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Commit a394fed0 authored by Yash Rode's avatar Yash Rode Committed by Ted Bowman
Browse files

Issue #3358878 by yash.rode, Wim Leers, tedbow: Test failing on 8.x-2.x on 10.0.x and 10.1.x

parent 1d071464
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"dictionaries": ["drupal","companies", "fonts", "html", "php", "softwareTerms", "automatic_updates"],
"dictionaryDefinitions": [
{ "name": "automatic_updates", "path": "./dictionary.txt"}
"ignorePaths": [
......@@ -95,6 +95,18 @@ END;
$this->assertSame('1.1.0', $module_composer_json->version);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function copyCodebase(\Iterator $iterator = NULL, $working_dir = NULL): void {
parent::copyCodebase($iterator, $working_dir);
// Ensure that we will install Drupal 9.8.1 (a fake version that should
// never exist in real life), which is the latest security release in this
// simulation.
* Tests updating a module in a stage directory via the UI.
......@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ colinodell
......@@ -9,42 +9,14 @@ build:
# Run code quality checks.
# Copy core's checking script into this contrib module.
- "cp /var/www/html/core/scripts/dev/ modules/contrib/automatic_updates/"
# Comply with core's checking script file permissions expectations.
- chmod 644 modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
# Rewrite $TOP_LEVEL/core since $TOP_LEVEL now refers to the contrib module.
- sed -i "s/\$TOP_LEVEL\/core/\/var\/www\/html\/core/" modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
# Ensure the remainder of the script runs from the script's directory and not the current working directory.
- sed -i "s/# Gets list of files to check./cd \"\$\(dirname \"\$0\"\)\";/" modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
# When constructing $FILES, ignore the `` file we just copied.
- sed -i "s/--exclude=vendor/--exclude=vendor" modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
# vendor/bin/phpcs now needs to be prefixed. And $TOP_LEVEL/vendor needs to be rewritten. And add verbose output.
- sed -i "s/vendor\/bin\/phpcs/\/var\/www\/html\/vendor\/bin\/phpcs/" modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
- sed -i "s/\$TOP_LEVEL\/vendor/\/var\/www\/html\/vendor/" modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
- sed -i "s/phpcs -ps/phpcs \$TOP_LEVEL -ps/" modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
# Disable all JS compile checks until we've matched core's build process.
# @todo Remove this in
- sed -i "s/COMPILE_CHECK=1/COMPILE_CHECK=0/" modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
- sed -i "s/core\/scripts\/js/js/" modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
# Uncomment to Check all files
#- sed -i "s/git diff --name-only HEAD~1 HEAD/find \* -type f -not -path \"\.\/\.git\*\"/" modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
# Make cspell examine our files.
- sed -i "s/yarn run -s spellcheck/yarn run -s spellcheck --root \$TOP_LEVEL/" modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
# Add our words to the dictionary.
- cat modules/contrib/automatic_updates/dictionary.txt >> core/misc/cspell/dictionary.txt
# Ensure we have the full path to PHPStan.
- sed -i "s/vendor\/bin\/phpstan/\/var\/www\/html\/vendor\/bin\/phpstan/" modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
# After all of the shenanigans above, we're finally ready to run core's ``! :)
- "modules/contrib/automatic_updates/ --drupalci"
# Restore the original permissions.
- chmod 777 modules/contrib/automatic_updates/
# Disable the PCRE engine's JIT, since it causes Composer to die during the
# update process, but only on Drupal CI, and for reasons that are essentially
# impossible to trace into. The PCRE JIT is not necessary for Automatic Updates
# to work correctly, and disabling it is a known workaround.
# @see pcre.ini
- sudo cp modules/contrib/automatic_updates/pcre.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d
# @todo Replace in favor of once lands.
- modules/contrib/automatic_updates/scripts/ --drupalci
halt-on-fail: true
# run_tests task is executed several times in order of performance speeds.
# halt-on-fail can be set on the run_tests tasks in order to fail fast.
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
* @defgroup package_manager_architecture Package Manager architecture
* Package Manager is an API-only module which provides the scaffolding and
* functionality needed for Drupal to make changes to its own running code base
* via Composer. It doesn't provide any user interface.
