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169 commits behind the upstream repository.
Issue #3338666 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima, tedbow, Wim Leers: Add functional test that proves there is reasonable UX whenever a stage event subscriber has an exception
Issue #3338666 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima, tedbow, Wim Leers: Add functional test that proves there is reasonable UX whenever a stage event subscriber has an exception
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UpdateErrorTest.php 13.42 KiB
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\automatic_updates\Functional;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PostApplyEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PostCreateEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PostDestroyEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PostRequireEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PreApplyEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PreCreateEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PreDestroyEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PreRequireEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\StatusCheckEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\ValidationResult;
use Drupal\automatic_updates_test\EventSubscriber\TestSubscriber1;
use Drupal\package_manager_test_validation\EventSubscriber\TestSubscriber;
use Drupal\system\SystemManager;
* @covers \Drupal\automatic_updates\Form\UpdaterForm
* @group automatic_updates
* @internal
* @todo Consolidate and remove duplicate test coverage in
class UpdateErrorTest extends UpdaterFormTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function setUp(): void {
* Tests that the update stage is destroyed if an error occurs during require.
public function testStageDestroyedOnError(): void {
$session = $this->getSession();
$assert_session = $this->assertSession();
$page = $session->getPage();
$error = new \Exception('Some Exception');
TestSubscriber1::setException($error, PostRequireEvent::class);
$page->pressButton('Update to 9.8.1');
$assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('An error has occurred.');
$page->clickLink('the error page');
$assert_session->pageTextNotContains('Cannot begin an update because another Composer operation is currently in progress.');
$assert_session->buttonNotExists('Delete existing update');
$assert_session->pageTextContains('Some Exception');
* Tests that update cannot be completed via the UI if a status check fails.
public function testNoContinueOnError(): void {
$session = $this->getSession();
$assert_session = $this->assertSession();
$page = $session->getPage();
$page->pressButton('Update to 9.8.1');
$error_messages = [
t("The only thing we're allowed to do is to"),
t("believe that we won't regret the choice"),
t("we made."),
$summary = t('some generic summary');
$error = ValidationResult::createError($error_messages, $summary);
TestSubscriber::setTestResult([$error], StatusCheckEvent::class);
$assert_session->buttonExists('Cancel update');
// An error with only one message should also show the summary.
$error = ValidationResult::createError([t('Yet another smarmy error.')], $summary);
TestSubscriber::setTestResult([$error], StatusCheckEvent::class);
$assert_session->buttonExists('Cancel update');
* Tests handling of errors and warnings during the update process.
public function testUpdateErrors(): void {
$session = $this->getSession();
$assert_session = $this->assertSession();
$page = $session->getPage();
$cached_message = $this->setAndAssertCachedMessage();
// Ensure that the fake error is cached.
// Set up a new fake error. Use an error with multiple messages so we can
// ensure that they're all displayed, along with their summary.
$expected_results = [$this->createValidationResult(SystemManager::REQUIREMENT_ERROR, 2)];
TestSubscriber1::setTestResult($expected_results, StatusCheckEvent::class);
// If a validator raises an error during status checking, the form should
// not have a submit button.
// Since this is an administrative page, the error message should be visible
// thanks to automatic_updates_page_top(). The status checks were re-run
// during the form build, which means the new error should be cached and
// displayed instead of the previously cached error.
TestSubscriber1::setTestResult(NULL, StatusCheckEvent::class);
// Set up an error with one message and a summary. We should see both when
// we refresh the form.
$expected_result = $this->createValidationResult(SystemManager::REQUIREMENT_ERROR, 1);
TestSubscriber1::setTestResult([$expected_result], StatusCheckEvent::class);
TestSubscriber1::setTestResult(NULL, StatusCheckEvent::class);
// Make the validator throw an exception during pre-create.
$error = new \Exception('The update exploded.');
TestSubscriber1::setException($error, PreCreateEvent::class);
$page->pressButton('Update to 9.8.1');
$assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('An error has occurred.');
$page->clickLink('the error page');
// We should see the exception message, but not the validation result's
// messages or summary, because exceptions thrown directly by event
// subscribers are wrapped in simple exceptions and re-thrown.
