$output.='<p>'.t('Additionally, Automatic Updates periodically runs checks to ensure that updates can be installed, and will warn site adminstrators if problems are detected.').'</p>';
$output.='<p>'.t('Additionally, Automatic Updates periodically runs checks to ensure that updates can be installed, and will warn site administrators if problems are detected.').'</p>';
$output.='<p>'.t('Automatic Updates requires Composer @version or later available as an executable, and PHP must have permission to run it. The path to the executable may be set in the <code>package_manager.settings:executables.composer</code> config setting, or it will be automatically detected.',['@version'=>ComposerExecutableValidator::MINIMUM_COMPOSER_VERSION]).'</p>';
$output.='<p>'.t('For more information, see the <a href=":automatic-updates-documentation">online documentation for the Automatic Updates module</a>.',[':automatic-updates-documentation'=>'https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/update/automatic-updates']).'</p>';