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  • 3.0.x
  • 3281634-versionpolicyvalidatorgetavailablereleases-does-not
  • 3319045-build-events-assert-3319497
  • 3406010-update-composer-stager
  • 7.x-1.x
  • 8.x-1.x
  • 8.x-2.x default
  • 3.0.0-beta1
  • previous/3404429-get-type/2023-11-28
  • previous/3391715-round-2/2023-10-24
  • 3.0.0-alpha6
  • 3.0.0-alpha5
  • 3.0.0-alpha4
  • 3.0.0-alpha3
  • 3.0.0-alpha2
  • 3.0.0-alpha1
  • 8.x-2.7
  • 8.x-2.6
  • previous/3248975-stage-vs-staging-area/2022-12-13
  • previous/3311200-should-cron-updater/2022-12-12
  • previous/3311200-should-cron-updater/2022-12-09
  • previous/3318770-we-dont-explicitly/2022-12-05
  • previous/3318770-we-dont-explicitly/2022-11-24
  • previous/3322203-make-sure-packages/2022-11-22
  • previous/3304142-use-composer-utility-getRecommendedModuleUpdates/2022-11-22
  • 8.x-2.5
  • previous/3280403-show-all-updates/2022-10-31
27 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.05Apr4331Mar302928272423212018171615141310987632128Feb27262322211716151413986330Jan27262423201814131211965330Dec29222019161413121098765125Nov242322211817161514121110987642131Oct2827262524212019181714131211107654330Sep292827262322212015141312119876532130Aug29262524221918171615121110943129Jul28272625Issue #3334552 by yash.rode, phenaproxima, Wim Leers, tedbow: Ensure that intentionally failed test stage directories are deleted after tests completeIssue #3351212 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima: Ignore PHPStan errors caused by upstream changes in coreIssue #3351962 by phenaproxima: CronUpdater::begin() should have the `never` return typeIssue #3351925 by phenaproxima, tedbow: Reduce core requirement to ^10 to allow manual testing of Automatic UpdatesIssue #3351604 by phenaproxima: Add a to the fake_site fixtureIssue #3351594 by phenaproxima: As of Composer 2.5.5, `composer config` JSON-encodes boolean valuesIssue #3351908 by phenaproxima: ValidationResult's messages, summary and severity should be public readonly propertiesIssue #3348441 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima, Wim Leers: Many callers of ValidationResult::createError() violate its interface due to lack of strict typingIssue #3343463 by yash.rode: When finding an installed package by Drupal project name, throw an exception if we find the same project name across multiple packagesIssue #3347165 by tedbow, kunal.sachdev, Wim Leers: Remove FixtureManipulatorTest's reliance on installed.json and installed.phpIssue #3351093 by kunal.sachdev: Merge \Drupal\automatic_updates\EventSubscriber\ConfigSubscriber into StatusCheckerIssue #3351212 by omkar.podey: Ignore PHPStan errors caused by upstream changes in coreIssue #3350909 by tedbow: Core merge request conversion now incorrectly fails on phpstanIssue #3347267 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima: ComposerMinimumStabilityValidator doesn't check dev packagesIssue #3348122 by yash.rode, Wim Leers, phenaproxima: Autowire everything everywhere all at once … in *.services.yml filesIssue #3350457 by Wim Leers: Add @todo for reverting a work-around once Composer 2.5.5 is requiredIssue #3348129 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima, Wim Leers, Ranjit1032002: Autowire everything everywhere all at once … in *Test.php filesIssue #3338346 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima, Wim Leers: Do not allow drupal/core-composer-scaffold to be used by packages other than coreUpdate converter.php for core merge requestIssue #3345646 by phenaproxima, Wim Leers, tedbow: InstalledPackage::$path for metapackages should be NULLIssue #3349142 by tim.plunkett: To unblock Project Browser, allow Package Manager to be added to a Drupal 10.0 codebaseIssue #3348866 by phenaproxima: Require Drupal 10.1Issue #3341974 by tedbow: Remove old PackageManagerFixtureCreator.phpIssue #3277034 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima, tedbow, Wim Leers: Unhandled Composer Stager exceptions leave the update process in an indeterminate stateIssue #3319507 by phenaproxima, Wim Leers, tedbow, TravisCarden: Add symlink support to Composer Stager 2.0, require that version, and simplify UX & tests accordinglyIssue #3340022 by Wim Leers, phenaproxima: Tighten ComposerPluginsValidator: support only specified version constraintIssue #3341974 by tedbow, Wim Leers: Finalize \Drupal\automatic_updates\Development\Converter script to update core MRIssue #3346520 by Wim Leers, phenaproxima: Explicitly validate lock files everywhere: `composer validate --check-lock`Issue #3348276: In CoreUpdateTest::testUi, confirm that the UI says no update is available after updating successfullyIssue #3346717 by kunal.sachdev, Wim Leers, phenaproxima: Regression in #3343827: GitExcluderTest should test with composer/installers enabledIssue #3341974 by tedbow, Wim Leers: Finalize \Drupal\automatic_updates\Development\Converter script to update core MRIssue #3347959 by phenaproxima, tedbow: ComposerPluginsValidator uses Composer's internal Package classIssue #3347164 by phenaproxima, omkar.podey, Wim Leers: Use Composer commands instead of parsing installed.json in TemplateProjectTestBaseIssue #3318306 by phenaproxima, Wim Leers: Define the Package Manager API (package_manager.api.php is outdated)Issue #3346547 by omkar.podey: Rename test module aaa_automatic_updates_test to aaa_package_manager_testIssue #3344583 by yash.rode, kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima, Wim Leers: ComposerInspector::validate() should throw ComposerNotReadyException instead of \ExceptionIssue #3347584 by Wim Leers: Remove unused PackageManagerKernelTestBase::copyFixtureFolderToActiveDirectory()Issue #3338789 by omkar.podey, Wim Leers: Random failure: "PHP temp directory (/tmp) does not exist or is not writable to Composer."Issue #3316368 by Wim Leers, phenaproxima, tedbow: Remove our runtime dependency on composer/composer: remove ComposerUtilityIssue #3347031 by phenaproxima, Wim Leers: Stage::validatePackageNames() should not use the Composer API