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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • 3.0.x
  • 3281634-versionpolicyvalidatorgetavailablereleases-does-not
  • 3319045-build-events-assert-3319497
  • 3406010-update-composer-stager
  • 7.x-1.x
  • 8.x-1.x
  • 8.x-2.x default
  • 3.0.0-beta1
  • previous/3404429-get-type/2023-11-28
  • previous/3391715-round-2/2023-10-24
  • 3.0.0-alpha6
  • 3.0.0-alpha5
  • 3.0.0-alpha4
  • 3.0.0-alpha3
  • 3.0.0-alpha2
  • 3.0.0-alpha1
  • 8.x-2.7
  • 8.x-2.6
  • previous/3248975-stage-vs-staging-area/2022-12-13
  • previous/3311200-should-cron-updater/2022-12-12
  • previous/3311200-should-cron-updater/2022-12-09
  • previous/3318770-we-dont-explicitly/2022-12-05
  • previous/3318770-we-dont-explicitly/2022-11-24
  • previous/3322203-make-sure-packages/2022-11-22
  • previous/3304142-use-composer-utility-getRecommendedModuleUpdates/2022-11-22
  • 8.x-2.5
  • previous/3280403-show-all-updates/2022-10-31
27 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.06Mar32128Feb27262322211716151413986330Jan27262423201814131211965330Dec29222019161413121098765125Nov242322211817161514121110987642131Oct2827262524212019181714131211107654330Sep292827262322212015141312119876532130Aug29262524221918171615121110943129Jul282726252322212019181514131187654130JunIssue #3345766 by phenaproxima: CollectIgnoredPathsFailValidator should use ComposerInspector instead of ComposerUtilityIssue #3345768 by phenaproxima: StatusCheckTraitTest should use ComposerInspector instead of ComposerUtilityIssue #3345764 by phenaproxima: OverwriteExistingPackagesValidator should use ComposerInspector instead of ComposerUtilityIssue #3345765 by tedbow: SupportedReleaseValidator should use ComposerInspector instead of ComposerUtilityIssue #3345881 by tedbow: Remove fake-site fixture for automatic_updates_extensionsIssue #3343827 by tedbow, Wim Leers: Clean-upIssue #3343827 by tedbow, Wim Leers: Update FixtureManipulator to work with InstalledPackagesList, real composer show commandIssue #3312960 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima, tedbow, Wim Leers: Create an API for base requirement validators which run before other validators and stop event propagation if they failIssue #3345549 by tedbow: PackageManagerKernelTestBase::assertResults ignores event classIssue #3331355 by omkar.podey, tedbow, phenaproxima, Wim Leers, yash.rode: Refactor exception architectureAdd "unshallow" to dictionary.Issue #3345313 by phenaproxima: Path excluder tests do not need to disable the lock file validatorIssue #3345039 by phenaproxima, Wim Leers, effulgentsia: Remove dependency on symfony/configIssue #3345180 by cola: Wrong class name in package_manager.api.phpIssue #3345028 by phenaproxima, Wim Leers: Package Manager's services should use autowiringIssue #3321933 by omkar.podey, Wim Leers, tedbow, yash.rode, phenaproxima: Remove dependency on symfony/finderIssue #3343889 by yash.rode, Wim Leers, phenaproxima, tedbow: Drop support for end-of-life versions of ComposerIssue #3344039 by phenaproxima, tedbow: Rename ComposerExecutableValidator to ComposerValidatorIssue #3344595 by phenaproxima, kunal.sachdev, tedbow, Wim Leers: ComposerInspector::validate() should run `composer validate`Issue #3344127 by tedbow, kunal.sachdev, Wim Leers, phenaproxima: Run `composer validate` after FixtureManipulator commits its changesIssue #3344556 by kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima: Make ComposerInspector::getVersion() privateIssue #3344689 by tedbow: Do not disable package_manager.validator.composerIssue #3344039 by phenaproxima, tedbow, Wim Leers: Add a validate() method to ComposerInspector to ensure that Composer is usableIssue #3344562 by phenaproxima: HEAD is broken due to dependency error with Composer 2.5.4Issue #3344124 by tedbow: Validate fake_site with composerIssue #3342120 by Wim Leers, yash.rode, tedbow, phenaproxima: Fix PHPStan violations (happened because PHPStan code checks stopped running…)Issue #3267646 by yash.rode, Wim Leers, kunal.sachdev, phenaproxima: Refine multisite detection: many aliases for a single site is fine!Issue #3341224 by omkar.podey, Wim Leers, phenaproxima: Always catch \Throwable, not \Exception, and pass the old exception when re-throwingIssue #3341841 by kunal.sachdev, Wim Leers: Fix language nit in package_manager_help()Issue #3339714 by kunal.sachdev, Wim Leers: Dynamically copy scaffold file mapping when create fake_site fixtureIssue #3343430 by Wim Leers, tedbow, omkar.podey: Stop reusing core's in favor of 4 simple commandsIssue #3342137 by yash.rode, phenaproxima, Wim Leers: Rename validator methods to `validate` unless there different methods for different eventsIssue #3334994 by phenaproxima, tedbow, omkar.podey, Wim Leers: Add new InstalledPackagesList which does not rely on Composer API to get package infoIssue #3342726 by kunal.sachdev, Wim Leers: UnknownPathExcluder doesn’t consider hidden filesIssue #3327229 by yash.rode, Wim Leers: Remove `@requires PHP >= 8.0` annotation from all testsIssue #3342364 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima, tedbow, Wim Leers: Make StageEvent::$stage a public readonly property, and remove getStage()Issue #3323003 by tedbow, Wim Leers, yash.rode: Mark FailureMarker @internal and document ComposerUtility, PathLocator and ValidationResultIssue #3342460 by tedbow: $tempStore property of stage was removedIssue #3320824 by omkar.podey, phenaproxima, Wim Leers: Fix PHP Warning: serialize() in tests on PHP 8Issue #3321474 by phenaproxima, tedbow: Adopt PHP 8.1-only capabilities such as constructor property promotion + drop BC layers