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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • 3.0.x
  • 3281634-versionpolicyvalidatorgetavailablereleases-does-not
  • 3319045-build-events-assert-3319497
  • 3406010-update-composer-stager
  • 7.x-1.x
  • 8.x-1.x
  • 8.x-2.x default
  • 3.0.0-beta1
  • previous/3404429-get-type/2023-11-28
  • previous/3391715-round-2/2023-10-24
  • 3.0.0-alpha6
  • 3.0.0-alpha5
  • 3.0.0-alpha4
  • 3.0.0-alpha3
  • 3.0.0-alpha2
  • 3.0.0-alpha1
  • 8.x-2.7
  • 8.x-2.6
  • previous/3248975-stage-vs-staging-area/2022-12-13
  • previous/3311200-should-cron-updater/2022-12-12
  • previous/3311200-should-cron-updater/2022-12-09
  • previous/3318770-we-dont-explicitly/2022-12-05
  • previous/3318770-we-dont-explicitly/2022-11-24
  • previous/3322203-make-sure-packages/2022-11-22
  • previous/3304142-use-composer-utility-getRecommendedModuleUpdates/2022-11-22
  • 8.x-2.5
  • previous/3280403-show-all-updates/2022-10-31
27 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.011May109843228Apr2726252120191817151411107654331Mar302928272423212018171615141310987632128Feb27262322211716151413986330Jan27262423201814131211965330Dec29222019161413121098765125Nov242322211817161514121110987642131Oct2827262524212019181714131211107654330Sep292827262322212015141312119876532130Aug2926252422191817Issue #3351895 follow-up by Wim Leers: Do not include Drush-related code in core merge requestIssue #3351895 by tedbow, phenaproxima, pwolanin, xjm: Add command to allow running cron updates via console and by a separate user, for defense-in-depthIssue #3358570 by phenaproxima: InstalledPackage::scanForProjectName() can cause PHP notices if the `project` key is not in the info fileIssue #3345535 by tedbow, omkar.podey, Wim Leers: BaseRequirementsFulfilledValidator should listen to PreRequireEventIssue #3316617 by phenaproxima, tedbow, Wim Leers: Add a validator to check that PHP-TUF's Composer integration is present and configured correctlyIssue #3342817 by Wim Leers, phenaproxima, tedbow: Decide which classes should be internal and/or final — delete ExcludedPathsTrait, make CollectPathsToExcludeEvent richerIssue #3357657 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima, Wim Leers, tedbow: ComposerValidator's hook_help() integration is imprecise and incompleteIssue #3358012 by phenaproxima, Wim Leers: StageBase::stageDirectoryExists() breaks on PreCreateIssue #3357578 by yash.rode, Wim Leers, phenaproxima: str_starts_with($path, '/') does not correctly detect absolute paths on WindowsIssue #3356638 by phenaproxima, Wim Leers, tedbow: Improve hook_help() to explain the actual Composer requirementsIssue #3357721 by kunal.sachdev, yash.rode, phenaproxima: PhpExtensionsValidator's wording is needlessly verboseIssue #3356804 by phenaproxima: Flag a warning during status check if the OpenSSL extension is not enabledIssue #3354325 by phenaproxima, kunal.sachdev, Wim Leers: Consolidate UpdateErrorTestIssue #3356640 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima, Wim Leers: Explain why ComposerPluginsValidatorTest::testAddDisallowedPlugin() exists, even if it is not directly testing ComposerPluginsValidatorIssue #3355609 by yash.rode, Wim Leers, phenaproxima: All injected services should be marked readonlyIssue #3354594 by kunal.sachdev: Merge ComposerSettingsValidator into ComposerValidatorIssue #3356395 by kunal.sachdev: ComposerInspector::validateProject() passes unnecessary flags to `composer validate`Issue #3355553 by yash.rode, phenaproxima: Set the default installer paths for Drupal in installComposerInstallers()Issue #3355045 by kunal.sachdev, omkar.podey, Wim Leers: StageBase documentation in package_manager.api.php is incompleteIssue #3351247 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima, tedbow, Wim Leers, catch: Harden our HTTPS requirementIssue #3353219 by yash.rode, phenaproxima, Wim Leers, omkar.podey: Create a PreApply validator that prevents Drupal projects from being removed if they are enabledIssue #3281379 by kunal.sachdev, tedbow, phenaproxima, omkar.podey, Wim Leers: VersionPolicyValidator should return all error messages in its validation resultIssue #3355162 by TravisCarden: Update references to the 8.x-2.x branch to 3.0.xIssue #3348159 by yash.rode, tedbow, phenaproxima, Wim Leers: Fix remaining @todos in ComposerPluginsValidatorTestIssue #3355094 by yash.rode: Remove node_modules/exclude.txt from fake_site fixtureIssue #3341469 by omkar.podey, Wim Leers: Create StageBase::stageDirectoryExists() for improved DX to see if stage directory existsIssue #3354003 by phenaproxima: If a PostDestroyEvent subscriber throws an exception, users are redirected to a WSODIssue #3351069 by omkar.podey, tedbow, Wim Leers, yash.rode, phenaproxima: Update package_manager.api.php to document an assumptionIssue #3352355 by kunal.sachdev, omkar.podey: Rename test modules to something more specific. Issue #3346659 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima, Wim Leers: Change 'ignore'/'ignored' to 'exclude'/'excluded' for consistent naming in public API: CollectIgnoredPathsEvent vs getExcludedPaths()Issue #3338666 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima, tedbow, Wim Leers: Add functional test that proves there is reasonable UX whenever a stage event subscriber has an exceptionIssue #3339659 by kunal.sachdev, tedbow, yash.rode: UpdateReady form does not have primary buttonIssue #3354249 by Ranjit1032002: Replace Drupal\automatic_updates\Form\UpdaterForm::getUpdateStatus() with a match expressionIssue #3354312 by tedbow: Refactor CronUpdateStage::triggerPostApply to make easy to override and not use a web requestIssue #3316843 by yash.rode, tedbow: In some situations, pass JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR when decoding JSONIssue #3326486 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima, Wim Leers, tedbow, yash.rode: Rename Stage to StageBase to clarify its relationship to its subclasses, and add "Stage" suffix to the Updater classesIssue #3352731 by omkar.podey: Remove need for VersionPolicyValidator to know about specific core packagesIssue #3352898 by kunal.sachdev: Drupal\automatic_updates_test\Datetime\TestTime constructor doc comment is wrongIssue #3247479 by yash.rode, phenaproxima, kunal.sachdev: Allow LockFileValidator results to carry multiple messages, and improve their textIssue #3348162 by kunal.sachdev, tedbow, phenaproxima: Ensure all remaining @todos have a link to an open issue