$assert_session->pageTextNotContains((string) $expected_results[0]->messages[0]);
// Since the error occurred during pre-create, there should be no existing
// update to delete.
$assert_session->buttonNotExists('Delete existing update');
// If a validator flags an error, but doesn't throw, the update should still
// be halted.
TestSubscriber1::setTestResult($expected_results, PreCreateEvent::class);
$page->pressButton('Update to 9.8.1');
$assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('An error has occurred.');
$page->clickLink('the error page');
* Tests handling of exceptions thrown by event subscribers.
* @param string $event
* The event that should throw an exception.
* @dataProvider providerExceptionFromEventSubscriber
public function testExceptionFromEventSubscriber(string $event): void {
$exception = new \Exception('Bad news bears!');
TestSubscriber::setException($exception, $event);
// Only simulate a staged update if we're going to get far enough that the
// stage directory will be created.
if ($event !== StatusCheckEvent::class && $event !== PreCreateEvent::class) {
$session = $this->getSession();
$page = $session->getPage();
$assert_session = $this->assertSession();
// StatusCheckEvent runs very early, before we can even start the update.
// If it raises the error we're expecting, we're done.
if ($event === StatusCheckEvent::class) {
$assert_session->statusMessageContains($exception->getMessage(), 'error');
// We shouldn't be able to start the update.
$assert_session->buttonNotExists('Update to 9.8.1');
// Start the update.
$page->pressButton('Update to 9.8.1');
// If the batch job fails, proceed to the error page. If it failed because
// of the exception we set up, we're done.
if ($page->hasLink('the error page')) {
// We should see the exception's backtrace.
$assert_session->responseContains('<pre class="backtrace">');
$page->clickLink('the error page');
$assert_session->statusMessageContains($exception->getMessage(), 'error');
// We should be on the start page.
// If we failed during post-create, the stage is not destroyed, so we
// should not be able to start the update anew without destroying the
// stage first. In all other cases, the stage should have been destroyed
// and we should be able to try again.
// @todo Delete the existing update on behalf of the user in
if ($event === PostCreateEvent::class) {
$assert_session->buttonNotExists('Update to 9.8.1');
$assert_session->buttonExists('Delete existing update');
else {
$assert_session->buttonExists('Update to 9.8.1');
$assert_session->buttonNotExists('Delete existing update');
// We should now be ready to finish the update...
$this->assertStringContainsString('/admin/automatic-update-ready/', $session->getCurrentUrl());
// ...but if we set it up to fail on PostRequireEvent, and we see the error
// message from that, we're done.
// @todo In, ensure that PostRequireEvent
// behaves the same way as PreCreateEvent, PostCreateEvent, and
// PreRequireEvent.
if ($event === PostRequireEvent::class) {
$assert_session->statusMessageContains($exception->getMessage(), 'error');
// Ensure that we are expecting a failure from an event that is dispatched
// during the second phase (apply and destroy) of the update.
$this->assertContains($event, [
// Try to finish the update.
// As we did before, proceed to the error page if the batch job fails. If it
// failed because of the exception we set up, we're done here.
if ($page->hasLink('the error page')) {
// We should see the exception's backtrace.
$assert_session->responseContains('<pre class="backtrace">');
$page->clickLink('the error page');
$assert_session->statusMessageContains($exception->getMessage(), 'error');
// We should be back on the "ready to update" page.
$this->assertStringContainsString('/admin/automatic-update-ready/', $session->getCurrentUrl());
$this->fail('Expected to encounter an error message during the update process.');
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function tearDown(): void {
// Ensure that any pre- or post-destroy exception we set up during testing
// does not interfere with the parent class' ability to destroy the stage.
TestSubscriber::setException(NULL, PreDestroyEvent::class);
TestSubscriber::setException(NULL, PostDestroyEvent::class);
* Data provider for ::testExceptionFromEventSubscriber().
* @return array[]
* The test cases.
public function providerExceptionFromEventSubscriber(): array {
$events = [
// @todo PostDestroyEvent leads to an exception with "This operation was
// already canceled". This is because the batch processor redirects to
// the UpdateReady form, which tries to claim the stage...which has been
// destroyed. Fix this in
// PostDestroyEvent::class,
return array_combine($events, array_map(fn ($event) => [$event], $events));