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  • 3.0.x
  • 3281634-versionpolicyvalidatorgetavailablereleases-does-not
  • 3319045-build-events-assert-3319497
  • 3406010-update-composer-stager
  • 7.x-1.x
  • 8.x-1.x
  • 8.x-2.x default
  • 3.0.0-beta1
  • previous/3404429-get-type/2023-11-28
  • previous/3391715-round-2/2023-10-24
  • 3.0.0-alpha6
  • 3.0.0-alpha5
  • 3.0.0-alpha4
  • 3.0.0-alpha3
  • 3.0.0-alpha2
  • 3.0.0-alpha1
  • 8.x-2.7
  • 8.x-2.6
  • previous/3248975-stage-vs-staging-area/2022-12-13
  • previous/3311200-should-cron-updater/2022-12-12
  • previous/3311200-should-cron-updater/2022-12-09
  • previous/3318770-we-dont-explicitly/2022-12-05
  • previous/3318770-we-dont-explicitly/2022-11-24
  • previous/3322203-make-sure-packages/2022-11-22
  • previous/3304142-use-composer-utility-getRecommendedModuleUpdates/2022-11-22
  • 8.x-2.5
  • previous/3280403-show-all-updates/2022-10-31
27 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.010Oct7654330Sep292827262322212015141312119876532130Aug29262524221918171615121110943129Jul282726252322212019181514131187654130Jun2928272524232221171615141310987632131May28272627262524232120191817161312111096543229Apr28272625222120191815141211108765131Mar3029232221151197432126Feb221817161514111087432131Jan2726252120191413121176522Decmake getMostRecentReleaseInMinor() publicIssue #3312938 by phenaproxima, TravisCarden, tedbow: Run cspell on Drupal CIIssue #3312373 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima: Automatic Updates Extensions' UpdateReady form should dispatch StatusCheckEventAdded fixprevious/327664…previous/3276645-run-readiness-checks/2022-10-19Test changedIssue #3313717 by phenaproxima, tedbow, balsama: Improve the wording of UpdateException when re-throwing an ApplyFailedException8.x-2.48.x-2.4Issue #3310946 by phenaproxima, omkar.podey, tedbow: Improve the wording of the email notifications about a failed unattended updateIssue #3312669 by phenaproxima, Theresa.Grannum: Add help text explaining how to set an alternate port for cronIssue #3313630 by Theresa.Grannum, phenaproxima: Automatic Updates help has the wrong route name and errorsIssue #3109082 by phenaproxima, Schnitzel, yash.rode, tedbow, wiifm, heddn, Leksat: Allow hosting platforms to declare that they don't support Package ManagerIssue #3310914 by yash.rode, phenaproxima, tedbow: LockFileValidator should listen to StatusCheckEventIssue #3312981 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima: Move XdebugValidator into Package ManagerIssue #3313346 by omkar.podey, tedbow: UpdateReady is not displaying all the messages for statusCheck validation resultsOnly test changesprevious/331237…previous/3312373-automatic-updates-extensions/2022-10-04phpcbfmove case to new fixtureIssue #3299087 by Theresa.Grannum, phenaproxima, tedbow, mherman-pro: Override the core Update module's routes to redirect to Automatic Updates' formIssue #3312963 by immaculatexavier: Package Manager's requirements titles should be translatedsniffadd onerror test coverageTesting only for on warnings should continue.replicatinf logicIssue #3312779 by TravisCarden, phenaproxima: Improve Composer package name validationIssue #3312420 by phenaproxima, TravisCarden: Refactor StagedDBUpdateValidatorTestIssue #3293146 by phenaproxima, TravisCarden, kunal.sachdev: Don't run cron updates with PHP's built-in web server without an alternate portIssue #3302524 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima, kunal.sachdev: Support Composer 2.2use branch with commandprevious/331293…previous/3312938-fix-drupalci-yml/2022-10-03Issue #3310901 by rahul_, phenaproxima, TravisCarden: Stage::require() should validate the incoming package names8.x-2.38.x-2.3Issue #3312421 by yash.rode: Move the test version of StagedDBUpdateValidator into package_manager_test_validationIssue #3293148 by kunal.sachdev, omkar.podey: Clean up or remove PackageUpdateTestIssue #3307611 by narendraR, srishtiiee, tedbow: Create a validator to add a warning if updated extensions have database updatesIssue #3311534 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima, TravisCarden: package_manager_requirements() should check for the presence of the failure markerIssue #3312085 by phenaproxima, omkar.podey, immaculatexavier: UpdateReady hides the Continue button if StatusCheckEvent only returns warningsIssue #3308843 by yash.rode, phenaproxima: Automatic Updates Extensions' forms should check for the failure markerIssue #3311020 by Theresa.Grannum, phenaproxima: Rename staged/9.8.1 to something clearerIssue #3308828 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima: Handle the case where the marker file has been detected but can't be decodedIssue #3303900 by phenaproxima, omkar.podey: Remove PreApply check in PackagesInstalledWithComposerValidatorIssue #3305167 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima: Warn if apply and post-apply are done in same requestIssue #3311436 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima, anish.a, kjankowski: Stage::require() should override the default process timeout to 300 secondsIssue #3308711 by yash.rode, phenaproxima: Dispatch StatusCheckEvent in UpdateReady forms and do not allow the update to continue if there are errors