically determined, it can be explicitly set by adding the following line to <code>settings.php</code>:").'</p>';