......@@ -354,6 +354,11 @@ END;
if (str_starts_with(\Drupal::VERSION, '10.')) {
// If we're running on Drupal 10.1, which requires PHP 8.1 or later, this
// polyfill won't be installed, so make sure it's not required.
if (str_starts_with(\Drupal::VERSION, '10.1')) {
// Disabling symlinks in the transport options doesn't seem to have an
// effect, so we use the COMPOSER_MIRROR_PATH_REPOS environment variable
// to force mirroring in ::createTestProject().
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# - Run all code quality checks.
# bash scripts/
# Performs the following quality checks, closely matching core's
# - Spell checking.
# - PHPCS checks PHP and YAML files.
# - PHPStan checks PHP files.
# - ESLint checks YAML files.
# cSpell:disable
cd "$(dirname "$0")/../" || exit;
while test $# -gt 0; do
case "$1" in
echo "Drupal code quality checks"
echo " "
echo "options:"
echo "-h, --help show brief help"
echo "--drupalci a special mode for DrupalCI"
echo " "
exit 0
# Find the site root directory. Check up to three directories above.
for i in {0..3}; do
DIR=$(dirname "$DIR")
if test -f "$DIR/core/composer.json"; then
# Set up variables to make colored output simple. Color output is disabled on
# DrupalCI because it is breaks reporting.
# @todo
if [[ "$DRUPALCI" == "1" ]]; then
red=$(tput setaf 1 && tput bold)
green=$(tput setaf 2)
title=$(tput setaf 4 && tput bold)
reset=$(tput sgr0)
# This script assumes that composer install and yarn install have already been
# run and all dependencies are updated.
print_separator() {
printf "\n${title}"
printf -- '-%.0s' {1..100}
printf "${reset}\n"
print_title() {
printf "${title}$1${reset}"
print_results() {
if [ "$RESULTS" -ne "0" ]; then
# If there are failures set the status to a number other than 0.
printf "\n${title}$LABEL: ${red}failed${reset}\n"
printf "\n${title}$LABEL: ${green}passed${reset}\n"
print_title "[1/4] PHPCS"
$CORE_DIRECTORY/vendor/bin/phpcs $MODULE_DIRECTORY -ps --standard="$CORE_DIRECTORY/core/phpcs.xml.dist"
print_results $? "PHPCS"
# print_title "[2/4] PHPStan"
#php -d apc.enabled=0 -d apc.enable_cli=0 $CORE_DIRECTORY/vendor/bin/phpstan analyze --no-progress --configuration="$CORE_DIRECTORY/core/phpstan.neon.dist" $MODULE_DIRECTORY
# print_results $? "PHPStan"
print_title "[2/4] CSpell"
cd $CORE_DIRECTORY/core && yarn run -s spellcheck --no-progress --root $MODULE_DIRECTORY -c .cspell.json "**" && cd -
print_results $? "CSpell"
print_title "[3/4] eslint:yaml"
cd $CORE_DIRECTORY/core && yarn eslint --resolve-plugins-relative-to . --ext .yml $MODULE_DIRECTORY && cd -
print_results $? "eslint:yaml"
if [[ "$FINAL_STATUS" == "1" ]]; then
printf "${red}Drupal code quality checks failed.${reset}"
if [[ "$DRUPALCI" == "1" ]]; then
printf "\nTo reproduce this output locally:\n"
printf "* Apply the change as a patch, or from the merge request branch\n"
printf "* Run this command locally: sh ./scripts/"
......@@ -345,8 +345,9 @@ class Converter {
* Removes lines from the module based on a starting and ending token
* These are lines that are not need in core at all.
* Removes lines from the module based on a starting and ending token.
* These are lines that are not needed in core at all.
* @param string $core_dir
* The path to the root of Drupal Core.
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ namespace Drupal\Tests\automatic_updates\Build;
use Behat\Mink\Element\DocumentElement;
use Drupal\automatic_updates\CronUpdater;
use Drupal\automatic_updates\Updater;
use Drupal\Composer\Composer;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PostApplyEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PostCreateEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PostDestroyEvent;
......@@ -263,46 +262,6 @@ class CoreUpdateTest extends UpdateTestBase {
* Sets the version of Drupal core to which the test site will be updated.
* @param string $version
* The Drupal core version to set.
private function setUpstreamCoreVersion(string $version): void {
$workspace_dir = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory();
// Loop through core's metapackages and plugins, and alter them as needed.
$packages = str_replace("$workspace_dir/", '', $this->getCorePackages());
foreach ($packages as $path) {
// Assign the new upstream version.
$this->runComposer("composer config version $version", $path);
// If this package requires Drupal core (e.g., drupal/core-recommended),
// make it require the new upstream version.
$info = $this->runComposer('composer info --self --format json', $path, TRUE);
if (isset($info['requires']['drupal/core'])) {
$this->runComposer("composer require --no-update drupal/core:$version", $path);
// Change the \Drupal::VERSION constant and put placeholder text in the
// README so we can ensure that we really updated to the correct version. We
// also change the default site configuration files so we can ensure that
// these are updated as well, despite `sites/default` being write-protected.
// @see ::assertUpdateSuccessful()
// @see ::createTestProject()
Composer::setDrupalVersion($workspace_dir, $version);
file_put_contents("$workspace_dir/core/README.txt", "Placeholder for Drupal core $version.");
foreach (['default.settings.php', ''] as $file) {
$file = fopen("$workspace_dir/core/assets/scaffold/files/$file", 'a');
fwrite($file, "# This is part of Drupal $version.\n");
* Asserts that a specific version of Drupal core is running.
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\automatic_updates\Build;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Composer\Composer;
use Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Build\TemplateProjectTestBase;
......@@ -90,4 +91,44 @@ END;
* Sets the version of Drupal core to which the test site will be updated.
* @param string $version
* The Drupal core version to set.
protected function setUpstreamCoreVersion(string $version): void {
$workspace_dir = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory();
// Loop through core's metapackages and plugins, and alter them as needed.
$packages = str_replace("$workspace_dir/", '', $this->getCorePackages());
foreach ($packages as $path) {
// Assign the new upstream version.
$this->runComposer("composer config version $version", $path);
// If this package requires Drupal core (e.g., drupal/core-recommended),
// make it require the new upstream version.
$info = $this->runComposer('composer info --self --format json', $path, TRUE);
if (isset($info['requires']['drupal/core'])) {
$this->runComposer("composer require --no-update drupal/core:$version", $path);
// Change the \Drupal::VERSION constant and put placeholder text in the
// README so we can ensure that we really updated to the correct version. We
// also change the default site configuration files so we can ensure that
// these are updated as well, despite `sites/default` being write-protected.
// @see ::assertUpdateSuccessful()
// @see ::createTestProject()
Composer::setDrupalVersion($workspace_dir, $version);
file_put_contents("$workspace_dir/core/README.txt", "Placeholder for Drupal core $version.");
foreach (['default.settings.php', ''] as $file) {
$file = fopen("$workspace_dir/core/assets/scaffold/files/$file", 'a');
fwrite($file, "# This is part of Drupal $version.\n");
......@@ -67,14 +67,23 @@ class UpdatePathTest extends UpdatePathTestBase {
$this->assertSame(CronUpdater::DISABLED, $this->config('automatic_updates.settings')->get('cron'));
// TRICKY: we do expect `readiness_validation_last_run` to have been renamed
// to `status_check_last_run`, but then
// automatic_updates_post_update_create_status_check_mail_config() should
// cause that to be erased.
// @see automatic_updates_post_update_create_status_check_mail_config()
// @see \Drupal\automatic_updates\EventSubscriber\ConfigSubscriber::onConfigSave()
$this->assertSame($expected_values, $key_value->getMultiple(array_values($map)));
// For Drupal >=10.1, we do not care about the update path since 8.x-2.x is minimally maintained.
// @see
if (str_starts_with(\Drupal::VERSION, '10.1.') || version_compare(\Drupal::VERSION, '10.1', '>=')) {
foreach ($map as $new_key) {
else {
// TRICKY: we do expect `readiness_validation_last_run` to have been renamed
// to `status_check_last_run`, but then
// automatic_updates_post_update_create_status_check_mail_config() should
// cause that to be erased.
// @see automatic_updates_post_update_create_status_check_mail_config()
// @see \Drupal\automatic_updates\EventSubscriber\ConfigSubscriber::onConfigSave()
$this->assertSame($expected_values, $key_value->getMultiple(array_values($map)));
$this->assertSame(StatusCheckMailer::ERRORS_ONLY, $this->config('automatic_updates.settings')->get('status_check_mail'));
$this->assertSame([], $this->config('package_manager.settings')->get('additional_trusted_composer_plugins'));
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